Thinking about a second bun :)

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Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
Central Illinois, USA
I know I only just got my first one, but I'm in love with a black mini-rex at the pet store. From what I can tell he's healthy, but if I do get him I'll take him to the vet to be safe. I know I should probably adopt instead but this rex is so sweet, he's like another Skip! Such a great personality too!

Do you guys think it's too soon to adopt a second bun after only just getting my first?

As far as caging, I was thinking about dividing Skip's current cage until I know if they will bond/get along. Neither are altered but Skip is getting neutered soon, and the rex will get neutered when he's old enough. The only reason I think it's a boy is because it's written inside their ear with a marker, D for doe and B for buck. The breeder must have tried to sex them, but they're only a bit over 2 months old, so I'm not sure if that's a good guess or not.

If I divided the cage, it would be 6 sq.ft. of footprint on the bottom floor, plus the shelf space (which skip loves to sleep on his shelf) which is 3 sq.ft., and they'd of course be let out every day. Does that sound like a good amount of cage space for when I'm not home to let them out? In the hopeful event that they bond then they'd eventually share the whole cage, 12 sq.ft. plus 6 sq.ft. of shelf space.
I'm the last one who should give advice about this, but I'd say if you really want and you desire and have the money, time and space, why not. Of course after saying that I also got to say be real careful. 2 rabbits come with a lot of responsibility and you might just get stuck with two separate rabbits and not a bonded pair. I know looking back I would have gotten two if I knew then what I know now, but I'm also glad I did it the way i did because now I know for sure I can take care of two, whereas before I had my doubts.
I'm going to deeply encourage rescuing for these reasons:

1. They're healthy prior to adoption and usually you have 10 days from the adoption date to take them to the vet for free, and if they're not they take them back or pay for their treatment with their vet.
2. They're microchipped
3. You get a lifetime of support from the rescue
4. They're already altered
5. Their personality has already been evaluated and they've been handled
6. You're saving TWO rabbits by adopting one, and you're not enabling petstores.
7. It's less money than buying.

That is just my opinion, and I don't want to offend you by saying any of that. Do what YOU feel is best for both you and your current bun, but know that unless your petstore is working with a rescue instead of a pet supplier, you're pretty much relying on luck. I made that mistake once and brought home two rabbits with nasty infections.

In terms of caging, I would keep them in seperate rooms until they're both fixed and then introduce them in a nuetral territory, eventually moving them into a cage side by side, and then if they bond into the same cage. It sounds like you'll have more than enough room for the two of them. Since they're not both fixed it's not a good idea to have them side by side, even if it's just ONE that's fixed. You really don't want to start the process until their hormones calm down.
Same sex bonds are more challenging and at a higher risk for spontaneous fighting or a bond breaking later on.
To me, it would be a pain having two unaltered buns, especially males (spraying? Eww), and then have to keep them separated until they both can be neutered and healed and then at that point not even knowing if your two males will bond. Will you want to house them seperate forever? Free run time at seperate times forever? For me that would be a huge pain.

If you fix your male, and the go to a rescue place where you can bunny date and he can help "pick out" a female he likes and who will already be spayed, that seems like a much smoother way to go. Just my two cents.
Thanks everyone! I think I'll go ahead and adopt then if we decide to get another. Your posts were very informative and helpful. Maybe there will be a mini Rex at the shelter too :)
A lot of rescues will let you "bunny date" so you can see if they will be bondable. Nothing is for sure though. We've had some that will always be a single and won't tolerate any other bun.

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