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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Arizona, USA
I haven't been on in a while but for those of you who remember I adopted Moose not that long ago (My English Lop) from a girl who used to show him. He was kept in a small cage in a barn and would go to the bathroom wherever and she just swept after all the buns once a week. I was hoping to eventually litter train him but had to resort to moving him to a wire bottom cage (don't worry there are blankets in there for him to stand on so he's not always on the wire) since he just goes EVERYWHERE. Unlike Chompers who went in one spot and was very easy to train..Moose will go to the bathroom, then lay in it. He doesn't stay in one spot..he goes everywhere. He ignores the little box fully, going to the bathroom in it but then going everywhere else as well. He is neutered now and has been for about a month. Is he just always going to go wherever or will he ever learn?? Any tips?? :pleaseplease:
Is his litterbox big? Tony really had issues with a smaller box..... he didn't like getting in it...

Try a better box, can you tuck his blankets so he has to pee on them if he goes outside the box?

Confine him to that without any time out for a couple of days at least. That's how you train cats. You could let him out in a VERY small area with his same box. (Like a 3 x 3 area) Put his pee and poo in it over and over if he drops them - put them in.

He has to get the idea that this is where they go.

Now, I need to teach my boys too! They are having issues because they want to mark where the other has been.

I love Moose, btw :)
Hey! Glad to have you back :hug:. We need more pictures, LOL!

I agree with Bo, get a bigger litterbox. Phinn and Cleo were lacking their toilet habits till I got a big cat sized one, and now they are pretty good about it.

If you move him out of the wire bottom cage, put him on a wipeable surface like coroplast or linoleum. Every time he doesn't go in his box, either pick the poops up with a dustpan or soak the pee with a paper towel, and put it in his box. I usually spray a pet safe cleaner on the area too, so it doesn't smell like his potty.

Oh! Also, try putting his hay in his litterbox. And moving all blankies/beds to the opposite side of the cage from the box.

Good luck, and keep us updated :)!
Since he has only been neutered a month, his hormones are just now going away. Probably he will get better as time goes on and he starts to figure things out. Sometimes you jsut have to out stubborn them, too. ;)
Of all three of my rabbits, Clover is the cleanest about her box! She hardly ever even loses a poo!
Ringer is fabulous about using her box. Brownie is too when he's in his cage. But out on the porch they are horrible. All over the place around the box. Now I put papers all around the area, but I wonder if that's a good idea. Now they go all over the papers instead of the box. I wonder why they are so good inside but so sloppy out.

You just have to keep trying I guess. Baby Starry was awful. She would go all over the nice fluffy bed I kept for the babies. The others were good, but I couldn't do anything about her. Finally she started spraying the other rabbita, even her mother. All the time.

I think she was trying to be the supreme rabbit. She would climb up to the counter and sit up there and lord it over everyone, throwing towels down onto them etc. She was so cute I adored her, but it was bothersome for the others. I pray she settled down in her new home.
Thanks guys for all your replies! Looks like a kitty litter box will be the way to go. For now he is restricted to playing ONLY in the bathroom since I can clean up his messes easier in there then on carpet :grumpy:. He's lucky I love him..dirty bun and all :nope:
As big as he is/will be - I think I'd get a large litterbox for him. I saw some really nice ones for cats - even a corner one that was really big and high in the back!

Heck! if he thinks it's cool - give him a rubbermaid container LOL!

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