The amazing changing ears of Pippin

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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London, UK
So here are some pics of Pippin, who I assume is a lop, because his ears are down half the time, one ear up and one ear down sometimes, but sometimes they are both totally up!!!!

When he was a baby they were totally down all the time- it's only as he has grown that is ears have started to change

I am guessing it is something to do with the cartilage in the tops of his ears that do this? Does this mean he is not a pure-bred lop? I know he is not any breed at all, but was just wondering what could a bunny's ears go from this to this, interchangably, for no reason lol!?

Ears down:



One ear up, one down, aka 'aerobunny'



And BOTH UP!!!






Lol- does anyone else have a completely ear-changing bunny?

I do, I do!
Most of the time though, Babii has one up and one down.
She's my little gangster bunny ;) (
But yeah, she can totally fool people and keep them up while i'm trying to explain 'She IS a mini lop '
Or, when no ones around.. their both down.
Hahaha yes!
I think when Pippin is most relaxed, they are one-up, one-down. He seems to be that way most of the time, and especially when I know he is calm, or intruiged, he'll do that.
But I have to say, I did get a shock when one day I looked at him and they were both totally up. I was like...'can that happen????'

Lol :D
Pippin is just so cute!

And yeah i have an ear changing bunny and his name is Wally...the only thing he can't do is have them pointing straight up...hecan do aeroplane ears which is his regular style lol,slightly lower than aeroplane ears and then he can have them both just flopped right down then he can have one pointing out to the side and the other ear's pretty funny really....he likes to change his 'style' lol

Here are a few examples





Oh my- Wally is precious!! What an absolutely beautiful boy!! Awww I love rabbits with character. That's why I really love 'mongrel' rabbits. They really have their own character. I find that dogs and cats can more easily express their characters and personalities than rabbits do- rabbits need trust and respect for them to really blossom, and that can take a while (but boy is it worth it).
jcottonl02 wrote:
But I have to say, I did get a shock when one day I looked at him and they were both totally up. I was like...'can that happen????'

That reminds me of my Maggie once..but the opposite to Pippin..ever since i gave her a home back in 06 she has always had the one ear up and one ear down and then one day she had them both down..she looked totally differen't..but she is aone ear up and one ear down kind of girl lol.

And thanksfor the lovely comment on Wally :)
Lol that's okay- he really is! :D
My bunny Princess, was a lion lop when I bought her. Her ears were totally down.


Just a few days after I got her, she decided she wasn't a lop anymore and hasn't put them down since.

LOL!!! awwwww!!! Now that really is dramatic!!!
Was she sold as a lionhead lop? That must be weird to see baby pics of her now!
that's sooo weird, but very cool! O: i wonder if anyone has had a up-eared bun go to a lop-eared bun...

this is just crazy O:
jcottonl02 wrote:
LOL!!! awwwww!!! Now that really is dramatic!!!
Was she sold as a lionhead lop? That must be weird to see baby pics of her now!

Yup! lol! She cost a little extra then the other rabbits at the pet shop because she was a lionlop. Like three days later she wasn't any more, and she lost her mane so now she is just like any other normal mixed breed you'd find. She has a great, lop personality though.
irishbunny wrote:
jcottonl02 wrote:
LOL!!! awwwww!!! Now that really is dramatic!!!
Was she sold as a lionhead lop? That must be weird to see baby pics of her now!

Yup! lol! She cost a little extra then the other rabbits at the pet shop because she was a lionlop. Like three days later she wasn't any more, and she lost her mane so now she is just like any other normal mixed breed you'd find. She has a great, lop personality though.

:roflmao: Hahahahaha!!! 'Shh! Quick....pretend to be a lionhead lop! Come on...get those ears down...fluff out that mane!!!!'

Awww so cute!!!! Such teensy ears!!!!:p
My leo is the same he's a lionlop but his ears don't seem to want to stay down either he likes to adopt the one ear up one ear down position lol! Love all the pics I think the indecisive ears makes them all the more cuter!
Lol, that's so weird and funny. xD

Years ago, I had a bunny that had one ear up and the other down. I thought she had a fight before I got her that hurt her ear so it stayed down but now that I see this I think I was wrong.
Here are a couple more piccies- ALL taken on the SAME day, at the same time basically. This is Pip with both ears down...


Pip with one up one down:


Aaaaannnndd both ears up lol


Hahaha lol:p


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