Tapeworms: Pamnock, where are you?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2006
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Kindness Matters - Waukesha, WI, ,
Pam, did you give that education talk you were organizing for the kids, yet? Do you need more visuals? :cry2 I've got one.

Karla just passed the gross-est looking thing I've (ever) seen. It was a tapeworm. Can you use the pretty-lookin' picture for your seminars? She had a segment from this parasite twice in the last week stuck to her cecotropes. Didn't know if it was a food segment from her salads, or something like a rice grain of yucky origin. aahhh, that don't look right...

Yesterday Brook-Falls Veterinary Hospital confirmed the parasite, and she had two doses of Panacur; last evening and this morning. The nasty parasite was pushed out.

Gross. I speculate she picked up the parasite when I took her outside for physical therapy sessions in the grass. She had also been passing small amounts of blood when I expelled her bladder in the last 2 months.

Her attitude and happiness has made a comeback!!

... Would anyone like to see this thing? :ph34r2 angieluv, tonyshuman, slavetoabunny, naturestee, JimD?

Pam, I thought of how *you and other RO members/moderators* educate.

I know I wasn't on that list but please can I see. My Summer had a tapeworm but she never passed it, it died inside and she digested it. Apparently. BLEURGH!.
Flashy, I'm glad the worm died inside. angieluv, will be aware that Droncit also works on these ghoulies. (Unbelievable that these parasites are the length and width that I removed from her bum. Good to know that professionals in medical backgrounds don't get grossed out.)

Page link: Education purposes.

WARNING: graphic and could be disturbing to view.

Karla seems more chipper in her outlook in the last 8 hours. For what it's worth, she had her head down lately in the morning on her soft bath rug when I greet her, "Good morning Karla", and get her up & out from her housing unit.

This morning her head was Up watching for me to come down the hall.
Please keep your companions safe from internal guck.

Wow that's amazing. Thanks for sharing! I just grossed out my dad with that :D Didn't gross me out though, I just found it VERY fascinating.

I'm not surprised she is feeling so much better today :D
I was not grossed out.
Interesting to see... working at a vet clinic, people always bring in the segments to identify, but I've never really seen the whole worm like that.
Wow did that come out ofa rabbit?

I could not emgin storm having one that big. But I have seen one that big out of a dog before.
Kinda shocking the size of it, Do They like start out all tiny when they enter the bun or are they that size? I'm thinking there tiny at the start.
Very interesting. I didn't get grossed out at all and I'm eating dinner right now.
:shock: That's huge! Poor Karla. I'm glad she's feeling better. I wonder if the reason it's so huge is related to her disability? Maybe slower gut motion (from less physical activity) that can't force it out as well?

I know fleas can carry tapeworms, she might have picked some up outside from the local wildlife. I'd run a flea comb over her and the other upstairs buns just to check.
they start out as eggs ..very tiny
could have been on a blade of grass and she ate the grass and thus brought it into her body where they take on a life of their own.
My rabbit, Rudy, was a stray when he was brought into the shelter so probably got his from 'living off the land"
I learned that he had it after he was neutered, part of it died and came out the day after the surgery; probably tapeworms don't do well under anesthesia LOL
Anyway I was carrying it around in my hand (like an idiot) saying to Jim
"Look at this thing; looks just like a noodle"

Anyway it was confirmed by the vet as a tapeworm and he was give Droncit 2 doses 1 per week.; the rest of the worm came out after the first dose.

he was unabe to eat greens while he had the tapeworm butI didn't know that was the reason.
After it was gone he could eat greens normally.
And it doesn't easily show up on a fecal as Rudy had had a negative one .
Good advice and input everyone. I'll take the flea comb to Barry and Tammy who share the room. REALLY give Barry the once over for stuck-on fleas. He's all gray fur so they could ideally conceal themselves. Gulp.

BarryBear's tummy seemed more sensitive to the touch lately. Now I worry. ... Could've come in with Karla last November when she was outside in the front grass?

Do you know how long they need to age and grow to be that size? I'll check out the links in the RO Library section.

Where is Misty's retired flea comb....?

Thanks everyone for the thoughts. I hope your bunkids never acquire such an ugly internal worm.

maureen, too silly to be carrying it around like a noodle. Patti, and Alicia, not grossed out at all? You are Brave.

flea comb, flea comb!!
I was at school - dissecting a cat. :yuck

I gave the presentation a couple weeks ago, but am hard at work putting together next year's presentation, soMOST CERTAINLY appreciate use of the photo!.

Thank you!


Wow, that is huge.

Poor Karla! It's gross to think it came out of her! I'm glad she's back to normal.

Interesting photo.
It is difficult to know how long it took for the worm to get that big because it isn't easy to find a whole lot on rabbit tapeworms.
Rabbits are considered the intermediary host in the process of spreading the worm; in the wild a dog ingesting a rabbit would then get tapeworm

I have been looking but only know that rabbits usually get it from eating eggs off vegetation that may have been contaminated by animal feces at some point that had tapeworm eggs in it.

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