Tumor in the hip joint.

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Jun 22, 2005
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I noticed last friday that Buster, my five yearold female, was favoring her back rightleg. Busterscage had a second level in it that she used to like to jump off, notthat high. As I digress, I suspected it to be a dislocatedhip. I took her to the vet and after an examination he saidthat we should get it xrayed as a dislocated hip would usually grind,and this wasn't. Dr. Anderson came back after the xray andsaid he had some bad news. The bone in the hip socket isdegenerating and it looks like there is a tumor in the jointitself. This was perplexing to the vet as he had never seen atumor in the joint. Dr. Anderson stated that it might also bea bone infection so he put her on Chlor-Palm at 3cc's a day.I am to take her back in about 17 days now for a follow upxray. I was curious as to if anyone else had experiencedsomething similar before with the tumor in the joint. Busteris still happy, she is still favoring the leg but is cudly as ever andgiving out kisses at any chance she gets. Her appetite seemsunaffecet at this point as well. Any information would begreatly appreciated.


Scott and Buster.

P.S. Buster is a mixed breed from the spca.
Sorry to hear about her. I had a Dutchbuck that broke his hind leg so I had it amputated and he is doinggreat! I also had a Dutch doe that slipped a disc in her backand she did fine too. I am sorry I can't be morehelp. GOOD LUCK!!!
AW! Scott, I am sorry to hear aboutyour bun. So sad. All of these amazing stories Ihear here make me realize that rabbits are rather hearty. Ihope Buster will pull through. Keep us posted.

Just had Busters three week check up.The vet was amazed. Buster was putting weight on her back legafter one week and is now getting around quiet well. She alsohas regained her appetite and has put on .2 kilos. The vetfeels that it was a bone infection, if it had been cancer as he thoughtshe would not have recovered as well. We will keep her on thechlor-palm for another two weeks and the re-evalute. I mustsay I am one happy pappy.

I hope it is just a boneinfection. A tumor would be terrible. I'm glad to hear that she'sgetting better :D
Just catching this post now and wondering how Buster's doing?

Let's all just hope that its just an infection.Tumors are horrible and may require surgery. Keep posting of how Busteris doing.

Take care,
[align=left]Buster is doing quite well, she isalmost back to being as troublesome as ever. Still working ongetting the dosage right for her meds. The vet has usincreasing them by 0.1cc daily to a max of 2.9cc. We got upto 2cc but she stopped eating so we backed her down to 1.8 and she iseating again. The vet wants to hit the infection agressivelyto try and get rid of it as soon as possible. Attached is apicture of Busters favorite part about medicine time, the bananaafter. She would eat the whole thing if we let her.My wife Patti and I would like to thank you all for you word ofencouragement and we will keep you posted.[/align]


I noticed the picture didn't come through, can anyone assist me with this.

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