Update* Beazel and Alfie

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2009
Reaction score
, Iowa, USA
There's good and bad news. Beazel's back feet have completely healed up, and his fur has grown back. His front paws he picks at, but we're working on them. Alfie is doing fine as well. I think they divided up their cage because Beazel isn't happy with Alfie's... behavior.

Unfortunately I'm going to have to re-home them, which is proving difficult. I can't afford to give them a healthy diet, proper vet care, or as much time and attention as they need. And because Beazel ate my mouse cord (I'm tabbing)I can't respond to e-mails I get that are interested in them, or finish my taxes, or apply for work online. I left him alone for FIVE MINUTES...

So, that's about it. They're on an all vegetable diet, because I can't get any hay or pellets, but because I'm on a natural diet as well they have a wider variety. Their dinner tonight was purple cabbage, broccali, carrots, and romane lettuce. I'm hoping to get them re-homed within the next week (the work force center allows internet access). I may ask the rescue near me to give me a few days supply, or call the tractor supply and see if they don't have any trimmings I could nab.

Hope you're all well, and thanks for the support you all gave me and Beazel! You have no idea how much I appreciated it!
My wife is also having a hard time finding employment. I say prayers of thanks everyday that I have a job, in 2008 I lost 3 jobs that year. It put me in such a bad spot that it took over a year to fully recover.

I know all about not having food and having to make due, there would be times when I am really strapped, and my lovely dog would decided to eat my fish food. Luckily fish could go a little while with out food, so I was able to feed them bread every other day or so. I have also been out of dog food and had to feed every other day. My poor puppy got so used to it that he would only eat half his food each day even when getting feed every day.

I hope that you make it through this okay, I am sure someone will home your lovely couple. I thought I was going to have to give up my fish because I couldn't afford the electricity needs. I was lucky enough to re work the filtration to use much less electricity.

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