we need some help!

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Jun 5, 2009
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my wife and i are just stumped. we have it so our rabbits will come out of his cage as soon as we get home. he does great while he is in out living/ dinning room. he does not have any accidents or anything and is pretty much perfect. but as soon as he comes in to our bedroom he gets the idea that it is his restroom. we have no idea why he does this but we want it to stop. he never pees it is always just pooping so that is the one good thing about it. what is weird about the whole thing is that he went a few weeks with no problems and when one day it just started. does anyone have any idea on how to stop him from doing this? any advice will be great!
2 questions: how old is he? is he fixed? do you have a litterbox in your bedroom for him?

okay that was 3 questions.

first i would say to give him a litter box in each room. i just went and bought cheap plastic ones when i trained any of my rabbits. then i take any stray poops and put them in the boxes. just keep doing that. he will get the point. it just takes a while sometimes.

if your rabbit is younge, you need to wait to litter train, it will only stress you out. i never litter train actively before they are fixed (so around 5 months to 6 months depending on rabbits size/developement)

second ill tell you that if he isn't fixed to get him done. this will cut way back on the marking. and make him way better at litter box using

if all else fails, close your room off to him. or just face the fact that you will have to pick up poop every time he is in there.
Katt has asked some great questions.

I also wonder if there was an addition to the house that maybe uses that room too, or if something has changed in that room, or even if you have changed a scent in that room (maybe fabric conditioner, or washed the carpet or something).

He may feel more insecure there and be marking his territory there.

But yes, I agree with Katt *nods*
Katt, thanks for the advice. well we do have him fixed and he just turned a year old we think, he came from a shelter so the date is a little off. he seems to be trained just not for that room which is weird. we are thinking about trying another litter box so this weekend we will pick another one up to see if that helps.

flashy, thanks for your advice also. well we live in an apartment so there had been no change to the room but we have been clearing the area where he did poop at so maybe he is trying to mark is territory. if he does it again we will just remove the poop without cleaning and see if he does any better.

whats funny about the whole thing is that he is so happy when he is in the bedroom, running, jumping and kicking but we hate that he thinks it is his own personal restroom. we will try what you guys have suggested, thanks again.

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