To: BunnyMommy

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holidays can be tough for sure....and you justmade me realize why i'm not in any rush to "go home" for theholidays. Hubby and I live 300 miles away from my family, Ilived with my grandparrents for 19 years of my life, this will be thesecond christmas w/o my grandfather. Holidays just doesn't seem thesame. And carolyn maybe that is the other reason i never putup a tree last year I never really thought about it till now... ourthoughts are with you bunnymummy
Gabby wrote:
Andcarolyn maybe that is the other reason i never put up a treelast year I never really thought about it till now...

That would make sense, Gabby.

You'll put up a tree when you're ready. I chose to wait untilI wanted a tree again. I celebrate the holiday quitedifferently since those years I grieved.

I focus so much more on the meaning behind the holidaynowrather than the decorations and thegifts.

There seems to be so much pressure on having fun and doing certainthings. Once I broke that mold,the holidays took ona new meaning. I have come to a point in my life that I canenjoy them, but they're not as "big" as they used to be and I doubtthey'll ever be again.


Carolyn, thanks for bringing up the topic. Bunnymommy, like Stephanie, I think of you a lot too. Since I joined thisforum, I feel so close to everyone, and when Danny passed I think weall felt a loss even though we didn't know each other. You can get apretty good feel of the type of people that visit here and you arealways so helpful and unbiased and cheer us up, despite how you may befeeling, that I think we all feel pretty close to you. I thinkChristmas makes us more reflective on things, which is bound to bepainful, but our thoughts are with you and your family, and I send youall my best wishes.

Jan, Perry and pernod xx
You all are really the most WONDERFULpeople. Thank you so much for your care andconcern. Never feel afraid to broach this subject withme. I know that everyone is different, but it doesn't hurt meto talk about it. In fact, I welcome the release.

You really don't know how healing it is to know that there are peoplesuch as yourselves who really care about my grief and loss.

Stephanie, you are so sweet. You are a most welcome andvalued addition to this board. Your warmth, intelligence, andsincerity comes through on every post. I thank you forthinking of me and taking the time to be with us in spirit on yourbirthday while Danny was laid to rest. Really, if you couldhave been there to witness the outpouring of love on that day and thejoy that was present over the surety that he was now with the Lord itwould give you cause to make every birthday a celebration.Thank you, thank you over and over for having this type of concern forme.

Raspberry, I think that you've felt a lot of what I'm feelingnow. I'll probably be writing you off board in the nextcouple of days or so.

MyBunnyBoys, I had forgotten about your losses of this year!My heart goes out to one so young to have to suffer suchtragedy. I know that you probably can't understand this rightnow, but the experience makes you stronger in the end. Myprayers and thoughts go out to you. Write me if you need asupportive shoulder or an open ear.

Luna21, thank you, thank you so much.

Luvabun, you and my precious Perry and Pernod are always such a sourceof comfort to me. I still let out a refrain of the "Perry andPernod" song every now and then. Thank you for being theperson that you are.

Pam, the depth of your compassion never fails to amaze me.Thank you for thinking of me with all that you have going on in yourown life.

Pepper, bless your heart. You're a true survivor and have myutmost respect. I'll be thinking of you too during these longand lonely holidays.

Mygirl2K3 and Bluebird, thank you so much for your concern and sentiments. You are both so sweet.

Gabby, thank you so much for adding your sentiments. I always find your words so well placed.

Everyone, you had no way of knowing that I've been pretty downcast overthe last week or so. I really, really miss Danny and it's astrange feeling to have this kind of grief envelope you while the restof the world goes on as normal. It's like you're on theoutside looking in. You really don't know how your kindnesshas uplifted my spirits. I don't know how so many wonderfulpeople have come to find this board, but I'm so glad and so happy thatyou all are here. Thank you for being such wonderful friendsand for stepping out of your comfort zone to try to ease my grief.

Thank you so much again ... * HUGE hug *


Through your giving personality of love, laughter, and strength, how could we not be affected by you.

You thank us?


You have touched each our hearts so deeply and with such love that we are at a loss of words on how to give that back to you.

As stated above, we think about you and your struggles daily and we pray for your happiness.

