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MyBunnyBoys wrote:
Well there is now lots and lots of poops all over! I thinkhe's feeling better but I'll keep adding pineapple or pumpkin dailyjust ot make sure it's all cleared up. :)
Hi Laura,

I think that's a wise decision.

I just caught this post, which is why I hadn't responded sooner to at least let you know I was with you on this.

You're right that the change of scenery could've stressed himout. When they get stressed, their immune systems drop alevel and that's when they become more prone to issues such as G.I.Stasis.

Keep us posted. You'll both be in my thoughts and prayers.

By the way, did you know that Sebastian's Little Girl intentionallynamed her dog after Mocha? She thinks you're the greatest andwas excited to tell me in an email this morning that you may go andvisit her someday. :)

He's still doing goodbut I'll keep aneye on him still. I need to clean his cage and make sure he's poopingbecause I can't really tell when it's so messy.

I'm really feeling bad! He loves it outside and gets very mad at beinginside and he doesn't like it. I'd take him outside if it wasn't sodarn cold!

As for SLG, I didn't know she named the 'dog' specifically after Mocha.:DHe'll be honored to know that. I only said last night thatI wanted to make my way down to Kansas and perhaps I could meet them. :p
Laura, you betterbegin to prepare yourself early....I think Carolyn, Buck and the Missushave already had a pow wow on how they are going to present Tucker Townas "TrumpTower"! Thing is, wherever Carolyn is willbethe best place in the world to Sebastian's Little Girl.The surroundings is just "stuff"!

Hey if Tucker Town is anything like Trump Tower than count me in! As long as I can't be fired... ;)
At first I was a bit worried that she'd be verydisappointed and would be expecting Tucker Town to be like DisneyWorld, butBuck pointed out that Sebastian's Little Girl will regard any place shevisits in Tucker Town to be "TuckerTown". After Buck said that, The Missusand I relaxed a bit and weren't as concerned. I wish I hadplanned theparty around our huge Agricultural County Fairhere, but ...whatcan ya do?

Actually, we do have a climbing wall here, and we have a golf course, good fishing, swimming, and lots and lots of bunnies!!


P.S. The feeling's mutual that the party is where S.L.G. is. :)

Carolyn wrote:
P.S. The feeling's mutual that the party is where S.L.G. is. :)
Shesh I guess that means we're not invited! ;)Sounds like a 2 person party!
Quite Wrong, MyBunnyBoys!


lol, sure sure! That's justwhat you say! :p

I'm jealous that ya'll get to meet! :(I wish I could go andI'm sure Mocha would be up for picking up some of the female type. ;)
:(Ok now both really are sulking! Theyboth eat normally, drink normal amounts, and poop and pee normally butthey really look sort of depressed. They are not used to being insidewith so little natural light and I know they hate it inside. So mythought today is not that either is ill but rather that both aredepressed at their change in surroundings.My poor babies! Any idea howI can help them? I feel bad but they need to stay in for another weekat least until it warms up a fair bit but I feel so horrible!
I cannot bring them inside my house because Idon't want to stress their systems more with a temperature change. Ilet them run in the garage with careful supervision and anythingharmful well out of reach.
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
? Thing is, wherever Carolyn is will be?the best placein the world to Sebastian's Little Girl. ?The surroundings is just"stuff"!


* * * * *

Can I have her, Raspberry Swirl????


Heck, you wouldn't even know she and Sebbie were gone with all those kids, friends, and boyfriends/girlfriends in your house.

I'd be doing you a favor. Think about it...



The best you can do for them now is to just talk to them and tell themwhy they're out there, visit them and spend time with them.

Never underestimate the power of intelligence and understanding animalshave. I do talk to my rabbits and their actions the next day seem torespond to what I said.

As long as you reassure them, give them extra attention, love, and sometreats, they'll get through this. It's for their own good.

They may not like it, but they'll get through it. It's for their health and longevity.

No worries.

No guilt.

'kay? :)



TO: Raspberry Swirl


Oh, and if you decide to go ahead with this wonderful brainstorm andlet me relieve you of S.L.G. and Sebbie, of course you could still useSebbie in your avatar.


Love, Love, Love!
I do, I go out frequently and talk with them andpet them. It doesn't appear to be helping them though. :(Asfor treats, I found a bit of diarrhea in Mocha's cage so I'm not goingto give him anything for now. It doesn't help that our vacuumthingy-mabob is in the garage and my mom isa neat freak sothat noise stresses them out. When she vacuums I stay out there withthem and reassure them, too.

I didn't put little hide away boxes in their either because it's smallas it but I decided I had better put some in and they are both muchhappier sitting in their. They'll be much happier once they can go outagain. It's supposed to be -12*C/10*F on Sunday so if it is thenthey can go back out! :)If it gets any colder during thenight I can just bring them back in for the night but a day out intheir usual territory should help.

You're doing a great job, Laura.

Don't question yourself. Mocha and Spice couldn't have better care than what you're providing.

People get mad, and then they get over it.
...just like rabbits.


Much Love,
I'm very pleased to announce that the cardboardhide-away houses, although they take up a lot of space,appearto besolving the stress problem. Both are back to theirenthusiastic selves! I go outside in the garage and Mocha starts'climbing' the wire with his front feet and his ears forward justbegging for attention. Spice gets all excited and starts pacing hiscage and standing up and sniffing the wire. When I open the top part ofhis cage, he stands up with his front feet on the box and just begs forme to pet him! And it's very hard to just pet one because the other hastheir nose to the wire and they look so cute you just want to cuddlethem!

I also let them both out for a good run and that seemed to helpcheer them up. :)

I'm very relieved that there was a simple solution to the problem. Imust admit I was stupid to not put a hide-away box in there in thefirst place because I know how much they love to be in them. But all'swell and I've learned my lesson. :)

Yay for now!

P.S.- I just love how much loving I'm getting from the 2! They just crave my attention lately!

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