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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2007
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Jersey, , USA
I don't know how I got convinced to do this but good news for everyone. I talked to one of my old friends. The one who was suposed to take Acorn if I had any allergies etc. His dog wasn't exactly agreeing with the idea but we started talking again at least. I told him everyone was saying I should get another bun for him and try to make a different cage. So he took me to go look at these bunnies. When I got there , there was 4 buns. All adorable. I wanted them all. I held each one and sexed them on the spot. I couldn't make up my mind between the 2 that I adored most. I stayed for like an hour at this persons house ( they must have been annoyed lol) and I really wasn't sure what to do. My friend was like take them both. I'm like 2?! NO way! Then after trying to make a decision I decieded maybe I should go with the darker girl cause she had such a pretty face, but the spotted one had such a cute mouth and nose! GAH!
So My friend said well you definitely have to take the spotted one. When he said that I automatically felt bad and wanted the darker girl. After much thought I ended up with both of them! You got to be kidding me! How did I get talked into this?@! lol
My friend says you know for a darn fact that once you get in the car you would have been like " I should have taken the other one" or "I should have taken both" so just do it. And I did...
Now I have 2 new bunnies. Both going on 4 months old. The guy was a breeder who sold to pet stores :( He was really nice at least but he kept them outside in this freezing weather and I believe they both have some what of a URI so I have them on Baytril and acidolphilus along with critical care and some extra supplement. He said he had an extra litter and usually the lady from the store pushes she wants more but she didn't sell many this time and he had extra. (nice material objects eh? Ugh)

They don't much even look rexxy because of being outside. Their fur is so much more thick and longer then Acorns but I know it will shed and become thinner once in a warmer climate. They are in my room and acorn is still in the other side of the house purposely until they are better. They aren't that bad but I don't want to take any chances either. They are a bit smelly and their fur a bit dirty and has stuff on them. I can just take a non alc baby wipe to them right?
My friends going to help figure out how to build some kind of larger and taller cage for when they are all introduced.
I have a few questions though. The guy told me he doesn't "fix" any of his animals. I said but don't they go into heat and nest and get stressed etc? And he said no. I said aren't they more aggressive? He said no but they get more fat if you spay them. I'm pretty sure I won't be taking his advice with a grain of salt because of what he does.
I would like opinions though on why females should be spayed besides the preventing of births etc. Do I need to get it done even if Acorn is Neutered? In other words even if they can't get pregnant should it still be done and why?
Also how old do they have to be to get pregnant and is there a chance the ones I have here could be?
Sorry I am used to wild life and exotics that are to risky to be altered so I am not exactly UTD on domestic bunny females.

Well here are the 2 new girls. No names yet. But here is to a new year with more bunnies lol and hopefully getting this crap figured out. I hope this makes Acorn happy



They are adorable. The main reason for Spaying (besides preventing pregnancy) is to prevent Uterine Cancer/Uterine infectionsas they grow up. Technically, they are probably ready to breed pretty soon (if not already). You can get them spayed at any time after 4 months of age.

I wouldn't put them on Baytril unless I had a urine analysis done. They may be dirty from their living conditions, and their urine may smell if they were on a poor feed, but I wouldn't use an antibiotic with out proof of an infection.

Please let us know what you name them! (And more photo's would be so nice!) Love the colors!
They are on the baytril for respitory, not the urine lol. The one also has a bit of gook in her eye and a runny nose so I have vectrapolycin for the eye as well.
I have a stethescope made especially for small animals. Their lungs are basically clear but you can tell they aren't healthy, there is a bit of congestion and I want to kick it in the butt before they get a really bad URI (upper respitory infection) Thats why I chose baytril otherwise I wouldn't have picked something so strong cause I know it is really harsh on them. This is what I was trained to do for the wild bunnies so I kinda take my education on them and put it towards the domestics. I am open to suggestions though and if they get worse they will go to our WL vet.
I will be taking more pics today. I got to get them a few more things too.
Any name suggestions ? :)

I disagree with that fabulous (not!) breeder that you talked to.Does especially will get very cranky once they get old enough to want to breed. It's not so bad if they are getting bred on a pretty regular basis, but when they aren't being bred they can get cranky. Also, rabbits don't go into heat, they are induced ovulators. Basically they can get pregnant anywhere, anytime of year.

If your girls were still being housed along with the bucks, it is possible for them to be pregnant at four months, but not highly likely. I'm glad you got them away from this guy and into your home, it sounds like he doesn't really give a crap about his animals.
They do have some round tummies on them but they are still kinda squishy and I am assuming they are built different then males, cause acorn is a completely different build.
Yea I felt bad leaving the other bunnies behind. I wanted to grab them all. I think thats why I also took 2 and not just the one. If I had the time and room I would have came home with all four and tried to rehome them myself or kept them. It was so cold here last night. He has a plastic sheild thing around the cages but still..
He was feeding them well at least, and the ones he had knew him well and came right up to him and he held them and loved them in front of me. I just don't understand how he can sell them to a pet store though. He told me he doesn't handle the babies so he doesn't get attached but it makes no sense. He said he only lets his does have 3 litters but not sure if he meant in general or for the yeaqr.
He also has 3 dogs. He bred them as well. He had a chinchilla and he said he was thinking about breeding them. You can tell he cares about his own pets but not the ones he decides to sell and he isn't very educated. :(
Congrats on the new bunnies. They are beautiful!

