Sylvester and Turbo

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Active Member
Feb 20, 2007
Reaction score
, Virginia, USA
I thought I would start a blog on Sylvester. I'm not sure how all this works, but I'm sure I'll catch on!! :D

I adopted Sylvester Monday, February 19th. He's guessed to beaHolland lop. About 3 months of age.He's such asweet heart. :bunnydance:

Tomorrow, I am going shopping at the petsmart for new toys and such,and I will also be going to look for NIC cubes for his soon-to-be newcage! I am so excited.

I noticed him binkying today for the first time. :D

Anyway, here are some pictures.





Haley wrote:
He is adorable! And I love his name :D
Thanks my grandmother offered to help me adopt a Rabbit once I felt Iwas ready after Beaupassed (It's been a year and 2 monthsnow.:()if I named it after her. Her name is Sylvia, soSylvester it was. :bunnydance:

Thanks for the heads up on the sale too. :D I tried looking on theTarget site, but I guess they aren't listed. :XI'll be goingin the store tomorrow though. Hope VAtargets carry them. lol.:)
Great name. Your Grandma sounds like a wonderful lady :D

Target should have them in their storage section. I know they arentlisted on the website.At my Target they are in foam greenboxes with white writing. Called Organize It shelving or something.They come in white, black, blue and silver.

Let us know if you need any help. Cant wait to see more pics of your gorgeous boy!
oh, another black lop. . . how cool!

winnie says she knows he is way to young for her. . .but if she was ayounger bunny, she would bat her beautifull brown eyes at him andtwitch her cute little noise in his general directions (so long asherman never found out. . .)

and i love his name too. . .how adorable! and it is really cool to have a bun named after your grandmother!
Aww I just love him!!

That's a beautiful story how he got his name, I'm sorry about Beau:(

It's such a good feeling when you see them binky, dontcha think? You know that they are happy and it's down to you!!:bunnydance:
On monday, this blog will turn into being a blog about Sylvester and Tweetie. ;)

At the shelter, he had been kept with aBlack andWhiteLop Female (Spayed). They were all cuddled together andstuff. I thought she was beautiful, but I really only wanted one. Orso I thought. He seems kind of "lonely" now and to be quite honest,I can't stop thinking about her. :D

I couldn't find the NIC cubes at Target, SAMS, or Lowes. :XSoI decided that I will just be turning the big pet play pen into a large'cage'.I'll be using Sylvester's "old" cage for "Tweetie"while they are being introduced to eachother again.

Baught lots of chews and such for the soon to be 2 buns. Also built them a little wood "house". :bunnydance:

I sure hope this works out. :D
I adopted another Rabbit today. It isn't the oneI had originally planned to get, but it turned out she wasn't spayed,and her eyes were running. I didn't want Sylv to get sick, and I reallydidn't want to have to worry about them coming into contact witheachother somehow, and ending up having kits before I could get herspayed. So, I adopted a little buck. I'm unsure of his breed, but he'ssmaller than Sylv, so he's either younger or a small type of Rabbit?

I let them out together to play, the new boy didn't care much, but whenI was holding the new one, Sylvester MARKED me as if to say"That's MY mommy, little boy." I'll probably continuelike this, and maybe one day they could share a cage together once bothare neutered. :)

Oh, I didn't even mention the new boys name! It's TURBO.

Here's a couple photos;




No, neither boy is neutered, that is why theyaren't being put together now anyway. Even if I had of gottenthedoe (and she had of been spayed) they wouldn't have beenput together until he was neutered as well. =]

Sylvester is cranky today. He smells Turbo on me and he decided tolunge and bite my arm. Ha.. He better be glad I love him. :D

This week, I plan on making them both appointments for checkups and to schedule neuters.:faint:
These pictures were taken of Turbo around 1AMlast night. Sorry about the darkness, they were taken from my cellcamera, and it doesn't have a good flash. =(


Don't worry, I wasn't holding him down here, i was supporting his headand rubbing his cheeks/neck. he was comfy I guess? Oh and ignore myflowery PJs and ugly feet. :D


Look at that tummy! :elephant:
Finally! I found some batteries for my camera. :D

Warning; they're are quite a few pictures today.. :cool:

"Ok, so how do I get out of this new cage of mine?"


"Watcha doin' mom?"


"Mommmm, Ivan wont leave me alonee and would you PLEASE stop taking pictures?"


"Maybe if I hide here next to my 'twin' she wont notice me...."


and on to Sylvester... :D

"Helicopter ears...."


"But but, mommm, with that camera you can see all my wittle white hairs and all the dirty dusties on me."


This is one of my other dogs, Tito. He ignores the buns. ;)


and for the heck of it, this is Sylvester's current "cage" but he'llsoon be getting one like Turbo's so that they can take turns using thepen during the day. :)


Oh, and if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could a MOD please put Turbo's name in the title? Thanks! :bunny17:

Thanks so much Aurora. :)

It has been a busy week! Both boys got new cages and both seem to begrowing so quickly! Sylvester isnt boney like he was when I first gothim.:D

I weighed them today. Sylvester is 3lbs, 4 ounces and Turbo is 2lbs, 11ounces. (Jeeze, sounds like I'm talking about babies here. :D)

Their weight seems pretty good to me. But Sylvester seems a bit "heavy" to be a 4 month old Holland Lop? :shock:

Oh well. I love my fuzzbutts! :bunnydance:
I am in love! Also can I see better pictures of the dogs?

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