Well-Known Member
Hi my name is Maggie, I'm almost 3 years old. I love bananas and napping under sofas.
When my bunmum got me she didn't know anything about rabbit lifestyle and how to take care of me...So she reached out to rabbitsonline and some very nice and friendly bun-members helped her.
So she decided to post a before and after photo of me
Thank you everyone for helping me

After :

If you wanna see more of me i have an Instagram account : maggie.bunnie

When my bunmum got me she didn't know anything about rabbit lifestyle and how to take care of me...So she reached out to rabbitsonline and some very nice and friendly bun-members helped her.
So she decided to post a before and after photo of me
Thank you everyone for helping me


After :

If you wanna see more of me i have an Instagram account : maggie.bunnie