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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2006
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The SPCA called me yesterday at work, they had a 2 1/2 - 3 week old baby that needed fostering. We went and picked the wee one up after work. He/she seems to be doing well. When we got to the SPCA he was eating a bit of hay and he's alert and active. When we got him home I fed him some kitten milk right away and he was very fond of that. He ate 6 cc's of it and then started to fuss when I fed him more so I figured he was finished. It looks like he had a pee before we got to the SPCA but no pooters yet. He's tiny and has semi-curly hair and is positively the cutest thing I've ever seen! *L* Here are some pictures....










He made it through the night and enjoyed some more kitten milk this morning. He hasn't really been pooping though which concerns me. A very sweet and affectionate little baby. Fell asleep in my hands last night and spent some time before that grooming my fingers with his little tongue.

We have to take Cecelia the wee mouse to the vet today so I think we'll bring him along and have the vet take a quick look at him; just because it's the long weekend and they won't be open again until Tuesday.
Aww, how adorable!

I know the mama rabbits sometimes have to "stimulate" the babies to go potty. I'm not sure how a person would do that, though. Maybe a warm cloth applied to the area?

Laura, I'd read that too but at the SPCA he'd had a pee on his own so we thought we wouldn't have to do that. However, I gave it a go this morning and rubbed his/her bottom with a warm damp q-tip.

Unfortunately, that produced nothing but the dirtiest look you've ever seen a baby bunny give a human being before. I don't need to speak bunny to know he was saying:

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing lady? The indignities I have been forced to suffer today will not soon be forgotten!"

*L* It made my husband laugh out loud too this morning. He was watching as I gently rubbed the bunny's bottom and when the bunny turned his head and gave me the dirty look I thought my husband was going to wet his pants he laughed so hard.

Ahh harm in trying right? If I can pull stuck poop off my long haired cat's bottom without losing my dignity, I can certainly rub a baby bunny's butt with a damp Q-tip right? ;)
What a cutie! I love little ones!! Any idea on what the bun's story is as to why it was left so young away from mamma?
I know! I'm jelous too.. I'd love a baby bunny.. So.. When do you want to hand the little cutie pie over to me? ;)

:tantrum:I want a baby bunnnnnyyyy.. :(

:wink:How is our little darling?

Darn! I ran out of lovey smilies! He's just so cute! What's his story? Why was he at the shelter?
The little baby bunny is doing very well. :)

We took him to the vet yesterday to sex him and to make sure he's healthy. The technician and the vet both think he's a boy so we're fairly confident it's a he. But you know bunnies - they can surprise us! *L*

He's being fed kitten milk twice a day, which he loves . He licks it very nicely from the syringe. He's also eating hay and drinking water on his own. He's already very attached to me and will snuggle into my hand and sleep or if he's feeling particularly loving, sit on me and lick my hands or my face over and over. It's very adorable.

We haven't given him a name yet and we are taking suggestions. :)

As far as his "story" - a lady brought him into the SPCA because she found him just sitting in her back yard. She'd never seen bunnies in her yard before and she couldn't see any other bunnies around. She fed him some lettuce and then brought him to the SPCA. Karen called me an hour later to ask if we could foster him, I said sure and picked him up later that day.

He's not afraid of humans at all so I don't know if someone's bunny had babies and they chucked them outside and he's the only one that survived or if he's just one of the many domesticated bunnies we have running loose around our city. But you'd think if that was the case he'd be terrifiedof humans. And he's definitely not. Even before I started feeding him milk, he wasn't scared of me. Didn't love me like he does now but wasn't frightened of me.

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