This is when young bunnies are surrendered

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Happi Bun

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2007
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Felix is 4 months old now and he thinks he is the toughest thing around. :D I find it amusing because I know it's simply him having reached sexual maturity, but to new bunny slaves it can be a frightening time. You have to keep in mind their hormones are raging with the message 'I need to breed!' They can become territorial and, to be honest, little monsters.

Felix growls and grunts whenever I mess around in his home. This is a new behavior. When he was a baby he was the sweetest little bun that would constantly give kisses. He has no interest in that anymore, but I don't take it personally. When Dunkin reached sexual maturity he also stopped giving kisses, but they returned after being neutered.

Not all bunnies go through this change, but many do come into the rescue around the age of 4 or 5 months due to them showing unwanted behaves; biting, boxing, growling. Little do people know that altering the animal (like you would a dog or cat) will usually correct the problem, making them a much happier and calmer companion.

I couldn't help but share Felix's change. I have my hands full with him right now. ;)
It seems all animals have an age where they stop being adorable and start being a handful. It's a true test of who has what it takes to own that kind of animal. C'mon Felix, you're so cute, why can't you be nice too? ;)
LOL... ah, Erika, you'll be all set when you have a kid. Ready for the terrible twos and teens :p

Sounds like Felix is really keeping you hopping! Thank god for speutering :D
It is actually adorable when he growls, because he is so tiny! I can't take it seriously when it comes out of this little bunny under 2 lbs. Little man syndrome. ;)

Something not so adorable is his lack of litter box habits. I'm not sure if it's something that will come after the the neuter, or if he is just one of those bunnies that will never grasp the concept or care. So I went back to using mixed aspen and carefresh on the bottom of his cage, for now.

He was sure happy though, binkying and flopping on his side.
I like bunnies with attitudes! My Zeus use to grunt and box and growl, despite being neutered. But he was a push over - two seconds after boxing me he'd be begging for head rubs. I loved his attitude problem, it was funny because he was only a little 2lb bunny. I miss him so much!
my Sherman (Flemmie) was the biggest brat ...he was pushy ,he would yank stuff outta my hand...he peed wherever he dang well felt like it..and giants can pee let me tell sounded like a human peeing ..and when he sprayed holy o my gosh....he would kick it up in the air with his back feet...i dont know how many times i just clamped my mouth and eyes shut...hoping it didnt hit my face...and the courting me thing was the worst...he honked around my ankles and pushed and pushed and pushed...had me running outta the room a couple of times..ive been courted by a small bunny before but a giant was a little intimidating.:):) ..thank god hes been neutered ...
im really quit shocked that some people dont want to neuter a i couldnt wait to neuter him...:)..
it is sad that people give up so easily on an animal that theyve brought into their family....when i get an animal...its for life...wether they are difficult or ugly...hehe...wether im allergic...or im having a baby ,,or im moving..(im trying to think of all the lame excuses people give)..
Bonnie did that when she was maybe 7 or 8 months. One day she was fine and the next day we went to pick her up and she lunged us. We noticed that overnight she had ripped out large chunks of fur and made a nest. Since we only had the one bun we knew there were no babies on the way. We took her to the vet because we thought she was sick. One spay later and our placid Bonnie was back. Its interesting though that when you look at shelters a vast majority of the buns are under one year old and the sexual maturity stage I am sure is why.
when Toby was a teen bun he made me nuts every day with his passive aggressive and sometimes *really* aggressive behavior. He was always picking a fight with Kirby and he was bouncing off the walls. I snipped him right when his testicles descended so i dont even think he got really all that hormonal, he just got sort of mean. He made me angry and sad like, every other day.

We stuck to it though, and now he still has an attitude but he's very negotiable and he's sweet when he is in the mood for it. he has grown up and matured into a very likable rabbit. I love him more and more each day. I am very glad that I kept him and continued to work on our relationship despite how crazy it got for a while.

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