I have to admit, I am a little worried if they dont look well. So many of these type of back yard breeders dont take proper care of their bunnies and many wind up sick or with other problems. I would definitely keep them away from Acorn for now and be sure to wash your hands after feeding/cleaning/petting them. But I know how hard it is to resist those sweet little faces so they are very lucky you took them from this man. He definitely doesnt know what he is talking about.

Spaying is definitey necessary for females. to avoid uterine cancer. Heres more info from our library:

You will definitely want to quarantine them for now and for about 2-3 weeks after their spays before you try bonding.

Keep us posted and congrats!

PS. Youmight want to try to sex them yourself just to be sure they are both indeed girls. The last thing you want is babies if this genious messed up their sexes :)
Thanks. I will go read that info.
I did indeed sex them myself while I was there. He took them in before I got there so I can see them cause I went pretty late at night but I felt bad because I know they were going right back out :(
They are in as much quarentine as I can do right now. They are on the other side of the house and I havent touched them except to take the pics. Afterwards I changed clothes and washed hands. I've been leaving them be though so they can adjust as well.
I need to box train them though. tehy go everywhere! lol

Mini-Rexes don't hold their body heat, they're not the type of bunnies to be outside in cold weather. :(My little Dillis as close to the furnace as he can get all the time.

I'm so glad you got them out of there. They're in good hands! :hug1

The spotted girl looks like my former (and maybe future) fosterSekura..:inlove:

I'm sure you've been warned thatmini-rexes don't always bondeasily. I wouldn't separate the girls at all, they may unbond. My mom/daughter pair (Sugar and Sekura) fought all the time, when they came to me they had chunks of hair missing from fighting, but they were housed in a tiny cage with no distractions. I put them in a pen (pictured in your other thread) with acouple of shelfs, and it wasn't bad, but wasn't totally resolved until I added a third shelf. For some reason, that made the difference.

Now... to come up with names... :ponder:

sas :toastingbuns
When I first read this I was worried that you had been trying to find a home for Acorn, and then ended up with more bunnies!

Now, I'm pretty excited to watch them bond with Acorn and I hope with all you have going on that they become bonded quickly!

Keep us updated please!!!
lol, no I have no problem caring for them or taking care of them etc. Its just that he hasn't been out as much and I just felt so bad. In this situation too for those girls anything would be better then where they were. I really didn't want to rehome him but I know he is lonely and not happy and I wasn't sure how long it would be until this got situated and when I would be around again enough. I hope they all get along. Long story short I wasn't looking to get rid of my baby , I only took these 2 girls in for him. I was looking before to take 1 or 2 more in until I had this family issue put on me and then I stopped looking. Then had more on my plate then expected. I havent seen this family member in over 2 years. I wasn't expecting to become next of kin type deal.
The 2 sisters are still young so I hope it will be easier to bond them with him..? Acorn gets along with everything though. He and my dog are best buddies when he is out and he gets along with the cat out there too, so I hope he will like other bunnies. The problem free ranging in my room is that I have to keep close eye on the not so nice feral cat who stays in here, so it was suggested since I couldn't find him a good home to get him a friend. I ended up with 2 friends instead. I'm sure eventually I will have more time to let them out more often and until then they will have eachother if they bond and get out only so much.
The 2 girls won't be separated unless ofcourse they fight or something. They sleep and snuggle together constantly. :)
Yes name suggestions would be great!!!!

Yep. I'm glad that the two girls are with you now. They are really pretty! and I love mini-rex so much!!!
I don't know if some one else has already suggested this, but what if you did a NIC cage and went UP 3 or 4 stories? more room less, same(or less)floor space, it seems win/win. don't know if you even need that idea, but thought I'd put it out there any way!

Not sure what you mean by NIC cage. Is that the cages made from the closet grates? I can't find them anywhere around here. I looked at Walmart and K amrt
Try doing a search for NIC(Neat Idea Cube)cages on the forum. and there's a topic in Photo Philes for pics of NIC cages(Here(all 18 pages of it, LOL!)--

Also, if you can't find NIC panels in your area do a online that sell them. and an added bonus is that you'll find loads more colors online(depending on where you go)than in the store *stares into space imagining a pink and purple 3 story cage.......*ok, back down to earth now! hope that helps!

They are sod as "Organize It" storage cubes at Target and can be found in the home storage area (with other stackable shelving). They usually come in a light green box and you can get them in all colors. You buy the "shelving" but just dont put it together with shelves. Instead you use cable ties to create a large bunny condo or pen. They are awesome!

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