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im not gonna lie...i actually almost started crying when i read her whole story. T__T she sounded like an amazing bunny, i would have loved to meet her, you shouldnt shut off, you should be proud of what you did, that bunny lived life, you should remember all the good times, and not the bad. think of how much love that rabbit felt and how happy you made her. shes still there watching over you
we're so sorry to hear of Summer's passing. You gave her remarkable care and love. What else can one do for our fur babies. It was very hard to read and watch the tribute without turning teary-eyed. Today is the one year anniversary of our Commander Bun-Bun's passing, so it doesn't take much to tip over the edge. Like your Summer, she was so full of life and joy. She was literally a fur covered rocket, shooting down the hall and making banked turns on the wall and furniture. She also liked laying at your feet or helping with the newspaper--by chewing it while I tried to read. Thank you for taking her in and giving her a family that had nothing but love and affection for the special little girl she was. :missyou:sad::sad::bunnyangel2:
Thank you everyone. Your words are really special because it's nice to know that I've shared how special she was, in some small way, and you've heard/seen that.
Awesome tribute, Tracy. It was lovely to read all of Summer's story, and it's amazing how many lives (both human and bunny) that she changed. One very special girl, who, I'm sure, is racing through dandelions at The Bridge.

I love the video, especially Summer and Tilly playing with the ball :), and the binky at the end.

God Bless, little girl, you were loved by so many.

Hello My Good Girl,

Just wanted to drop you a line.

I'm thinking about when we let you go. On Neighbours Toad had to let Bob go and it was so sad. Reminded me of letting you go. I just miss you Girlie. Like loads.

I thought you might like to know that I saw Dodgey Rodgey do a binky today. I'd put him in the run with Tilly and he just started to run. They are doing ok, although they are probably a bit miffed they are not getting as much fresh and treats as they did when you were here.

Dusk had his dental on Tuesday and that night I went to Tesco to get him some parsley. I thought 'Oh, I can get some for Summer', but I couldn't. You have a lovely rose on your grave and that's beautiful. I wish we had other bunnies here who liked mint though, because then I could put a tub of mint there too, and the others could share in what you loved.

Please don't be fooled into thinking I don't miss you because I do. I just know that that is selfish. You were fading and you were ready to go. This isn't sad for you. This is sad for us. All of us.

I do miss you, my UmmerySummer, and I truly hope wherever you are now, your body is healed and you can enjoy all the food in the world.

Check in on us sometime?
I'm so sorry Flashy you gave her a life she wouldn't have had anywhere else.

Binky free Summer.
What a special girl, and so beautiful. I know she was very well loved and had a wonderful life with you and her buddies. She was lucky to meet you, and I can tell that the love you had for her was returned by her. What a darling, gone too soon. I'm so sorry, Flashy. I hope knowing how special you made her life will give you some comfort.

Binky free, sweet Summer!
I'm so sorry Summer, I've let you doen, I've let them down. I found a massivce wound on Tilly's neck, courtesty of Candyfloss, I'm sure. I'm just so sorry I wanted them to be ok without you and all I've done is hurt them further. UI'm so sorry for being such a rubbish rabbit owner. Maybe if I'd have got your tumour removed earlier you would have had longer. I'm sorry I fauiled you, I'm sorry I failed them. What should I do Sum? Rehome them all? Is that safest? Elt's face it, how the hell can I look after them whenI can't even look afte rmyself.
well, summer is all some sepical rabbit. binky free.
sorrry tracey. i hope you are ok.
Tracy, you didn't let any bunnies down. You're a great bunny mom who gave Summer more time to be a happy girl than she would have had otherwise. Huge hugs to you.
tonyshuman wrote:
Tracy, you didn't let any bunnies down. You're a great bunny mom who gave Summer more time to be a happy girl than she would have had otherwise. Huge hugs to you.

Tracy, I know you must be feeling rotten right now, but don't blame yourself for anything. Summer was a happy girl, loving the time you gave her. And as for Tilly's wound - we all know these things happen. Bunnies can be little bu**ers when they put their mind to it.

All your rabbits are lucky to live with someone so caring who gives them a great life.

Sending hugs your way :hug:

Thanks guys.

