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Active Member
Mar 1, 2007
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
The last couple of days I have come home from work and found that Bailey is all wet with urine.

She has never had this problem before and it has only happened over the last few days.

We are having some building work done to our patio at the back of our house, which is close to the buns bedroom. Do you think she is getting scared with the noise that is going on outside and it is causing to basically wet herself?

She is eating, drinking and pooping ok, and the building work should stop in the next couple of days. So I guess I'll just have to wait and see if she stops it when the work ends.
Could buck be spraying her?
I don't think so as they are in separate hutches, still. I did put them in together yesterday for the first time and they seemed to be fine, a bit of humping by Buck, but Bailey didn't seem bothered by it. Although when I went to pick her up last night she was wet again.

I've moved her hack into her own hutch today and I'll see how she is when I get home, are there any infections that could cause it?
It's urine and not water? and they can spray pretty far! If they are close enough he could spray, he might.

Otherwise I wouldn't venture to guess - other than maybe she was startled.
Watch her very carefully for signs that she's straining to pee or 'leaking'.

How old is she?

Does her pee look normal? Is it just her back end that's wet? Any wetness in a particular area in the hutch? Does she have a crock or a bottle?

Urinary tract infections, kidney and bladder stones are all common. Uterine tumors are something else to watch for. I haven't heard about nervous bunnies peeing themselves before,but sounds possible I guess.

Hope she's okay.

sas :clover:
She's only 9 months old, she's been neutered, she has a water bottle and there are no area's of her hutch that are particually wet apart from her litter box, which is cleaned daily.

It's just her back end that is wet. She was fine on Friday and Saturday, but when I put her in with Buck yesterday she was wet again. She's back in her hutch now and I'll se how she it when I get back tonight. If she's wet again I'll take her to the vets for a check up.

Try and get her in a position where you can actually see her pee and check it out.Maybe take the litter away and just put down paper if she has a box. Or you can put a screen over it withsome clean bubble wrap underneath to catch some of it in.

Watch to see if she's straining or taking longer than usual.

And keep her as dry as you can, a wet bottom can lead to hutch burn.

Let us know how it goes!

sas :clover:
Thanks for the advice.

She doesn't seem to be doing anything different to normal, but I will try some of the things you said.

sometimes, for whatever reason. . . rabbits start to pee, then roll in it.

we had one flemmie doe when i bred, that would always pee on the floor, then roll around to make her back all wet with urine. . . she went from being a wonderfull white bunny to yellow. . . no matter what i did, (and she had to have solid flooring as she at one point in her life had sore hocks) she would always pee then roll in it!


here she is on a day of cage cleaning (days that i did a complete clean of the flemmies cages, they were moved to a different hutch. . .that is why she has wire flooring). . . you can see soulfood's yellow back. . .
Oh goodness, I hope she isn't going to start doing that, but knowing my luck she will.
Other that drying her each day is there anything else I can do to keep her clean.

I don't want to start bathing her, I know she really won't like that, is it ok to just dry her with a towel every day and is there anything I should put on her if she develops sores?


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