the F.B.I. squad - Fiona, Bennett and Ian

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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2008
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Columbia SC, ,
We just got back from a week at the beach last night. The bunnies love my parents' vacation house better than the family homebase in Greenville. We've all been recovering from vaca today, which means the bunnies are back to getting an earful of baby tantrums and lessons on gentle petting (some of which are more successful than others). I love the idea of having this place to bunny-blog and have some vacation pics to post as soon as time permits.
Back to petting lessons...Ian gets very delighted by the bunnies and will crawl up to them giggling. I'm always there to supervise. With his still-limited motor skills, sometimes it's literally hit or miss. I discovered this afternoon Ian will pet the buns where I have just pet them. If I'm stroking their face, he aims for the face; if I pet their backs, that's where his little hand goes. Ian seems to have an eye fetish at the moment :? I'm amazed at how patient the bunnies are. Bennett will follow Kiddo around while he's cruising or sit there to let Ian pet him. Even when enough is enough and Ben's reached his threshold, he comes over to me and gives me a kiss as if to say, "it's okay, I know he's just a kid". Fiona, who is normally somewhat skittish from being dumped and living in the wild the first 9 months of her life, lets Ian approach her. I've made a point to try and give them as much lovin's as they're used to since Ian's birth. Plus they need that level of attention to make sure they're staying healthy - I need to be able to see when one bun is "off" so we can get to the vet.
I'm sure the buns will let him know when enough is enough.

I can't wait to see more pictures of them. They sound wonderful.
Isn't it amazing how patient some of them could be? Oberon, my NZW, was letting my friends' toddlers pet him the other day. The kids know how to play nice with their cat but a bunny is different and they kept wanting to play with his ears. Oberon didn't seem to mind too much though.
I love the name of your blog! so cute Em!!!

I cant wait for the latest pics! I miss my nephew Benben! and princess Fiona! and if I dont watch out Ian will grow up before I blink! :kiss:

Hehee, the blog name is only gonna be good until mid-December ;) Then I'll have to find a way to put "R"(eid) or "O"(livia) in it.

drunkenbunnyhugger wrote:
I love the name of your blog! so cute Em!!!

I cant wait for the latest pics! I miss my nephew Benben! and princess Fiona! and if I dont watch out Ian will grow up before I blink! :kiss:
I'm glad that the bunnies and Ian get along so well. I know it was one thing you were worried about while you were pregnant.

The beach vacation sounds wonderful - I need one of those! I can't wait to see the pictures.
Okay, here are a few kodak moments from vacation.


Ian with my parents' dog, Mollie


Fiona on the screened in porch


I love their expressions in this pic (and yes, that's a tv remote Ian is holding, he's obsessed with it)


what's up doc?



I stuck the bunnies on a chair on the porch and they just stayed there, enjoying the fresh air


almost eye to eye


Ian's first time in the ocean, he's been kind of scared of it up till now. I think his swimming lessons at the local pool helped.


do the wave!


that was fun!!

Thanks for looking :dude:

Your bunnies, and your son, are just beautiful. :D Looks like he was enjoying the water! Haha, training him up early to be a dedicated bunny slave. ;)
Congratulations on your pregnancy too! :):stork:
Aww beautiful pictures, Emily! Your bunnies, your son, and you are all so beautiful! Looks like you had an amazing vacation. :)
AWESOME blog title. Love the bunnies and the son. Can I have them all?

Oh and mid-december...Baby or Bunny?
WooHOO! I love babies!

EmilytheStrange wrote:
Baby :biggrin2:

JadeIcing wrote:
AWESOME blog title. Love the bunnies and the son. Can I have them all?

Oh and mid-december...Baby or Bunny?
It seemed I had Bennett on his back most of the day yesterday. His mouth gets chapped and scabs over occasionally as a result of his water beard from the ceramic bowl. So I was cleaning him up with a clorox/water solution my vet prescribed, then got him dried off. And then I noticed he had cecal poopies on his butt. So I thought, what the heck, it's a hot day out, I'll give him a butt bath. I very rarely do this just because I don't want to stress them out. And I still felt sorta bad after cleanng up his face. But once he was in the sink, he just chilled out in there, front paw on the counter and resting his touche in the water :biggrin2: I wish I could have gotten a picture. Afterwards, I took him back to his room and our chair so he'd feel comfortable while I dried him off. He got 2 raisins and a big hay cube for being such a good boy.
Bennett did worry me a little later in the day...he was sitting under the table in the den, letting Ian pet on his face and give open-mouthed kisses on his head ::) Ben did not move a muscle and I got a little nervous because I didn't know his patience was that endless. He was fine though, got up and had some hay. Ian must have just got him during nap time. I'm the same way when it comes to sleep.:bed:
No I honestly have no gender preference. If it's a boy, Ian will have a built in best friend; if it's a girl, I'll be lucky enough to have one of each; I'm sure they'll still be close because of their ages.
I'm just guessing it's a girl because it's been such a drastically diiferent pregnancy. I know they can be different for the same woman but many of the "myths" are holding true so far: a pinched chin test, the hearrate, the all day naseau and a wrist/needle test (holding a needle on a thread above my wrist) all tend to point to girl.
But either way, I am thrilled :biggrin2:

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