I'm just on a huge downer really, exaccerabted by Summer, but definitely not caused by her.

I do just feel I'm failing them because I want the best for them and fel like I'm not giving it to them. To be fair though, if I rehomed them, that would also be a failure. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Thank you all for your support.
My Dearest Lady,

I'm so confused. I look at pictures of you, I look at videos of you. I see ans feel no connection to you. It's worse than if you were someone elses bunny; far less connection. It's like you were never here, never such a huge personality, never a part of this family in such a big way. Summer, it's like you never existed.

Yet, you must have existed. You're not a figment of my imagination unless we come back, once again, to this world not being real; in which case, that would explain why I feel so little for you.

I can't remember you. I just can't. The only way I can do it is if I watch videos of you or look at pictures, but seeing you provides no emotional response.

I feel like because I'm functioning, then you can't have been important to me. Look at what happened to me after both Moon and Flash's deaths. They were both so important to me and lead me to near death (in Moon's case, it should have been certain death). But here I am, carrying on, functioning, eating, drinking, sleeping and yet you were so amazingly special. It makes me feel like you weren't as important, like I didn't love you in that same deep way. I may not feel it now, but I know I did. I really, really did.

I have Sweeps' video on as I write this and its provoking far more emotion from me than your video did. I'm writing this to you, and crying about Sweep. I feel like such a rotten traitor Summer.

I love you more than words can ever explain, probably too much to feel right now, and yet it just looks like I'm doing fine and have gotten over you. I haven't. I promise. i' sorry you have been forgotten, but maybe with time all those memories will come back.

Just. Just be ok. Wherever you are, please. Or come back here for good, in your body. That would be better. Please.
Flashy wrote:
My Dearest Lady,

I'm so confused. I look at pictures of you, I look at videos of you. I see ans feel no connection to you. It's worse than if you were someone elses bunny; far less connection. It's like you were never here, never such a huge personality, never a part of this family in such a big way. Summer, it's like you never existed.

Yet, you must have existed. You're not a figment of my imagination unless we come back, once again, to this world not being real; in which case, that would explain why I feel so little for you.

I can't remember you. I just can't. The only way I can do it is if I watch videos of you or look at pictures, but seeing you provides no emotional response.

I feel like because I'm functioning, then you can't have been important to me. Look at what happened to me after both Moon and Flash's deaths. They were both so important to me and lead me to near death (in Moon's case, it should have been certain death). But here I am, carrying on, functioning, eating, drinking, sleeping and yet you were so amazingly special. It makes me feel like you weren't as important, like I didn't love you in that same deep way. I may not feel it now, but I know I did. I really, really did.

I have Sweeps' video on as I write this and its provoking far more emotion from me than your video did. I'm writing this to you, and crying about Sweep. I feel like such a rotten traitor Summer.
Y'know Tracy, this is just how I felt (and sometimes still do) about Pernod. I can't bring myself to think too much about her, because it hurts so much, and this makes me feel as though I'm forgetting how special she was.

I think Summer meant so much to you, that you are focusing more on the others to stop the huge pain you'd feel if you let yourself think about her(if that makes sense). And i think that the fact that you're 'functioning' shows that you have made huge steps in your own personal recovery. :hug:

And how lovely that her rose is blooming :). Please, post a picture here whn you can.

Thank you Jan. Sometimes I think I'm getting 'better' and more practiced at grieving. At other times I realise I'm not.

I certainly will post pics :D It's going to be beautiful.
Hey Sum,

We missed you today. I took Tilly to meet a lovely old lady. Tilly was very good with her but I know that you would have been good with her and completely thrived on it.

Missing you good girl. Thinking of all the things I wanted to do with you but never got a chance, such as take you out and about, have you sitting on my front car seat and go somewhere like Pets At Home, or for you to come to therapy with me and walk around during the session.

I miss you and I miss having such a people rabbit, well, more than a people rabbit, I think you were a person in a rabbits body. You were one in a million.

I had a nightmare about you last night and woke up really early this morning because of it, it was horrible. Given I also had a nightmare about all the bridge buns from last year I think it was connected with the video, but it was horrible. I'm just really glad it was not real. I'd hate for you to die like that.

Loving you and missing you.

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