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Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
Liverpool, England
I discovered that Lenin loves going out on walks in the fields not too far from my house ^^

Does anyone else take their rabbits for walks??

Bandit loves walks, most of the time I keep it within our backyard, but we have been out into the park. I limit the park though because there's often dogs off leash, and they spray it from time to time and I like to make sure there's plenty of time since they last sprayed before I consider taking him out there.

Also, Lenin is adorable :)
I don't know about walks (my buns walk in the yard without a harness) but your bun's name is certainly very original :)
I like to take Ash out on walks in the backyard but I usually stay away from the parks because other animals have been there and a lot of times the grass is sprayed. I do let Ash out in my backyard like I said, and he takes me all over the place and seems to really enjoy it. :)
We used to take Gus for walks at our old house (a dog-free townhouse complex), but our new place has waaayyy too many dogs for me to feel comfortable going for walks. But he loooooves to be outside. So we've got a pen for the backyard now.

Thank you! He was given the name Lenin because my partner bought me him as a congratulations gift for applying for my Master's degree and getting good grades at University. Seeing as I'm doing History I kept the History theme haha
Thanks again everyone ^^

The field were I take him has a well cut large field were occasionally there is on or two dogs, but not all the time but then there is also a slightly over grown area were no dogs go and Lenin loves it, he loves digging about and exploring.

The sounds of passing cars scare him a little but I always come to his level and keep him calm when they pass.

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