training rabbit

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Active Member
Jul 6, 2009
Reaction score
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Hey everyone,

My little gal Thumper has had a habit of using my bed as a toilet ever since i adopted her in february. She is my first bun and i love her. Ive tried everything i can think of, put a litter next to the bed, put food in the litter to entice her to use it, i even bought garbage bags to put over my bed since she loves being with me on my bed so much, and cut them open and then placed her blankets over top but she just went for my pillows and peed on them. Everytime she repeats this behavior I remove her from the bed and say NO! quite firmly but it doesnt stop her. Anytime im on my bed i can see she wants to be up there with me and she likes to cuddle but i cant let her because of this. Any suggestions?

Also she is about 9 months now is it too late to spay her?
Thanks for any input u guys might have! :pray:

- neko the bunny newbie
I haven't had any experience with letting bunnies on my bed. But getting her spayed now might help. It's not too late to get her spayed. And it actually may help her behavior.

... :)April
It's never too late for a spay, the reason why she's peeing on your bed is a territorial thing, your bed doesn't smell enough like her and it definitely smells WAY too much like you!
She's just trying to make it smell a little more like her, my suggestion is to put some vanilla on her nose before she's on the bed, this will overwhelm her senses and then you can put her up on the bed after a minute or so. She should not go on your bed.
Spaying is overall the best option as it will improve her lifespan greatly!

The forum has a lot of great information on that, don't let people make you feel like you have to though! People don't mean to but sometimes it feels like they can be a bit pushy!

Vanilla extract is fine! And my buns love the smell of it! The idea is that it will distract her from your smell and overwhelm her sense of smell. Hopefully this means she won't be as territorial.

Scolding isn't always the best option, a loud NO! With a clap of hands and removal from the area is the best option.
Spaying will assist with unwanted behaviours. Well worth $100 bucks, for a pee-free bed, no false pregnancies, and less cage-aggression from a doe.
lol. okay my thumper does this all the time sometimes i have to wash my bedding twice a day sometimes more and he's neutered and he still pees on my bed. he thinks that its hilarious and just binkies when i yell at him.i like the vanilla extract idea though. i think i am going to give it a try later
like i said though i tried puting garbage bags but it didnt help the case. And i do want to let her up i just want to correct her behavior. thanks though :)
Anytime I let my bunny on our bed, I make sure she pees before she comes up. I know she will pee everytimeshe getsout of her cage,so after her pee, it is safe to be on the bed.

Funny thing, if she does pee on the bed, it is always on my wife's side of the bed. :D

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