two bunnies with different behaviour!

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Aug 8, 2012
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london, , United Kingdom

I am after a bit of advice about both of my bunnies. We had owl ( a dwarf lop) since he was 3 months old ( now 18 months) and he is very tame and playful and adventurous. SinceI becamepregnant he has been getting more agressive with me and has given me some nasty nips, he has always had a bit of a temper, but it only seems to be me not my partner that he is biting! The vet says that he can probably sense my pregnancy and it may be jealousy but we had such a bond I don't want to lose it so early on! If anyone has been in a similar position I would love to hear your experience!

Our other rabbit Poppy is a rescue rabbit and we got her at 6 months old ( now just over a year), she has a great bond with Owl, but she doesnt seem to trust my partner and I. I gather she didn't have the best start to life, however after 9 months of love I was hoping she would have warmed to us! She has definitely got less skittish, and she will lie on her back in our armsfor ages, but getting her to pick up is a nightmare and I feel that she ends up a bit traumatised. She also flinches if you try and stroke her more than a couple of times. I can't help but feel that it's partly an act, as if I get out her treats she will climb onto my lap to get them.. We would love it if we could pick her up and have her feel comfortable jumping on us like Owl does, so any tips for her? She is in and out of the vet with teeth and eye problems so I think she tends to blame us for that!


Chloe x
Most rabbits dislike being picked up. So you were lucky with Owl. Maybe it's just my rabbit, but she likes when I touch her with one finger just above her nose & also touch the ends of her whiskers.
Thank you! I will try that, to be honest sometimes owl resists being picke up but most of the time he is very cuddly, I had hoped poppy might learn from him!
It takes time for you to gain a bunny's trust, and some don't have as much to give as others. Serena is a rescue and looked starved when we got her. She's very loving and likes to be carried around and rubbed--just how she is and why we can't understand how any person could treat her so badly.

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