update on Flemish Giants!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2008
Reaction score
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Salem "might" be a she. I looked at him today after giving him his meds and it looks like he has a taco. If he is a she this will be great for me seeing i dont have to split them up. I will still get each fixed when the time comes but might wait a little longer if both are shes! My weekend was good/bad but the babies are getting huge. They are cheering me up. I'll post pics tommorow!
That could be your lucky break or could be worse as I have heard 2 females can be worse at fighting.
I understand the getting big thing. Tony, my flemmie, is growing everyday it seems. He is HUGE! Lol.
yea they get bigger daily and they should at because they eat like crazy! I will check him again when the thing down there isnt so swelled.
lol even Salem who was the runt of the litter is catching up to Stormy is size i am very happy!
Aww! As I've recently gone through a sex change with my rabbits (my sweet little Mary Jane turned out to be a hunka hunka man rabbit) I can say I am of no help. LMAO

Hopefully you get it figured out soon, and you know which is which. At least Salem is a relatively unisex name. Unlike Mary Jane. :p
This is stupid on me, a hick country boy ............I took our last cat to the vet to get "netured" because it was a "boy".

I got the vet's office and she came in in her white smock and said, "what are we doing to Boo-Boo today?"

"No more balls please."

"OK," and she takes Boo-Boo in back, and I'm getting ready to walk out the door when the vets comes back into the room.

"Here you go, that's the easiest $100 I've made today!"

So I made another appointment for two months for a spading!


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