Toronto Humane Society Interview!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
, Ontario, Canada
I handed in a resume to THS about a week ago and just got a call asking if I was free Monday and 10:30am for an interview! I'm so excited, I have been saying for the past while that I love doing what I do with the Mississauga Humane Society and if I could get paid for it, it would be the perfect job and now this phone call. I'm so excited. :biggrin2:
Best of Luck!

What would you be doing? Feild or office?
Vet Assisstant

I applied for shelter worker (clean cages and such) but they offered me this on the phone call instead.
That's an awesome sign!

That sounds like more fun too.
Well, I got the job!

I start Wednesday at 7am. Which is good as I'll avoid the rush hour traffic (hopefully) or at least most of it.

After the interview me the boyfriend and his mom decided to look at the animals for adoption. So sad. :( We went into the small animal room... I fell in love, hard. There was a rabbit there, no name tag or anything on the cage but it was missing any eye. It was so cute and friendly, it just rested its chin on the bars as I rubbed his face, even started to fall asleep, the wiggling nose got slower and slower. I wanted to take it home so bad and as soon as I got home I checked their website to see if the rabbit was on there but not yet so it must be a new one. God I want the poor little thing...
Way to go! :bunnydance:

I see the shelter has 40-50 rabbits needing homes. It's different they don't have adoption fees, and will only take donations.

Congratulations!! I got 2 of my buns from the THS, and I live like down the street - I'm there pretty often just to visit and check out the buns!!
Congrats. You will do awesome.
Thanks everyone. :)

I'm told they change that from time to time. Some times they don't have an adoption fee they just ask that you give them a donation of some mount for all their hard work and other times there are adoption fees. I think it has to do with the amount of animals they have at the time and how much space they have taken up. There was a lady in there today with a little boy adopting a rabbit I believe, already fixed ect for $20. There are some bunnies that I noticed that aren't on the website either so there's more then just that, one little white bunny with pretty blue eyes had some head tilt going on. Poor thing. It was in the temp. controled room with the reptiles.

Thats awsome Honeypot. I've never driven to Toronto before myself so those trollys really threw me off when I met one. I think driving down there is going to take some getting used to. Afterwards we went to The Old Spaghetti Factory, yum. I've got to go down there some day and see whats around the THS food wise.

Cove wrote:
a little boy adopting a rabbit I believe, already fixed ect for $20.
That is a bargain. The Edmonton Humane Society is charging $25 for each unfixed rabbit and $50 for a fixed rabbit. We just had a large surrender of rabbits so the shelter is allowing a 2 for 1 adoption, where you can take 2 rabbits home for the price of one. Considering the fees of $200 for a spay from a vet, adoption fees of $50 for a fixed is very good.
Yeah, and that was just her choice to give $20. I think it costs them less because they have 6 vets on staff and have all the things needed (own lab ect)so it doesn't cost them as much money.

Everyone seemed really nice, especially this one guy who caem up when I was trying to find out where to go to tell them I was there for an interview. He told me he'd find someone and I could go relax downstairs and get a drink or a bite to eat. Afterwards when we were getting ready to leave he came up and asked how everything went and how I was doing and the like. Hopefully this is the end to my job hopping.
I'm super proud of you! Look at you, landing the perfect job for a cat-hugging bunny snuggler like yourself!
You will do a fantastic job, I'm sure :)

Now, about that one eyed bun... If you get him, can he have a little pirate patch?:biggrin2:
That would be too cute... bunny-napping plans commencing now...:p
I know its the perfect job, dogs, cats and bunnies. :) There was an older Staffie cross there thatI wanted oh so badly as well, she was skinny and had some scabs on her head but I adored her, love the older animals. Not allowed to pet them but she tried her best to make me break the rules lol.

That one eyed bun could have some interesting name possibilites lol. Boyfriend gave me one look and said "you'll not be bringing anything home". Yeah... we'll see how that goes seeing as I'll have the money to care for it as well as pay my half of rent easily.
Cove wrote:
I know its the perfect job, dogs, cats and bunnies.

You mean thereare dogs and cats there too? :p

Everytime I go to our shelter, I end up spending 3 - 4 hours there. I am so immersed with taking pictures ofthe rabbits, I don't have time for the other animals there. The people at the shelter know me as the guy with the camera. The last few weeks I have been feeding all the rabbits with greens and fruits.I would bring in 40 - 50 lbs of food for the rabbits. So last week they recruited me as a volunteer.


Did I say I take pictures there? This is Jazz, a pigeon cooped :p up in therabbit room. :biggrin2:
That is a beautiful looking bird.

I wish I could spend time with the animals thus far I've been in the medical ward tending to dozens and dozens of sick cats.

We've also gotten a rabbit in recently with only one ear! Poor guy, looks like it just fell off so he's in the crit. room. Very cute little guy though. I haven't been able to check on on the one eyed bunny yet. :(

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