Thumper's falling to the left...

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
Guys, I am so sorry for posting in the Infirmary yet AGAIN, but I just noticed something. I went in to pick Thumper up for our morning snuggle and I set him in my lap. After a minute or so,he started falling/leaning over to the left. He would correct himself and then do it again.

Thinking back, each night when he's on my bed with me, he'll lean against my leg (to the left). And I always thought it was adorable until I put two and two together that he was leaning to the left period.

He seems to notice himself doing it though and corrects himself. He walks and hops just fine, no loss of balance. No head tilt either.

I do notice that when he walks sometimes, hops, or especially being held, he grunts. Not a mean, put me down grunt, but like an old man grunt. Could this be a sign of arthritis? And could the leaning being caused by arthritis?

I want to take him to the vet (and will if it's absolutely necessary)but I am still flat broke and I'm already having to take Harper tomorrow. God knows what that'll cost me.

Thoughts? :?
It could be arthritis, it could also be a minor ear infection. I hope he's okay!:pray:

Are you still technically fostering him? Could the rescue help with getting him to a vet?
No, no longer fostering. He's mine and has been since the day after I originally started fostering him.

Is there any other symptoms I should look for if it could be a minor ear infection?
No, his ears are clean and smell clean as well.

There is one thing I've noticed since I've gotten him, not sure if it's relevant to the problem or not though. You know how most rabbits like to be scratched on the nape of their neck, behind their ears?

When I do that, he scrunches his neck and ears up, like it bothers him.So I typically don't do it and I just scratch his head and nose.

Is that an indication of anything?

I've also got some video just now of him leaning. Let me upload it and I'll post it.
It might just mean that he was previously mishandled around the neck. Fey and Sprite, as well as Tank(I helped transport her) were badly treated by previous owners and are uncomfortable with the back of their necks being touched.
naturestee wrote:
It might just mean that he was previously mishandled aroundthe neck. Fey and Sprite, as well as Tank (I helped transporther) were badly treated by previous owners and are uncomfortable withthe back of their necks being touched.
(Video is still uploading. Slow Photobucket...)

Well, he was very mishandled by his previous owners.They had him for 4 years in a small cage and rarely took him out. The owners claim that when they did take him out, it was for their young kids to tote him around everywhere (not exactly bunny heaven for a bunny). So there's really no telling what the kids did to him. The owners gave him up because the kids got tired of him and they got tired of cleaning him. Poor guy.
I tried and tried to upload the video and it won't work. Keeps timing out.

Anyways, it just shows him sitting on my bed and his head and front part of his body (but mainly his head)falling sllooooowwwly to the left. Then he'll correct himself, sit straight for a minute, and then start leaning over again.

Since I haven't seen him do it this could sound incredibly stupid...but...I'll say it anyways. Rabbit leans like that when she's really relaxed and sleepy. Do you think it could be that he's relaxed and then realizes it? Seeing as how he was mistreated before he could be scared to let his guard down completely. I just can't figure out why he would do this when he's sitting still and nothing be out of the ordinary when he's walking....anyways, just a thought.
Actually I am in a panic tonight and was on the phone with my friend earlier getting numbers and directions to her vet.

When Thumper is standing absolutely still, his head is tilted slightly to the left. So he's going to the vet tomorrow to be checked out. My first thought, of course, is head tilt.

Now my questions are this. How is head tilt diagnosed, what tests need to be performed, and how is it treated?

My biggest fear right now is cost. If he has head tilt and Harper has a blockage, among other things, how I am going to afford this is beyond me. If I can even afford it at all. I don't want to have to pick and choose who gets care and who doesn't, or to choose 'you only get so much care and that's it'.

Head tilt will be treated with antibiotics!

There are some that work really well. He should also take some paste that is usually used against worms..I dont know what its called in english. I will go check. It helps clean out the body faster..

It can get pricey depending on how long you have to treat him. Try to earn some extra money..little job..selling stuff on ebay. Whatever it takes.

It will be diagnosed by simply looking at the pet..cheking the ears, reaction..etc.

At least thats what was done with Amy.

Hope he will be fine!
Ok if it is don't panic. Trust me...I did it the first 5mins after I saw Ringo rolling.

With Ringo they took samples of his discharge and sent to a lab.

There are oral meds, injections, and pills. Now it all depends on what exactly is causing it.

Cost that all depends what meds you get, vet cost and so on. If you want I can tell you the cost of the meds I have used so far. Two meds prior to the head-tilt three since.

I know how hard it can be. I have been taking care of my two for a year. Regular meds, and vet visits every six months to keep on top of it.

My fave link.

The head tilt will depend upon what is causing it. It could be an inner ear infection. It could be e cunniculi (sp?).

I've treated rabbits with head tilt with fairly good success. They might have a bit of head tilt (otherwise known as wry neck) still - but not as much and can get along fine - they still play and stuff...

I like Barbi Brown's website on head tilt - I think it is in our rabbit resources section..

Here is the link to the head tilt stuff:

And here is the link to Barbi Brown's site:

The problem with head tilt/wry neck is that they're never 100% sure of just what causes it as it could be caused from a number of things (as I understand it).


I just went through the same thing w/ Latte so I'll weigh on this, although there has already been great advice.

First, I know your first reaction is to panic. I did the same thing and ran around calling emergency vets like a mad woman. But, now that I know it's treatable and he's not incapacitated for the rest of his life, I can tell you from hindsight to be calm. I think I scared Latte more than the tilting did!

If his ears look swollen or are laying funny, it's probably an ear infection. However, there is still a chance that it got to the inner ear (which is what Latte had). This is what throughs the equilibrium off balance. There is also a chance it can be caused by the E.Cuniculi parasite. In order to diagnose E.Cuniculi, they do a complete blood work up. For an ear infection, the vet may opt to do a scope of the ear. However, a scope may not show the issue. Since Latte had a bad upper res infection, the doc said it was probable to say inner ear over E.Cuniculi.

He didn't do the blood work up for Latte because (1) he was sure it was an inner ear because of his history (2) it's very expensive ...around$250 just for the one test.

Had Thumper been sneezing a lot? Any discharge, including clear? An yobvious head shaking? These can all be signs of anupper resinfection that moved to the inner ear.

My doc said they'd treat Latte w/ Baytril (1miligram/1xday) for 14 days and Meclizine (aka Dramamine) 1xday for 5 days for his dizziness. I'm not sure of the exact dosage. His treatment was VERY successful. His tilt started at about 48 after on a clock and he's now at about 58!

The links given show other examples and also other treatments of E.Cuniculi. However, I wouldn't be surprised if he puts Thumper on Baytril either way.

Keep us posted!

Prayers for Thumper, Harper and you!
Aww...I hope your baby feels better...:pray:

I don't have much advice to give about this, or about Harper...I'm just not that familiar with health issues...but I did want to send some prayers and love your way.


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