Temporary Litter Ideas...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Tempe, Arizona, USA
Hi there!

I know this must seem silly.. But we ran out of litter for Levi's litter box, and I went to clean it.. and, well.. there is no new litter to freshen his box. :( Sad day! The hubby and I can't get any more litter until he gets paid on Monday/Tuesday, so we have a weekend of no bunny litter. Sad, right? I have a pine tree in my back yard, so I was thinking of gathering some pine straw (for freshness), and tearing up a bunch of old newspapers. Thoughts, ideas, anyone? Thanks!

Meg :)
I would leave out the pine straw. Is your bun litter box trained? If so then how about newpaper shreds in the box and a blanket on the cage floor. Or you can just use newpaper all together. In the future you should try wood stove pellets. 40 pounds for about $4 bucks. There great!
I shredded some... but maybe not quite enough? Haha! He keeps pulling it out of the litter box like, what is this? Hehe!

Katie- where would one get Wood Stove Pellets from? That would be amaaazing. The stuff I get isn't SUPER pricey, but it is definitely way way more than $4 for 40 pounds. :p Do your bunnies track it out of the litterbox? We currently use the Petco brand of pelleted newspaper and he loves it.. and I love it. :)

Thanks for your help Katie & Larry! I think our temporary situation is working for now. :)
I would just use newspaper temporary. I would not shred it as that would just make a big mess (fine for a digging box, but not a litter box). Just put a few layers of paper in the box. I usually just grab a couple sections of the paper and use those. You may need to change it daily as it is not very good with the odour, but it is only for a few days.

Wood pellets can be found at hardware stores as wood stove pellets. Depending on where you live, they might only be available in the fall and winter. Feed or farm supply stores also sell them, they can have horse stall bedding as well as the stove pellets. Around here, a bag is around $5-7, but that is still much cheaper than any litter from a pet store.
Right now you can get wood stove pellets at walmart/k-mart ect. They might be seasonal so we plan on stocking up. There to heavy for the bun to track around. I find maybe one on my carpet once in awhile. They absorb EVERYTHING and just turn to a saw dust in the cage (totally safe) The best part is I swear even when I clean Fraggles cage I don't smell any trace of bunny urine. The completely absorb the smell.
Awesome news! Thanks guys! I will be changing his box again today due to the mess & will try non-shredded newspaper this time. He's sleeping in it.. which he never does! Yucky! Silly master of a bunny. ;)

I will be searching for some wood stove pellets, although I don't know if I will find them... we do live in Phoenix, AZ & don't really get a "winter" around here... butcha never know! ;)

Again, thanks for your help! :)

Oh ... hmm, well we don't get much of a winter around here either but my mom has a wood burning stove and she finds the pellets no problem. I haven't actually looked for them myself. However it does sound like a good idea. I have no idea where I would put the bag haha.
We put the litter box in a cardboard box and put in a lot. Our mini Rex likes to burrow in it and all you see is the paper moving and her ears. It's play time as well as a litter box.

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