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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2005
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Hi,how much vanilla am i supposed to put in mybunnies water? It is vanilla essence right?I know there are 2 types ofvanilla essence...the natural and artifical versions. Is it ok to useartificial? I can't seem to find the natural vanilla essence anywhere.
I'm assuming that essence is the same asextract? I use imitation vanilla extract. I mix itin a gallon jug (between all my critters, I end up using 2 gal.) with aratio of 1 gal of water to 1 tsp of vanilla. I've heard youcan use up to 1 tbsp. per gallon. Basically, the goal is tojust tint the water in a clear water bottle.

wintermelon wrote:
hmm...i think they are the same. Thanks for the reply!
Vanilla essence and extract are the same.

Natural Vanilla Extract contains alcohol, whereas imitaion extract does not.

As Jen stated, you can use approximately one teaspoon of vanillaflavoring extract, natural or imitation, to one gallon of drinkingwater.

is natural or imitation better? I have a hugebottle of imitation but if natural is better, i will head out to getsome. Is alcohol bad for them?
I would recommend the imitation as it does not contain alcohol so is better for your rabbit.

Too much alcohol isn't good for any body or bunny.

Sunshine, I use the same amount you do and it works great.

I would not advise using the real stuff - you don't want a drunk rabbit on your

But seriously, when you think reasonably and logically - alcoholdamages the liver, so I wouldn't want to risk any rabbits healthand well being by giving it Real/NaturalVanilla.Stick with the safer, non-alcoholic versions - immitation extract.

Will do so. Only thought of using the real oneas i thought it wld be healthier etc..did not know that it

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