Vocal bunny?

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Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
Ballarat, , Australia
My bunny, Tinky, makes a lot of noise.

I've had a rabbit in the past, and he was very silent.

Tinky, however, is not silent at all. She grunts as she hops around, she stamps her feet A LOT, she sometimes gives a light squeak or grunt when I pat her... she's just the noisiest bunny I've ever met. I've never heard her growl, though.

I worry that this means she doesn't like me... especially the thumping. I can just be feeding her a treat, or playing with her with her ball, or just talking to her, and she'll let out a big thump. She even does it in the morning when I let her into her run. She sees me; she thumps. I've been trying really hard to bond with her, and she doesn't seem aggressive to me at all anymore. Yet the sounds remain...

Is this because I haven't had her neutered yet? To be honest I have no idea of her gender, really...
Tippy does the happy-thump and the omg-exited-binky-thump as well as the "I'm mad at you" thump. As long as it's not a hard thump and a mean "hey! Meanie!" face, thumps aren't always bad. Q-tip gets over-excited to see me and gives excitement thumps.

Some bunnies are vocal. We had a really vocal one...granted, she was evil, but she was vocal. I've had a totally silent one, too. Not a peep out of her. Q is somewhere in the middle. She grunts at me sometimes when I'm petting her, or when she sees me coming with a treat.

Getting bunny fixed may help, but Tippy kept her noises after the spay...I just consider them a cute little quirk.
I have four bunnies and all have their own way of communicating. Some are laid back and will grunt when I pick up. Some give me thumps when they don't want to be picked up but will submit. I get purrs, grunts, even a hiss once. Lots of thumps and binkies.

All rabbits are individuals. Some are quiet but some let you know they are around and active. Maybe spaying will help with the noise, but don't be surprise if after spaying you still have a vocal bunny.

As long as she is not hissing at your, charging with a grunt, I wouldn't worry. Sounds like she's letting you know how she feels.

K :)

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