Tim -- The Head of Cirrustwi's Critter Crew

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New Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Wellsburg, West Virginia, USA
Well, it's about time my Mommy found me a way to communicate! Although, she still won't let me use the lap top on my own. (She says I need a lap to use it alone!)

I'm a very sad bunny right now. My friend, Elliot went away a few days ago. Mommy says he went to the rainbow bridge and will wait there for me and we will be together again, but I don't know quite what to think about that. I just want him to come back and cuddle with me in our cage again. Mommy says I'm going to get another friend. I don't know if I will like him or not, but he has to be better then being all alone when Mommy leaves every day to go play with the kids. (Sometimes she takes me with her, but I don't like all the noise. Elliot was happier there then me.)

Mommy knows I'm sad. She didn't even scold me when I chewed on her tax papers! But she did tell me how important they are and that I was lucky that I didn't eat the ones that the government wants.

My new friend is coming in a few days and I'm nervous about it, but he has lop ears too, soooooo, I know I'll like those. I never did understand why Elliot's stood up. Mom said maybe we will get another friend or 2 when we move soon. She said they will be like Elliot, but that they won't ever take his place.

Mommy says she needs the computer back to do her lesson plans...I don't need plans to learn a lesson. Why does she? Oh, well. Humans!

hello from me - roxy. i is impressed that you is chewing stuff. one of me security team (whiskey chocolate labrador) was escorting our papers to the accountant. apparently she thought that they would be safer if she ate them. me hoomin says that her husbun should have known better;)

my own husbun went to the bridge last year - i now have new one - lots younger then me but we is happy:D
Hello Roxy! I have a bwack wabrador as part of my crew, sometimes he thinks he might try to take over the crew, but I says I'm the weader!

I might try to wike a new bun, but I don't know yet. My mommy says he's coming and I can decide.

Today is my birfday and my Mommy hoomin is making me some yummies. So, I need to supervise.

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