Super Bun's blog

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Apr 23, 2010
Reaction score
, , Singapore
I create this topic on behalf of my boy Bun Bun :biggrin:

His name is Bun Bun but he has many nicknames such as Piggy, Chicky, Bee Hoon (a kind of big white noodle in Singapore), Sparkling White, and lately Super Bun. I admire Superman and I think my bun is somehow like a superhero, wherever there's a crime, there's a superbun (because Super Bun is a the one starting all the crimes in house :biggrin2:)

I have Bun Bun as a gift from my boyfriend after 1 year thinking carefully what kind of pet should we get and we went through so many research about rabbits before decided to have one. And he's my very very first bunny I've ever owned.

Bun Bun used to stay with me and my boyfriend in our bedroom, but since Bun Bun decided to do "clubbing" at midnight (binky dance tossing things around, making noise, thumping, scratching our faces to wake us up at 3AM, jumping on our stomaches because he wanted party on), we have to move him to the living room and confine him in a playpen at night time (to reduce his destruction)

Bun Bun was sterilized when he was 6 month old but is still a king of all. He fights any bunnies he meet even though I tried to arrange for a meeting at a totally neuter place :scared: And everytime I sent him for a bunny- sitting, I always end up hearing complaints about how my boy disturb other bunnies, chasing them, fighting them and stealing food from other buns :'(

Bun Bun is a happy and playful rabbit that he dances every day on my bed, and sometimes end up losing balance and control so he falls out of the bed , but always Bun Bun will jump up again :D He's kind of bad temperature bunny because he will attacks anyone who try to stop him doing his favorite things (like sleeping or digging the storage boxes). He also steals fruit on table and if he gets mad over something, he will throw away everything in front of him to make very loud noise (like lift up his food bowl and throw it away, kicking the water bowl and litter box)

But Bun Bun is still a very sweet bunny and that he likes to be a super model. He loves to be photographed and he's just so good that also my friends bring their camera along to my house to shoot him :biggrin:

One thing very special about Bun Bun that he keeps changing his color, from pure white when young to black ears, black nose, black paws and grey tail when he was a bit older, and now as a 1 year old bunny, Bun Bun changing back to white :ph34r2:ph34r2

Here are some photos from my star - Bun Bun




Reindeer Bun Bun, taking last Xmas


Santa Bun




Prince Bun


Silly face


"What are you doing???"


Giant Hamtaro


acts cute


"Don't disturb me, I laze...."




ANd comic from Bun Bun


I'll update his photos :D
OMG your bunny is sooo adorable. He looks so laid back and easy going. I love the way he lays down. I hope you share more pictures soon.

Have you entered into some of the photo contest RO has? With those pictures Bun Bun would do really well!

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