We all love you because in some way, at some point, you made us feelspecial and loved. We hope to return those feelings to you during thesenext 2 months.

bunnymummy from your photos I do feel Danny had awonderfully personality, it just shines through his face and eyes. Ialso find it quite amazing how you have held up under such a loss. Ofcourse most of us do not see those moments when you feel it the most,but we are all with you in spirit and hope to bring you through theholidays with us. I am glad that talking about it is helpful to you,and I think most people are hard pressed to find such a groupas this who pours all their heart and being into it's members. I knowyou have plenty of true friend here, and I hope you have just as manyin the flesh if not more to be there, physically, as well as mentallywhen you need someone to lean on. our thoughts are with you -G
I too am going to be missinganimportant family member this season. My Mema died back inMay. Still think about her nearly every day. NextThursday is not only Thanksgiving, it's also her birthday.It's going to be a tough one.

So, bunnymommy, I'll be praying for you. God will get us through this horrible year.

I'm with you on the whole Thanksgiving time frame. My cousin, 8 at thetime, died at a result of being hit by a car while riding his bicycle.It was a bad situation as the driver, 3 years later has still NOT beencharged for Aaron's death. The driver didn't even have insurance andwasn't charged! The driver was known as the town crack head and wasallowed to go home before being questioned. The cops went to his house20 mins later after all the big part of the affair was over. Thisdriver could have gone home and cleaned his car out before the copslooked at/in it! The driver wasn't tested for drugs till the next dayand my aunt had to beg for the cops to take his car in for evidenceeven tho all evidence was erased. However, my cousin's bicycle wastaken for evidence right away. My aunt till this day is still fightingfor justice. However, now its not towards the driver, its towards thepolice department in that town.

We always had a cake for Aaronas desert for our Thanksgivingmeal since it was right around his birthday. The same year he diedThanksgiving was the day after his birthday. His olderbrothersaid he didn't feel good and slept the wholeThanksgivingmeal. However, we all knew why he was sick because he wilts whenthename Aaron is mention.
At Thanksgiving that year there was such an empty hole. LastThanksgiving his birthday was on Thanksgiving and nobody wanted tomention it was his birthday. Finally while we were all sitting aroundplaying a Life on the Farm my aunt broke the ice. She came in the roomand announced "Aaron's birthday is today". For a while after that allpeople talked about were the memories of Aaron. Boy he sure had a lotof wonderful memories in his short life. I had snuck out and went tothe store to get a pre-made birthday cake and had them add Aaron's nameto it. I came back in the house with this cake and set it on thekitchen table and went into the living room. The next thing I know Ihear about 15 people singing Happy Birthday to Aaron. They were allhappy and cheerful because they realized we should be celebrating thathe was here with us for 8 years and not swormed around the grief we'vehad for 2 years. The rest of Thanksgiving it seemed nobodyseemed depressed to the point they were showing it.

I know this ended up surronding my story but it may give you an idea.Celebrate that you got the honor of getting to know Mema and her birth.Hay, you wouldn't be here without her..atleast in your sameform. LOL! She'd want ya'll to have an enjoyableThanksgiving, not surronded by sorrow. Soin a sorrow momentwith everyone depressed bring out thecake. It may bring moresorrow but in the case of my family theythought about thepositive side ofAaron's death and the joy he hadbroughtus while onEarth.

Not much more to add that would be moremeaningful than that which has already been written. Pleaseknow that I feel for all of you who have lost loved ones recently, ornot even so recently. They are all in a better place,hopefully across that bridge with out departed pets, waiting on us.

My prayers are that all of us leftbehindcan endurethat wait in the most painless manner possible.Nothing will ever make it better, just less painful and moreable to endure as time passes.

My heart goes out to you.

do what you need to for *you* this holidayseason. dont let anyone force you do what you're not up to doing, ornot in the mood to do. *sighs* if only i could follow my own advice.

Dearest BunnyMommy,

We all know in our hearts that one of BunnyDanny's his first prayers ofgratitude to God on Thanksgiving and Every Day was to have you in hislife.

Thinking and praying for you to Danny and God on this Thanksgiving Day.

Love always,


Thinking of you, BunnyMommy, with love and prayers.

Oh, my, I had no clue when I saw those beautiful pictures of you and your husband on the people picture thread......

I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and Danny in my prayers.

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