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Sep 21, 2007
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Tallahassee, Florida, USA
So I'm getting ready to write another rabbit related article for class and need some helpful advice from my fellow rabbit lovers...

Toys. What toys does your bun love? Have you made your own toys for them? Whats the importance of toys? And pretty much anything you'd like to add in about toys...

Thanks in advance! You all rock!
Mine love boxes made into "caves" lol. Anything they can *hide* in - bags, newspaper teepees. Things they can pick up and flip around. Bo loves his new set of baby stacking cups! Clover isn't allowed near them! lol.

They have tubes (mine are from connected kids' tents) they can hop through - love those.

Cat barrel toy with bell inside.

Bird hanging wood toy with bell on the bottom - these have been transformed into SERVANT bells by all of the bunnies! 'need mommy to get me .... fill in blank' - Then just ring my bell until she notices me!

Check out the links in the Toys! thread in the Bunny 101 section of the Library...lots of threads from here in RO and all over the web about homemade toys! :)

Also...for myself...

My toy-making supplies contain:

- sisel twine

- cardboard pieces

- toilet paper or paper towel rolls

- plain (brown) paper lunch sacks

- hay

- various healthy (not petstore-labeled) treats...i.e. raisins, craisins

- my daughter :)

I like to hand my daughter a good almost foot long section of sisel twine, and have her knot it as many times in one spot as possible, so that it become one big knot of sisel. I have her do one for each bun, and just drop it in the top. They LOVE sitting and chewing them. :)

As for other toys, I like to cut up the rolls (paper towel or toilet paper) into pieces that are about 1.5 inches long, the either tie some sisel through one end (through holes that I poke into the sides) and out the other, with a knot on each side and just drop it right in...or I sometimes use the twine to hang the pieces from the ceiling. That way, they can sit there and chew the sisel (as Flower likes to do), or bat them around (as Trixie enjoys).

I also like to take the paper sacks, fill them with hay (and maybe a pinch of oats, and a treat or two...but not many as far as treats), and then bunch the bag up at the top and tie it closed with the sisel. The girls LOVE throwing these around and working their way into the bag by tearing it open for the treats...and then munch on the hay and the sisel, and even the bag a little!

There are so many things you can do. If you have an inventory of various chewable things, you can make so many different things! :D

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