Too Many Sweets?

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Sep 13, 2009
Reaction score
, , USA
I was wondering if someone could give me a little help with this. I have a three-year-old rabbit and she is very well behaved usually. Lately, I've been treating her with a few raisins or a pineapple chunk once a day. Other than that, nothing has changed with her diet.

Now, she begs constantly whenever I let her out of her cage. She just follows me around the room and stands up on her hind legs and begs (it is really cute, but I think it may be a problem because I might accidently step on her :(). She has also been neglecting her hay and healthy veggies.

I've been told to stop giving her treats. I would hate to do that because she really loves them (and I couldn't imagine being without sweet things, myself!). Is this the right information or should I be doing something else?

You could try giving other things as treats, such as a little piece of her favorite veggies, herbs like cilantro, basil, mint etc, even flowers like roses, calendula, etc. Or a tiny piece of carrot. You can even give a pellet or 2 when she begs, if she likes that.

You can give fruits, but only very limited amounts each day.

Btw, if she doesn't get fruit each time she begs, and she doesn't like what you give her instead, she will stop begging after a while. It's only when you give in and give her what she wants, that she'll learn to beg continuously.
I have two overweight rabbits from giving too many treats and I slowed down what I was giving years ago. It seems easy for them to gain weight and hard to get it off. So, I wouldn't give a lot of treats. Just for your bunny's health. I love Hilde's idea of giving a pellet when they beg. I may try that. I do still give a treat every other day or so. I don't want them to never get any, just in moderation.

My rabbits also run all over under my feet if they think they may be getting a treat. I have almost stepped on them or fallen from trying not to step on them. Is there something that triggers your bun to thinking a treat is coming? I know my buns think they are getting a treat when I open the closet. But there a million other things in the closet then their treats. But since I know that triggers them, I know to be careful regardless of what I am getting out of the closet. Though they have caught me off guard several times.

The treat thing is hard. I wish we could give them as much as they want. Especially when they are so cute and beg!!!
She is using you for treats, don't buy into it, haha. A couple treats a couple/few times a week is okay, but watch it, they will demand more, haha.

Who was it that posted that vid of their bun on it's hiney's getting craisens? I have been looking for that vid! If you know who you are, please post it here!

Snuff took six steps for a craisen, but I didn't get it on vid, darn it all!:pullhair:
My bunnies all get limited treats, but only at certain times of the day. At first, they did beg all the time, but after some time, they did learn that begging in the early evening will only get them pets, no treats. Now, they still beg, but *only* at treat time.

Okay, I'll be sure to give that a try. She loves veggies like carrot, cilantro, and basil and her pellets. I guess I'll try giving her fruit once in a while instead of once a day, because I hear it's like bunny candy.

Yes, there is something that triggers the begging. I keep her raisins on my dresser, and whenever I'm there and she's doing her exercise in the room, she comes over and stands up on her little feet. I'll be more careful about that.

I'll also try just giving her a treat at a certain time of day. Thanks for the help, everyone!

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