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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2004
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Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Ever since last night, Dusty has been stompingalot. Even while he was in his cage, he stomped three times and soloudly that I ran from my bedroom to see what it was! He seemsrestless, could this behavior indicate he just wants to get out of hiscage?

I pulled out the cage's tray to clean it out and discovered the cageneeds a splatter guard, for there was a large puddle of brownsemi-dried liquid on the linolium. I let Dusty outand cleanedthe floor with Pine-Sol. After I finished sterilizing the floor and putfresh newspapers down in his cage and cleaned out his litter box(though I left some pellets in there so his scent would remain) Igently pushed Dusty towards the cage. He seemed terrified of it, backedaway and ran to a household corner not too far from the cage. He satthere panting heavilly with his eyes very wide, and I'm worried thatthe pine - smell might have scared him. From his panting I even worriedhe might have eaten some of it somehow, but then he saw our cat andresumed his rabbit-mating ritual which he's sure no cat can resist.

Later, when I neared him, he stamped his foot, and later still hestruggled when I went to put him in his cage. I started by trying toherd him in, but he wouldn't go. Finally, I had to grab him and insterthim into the cage. Later on that night, he stamped 3 times in his cage.My mom was on the phone, but had been for a while so I don't know whythat would scare him. But there was Lianid, our cat, sitting next tothe cage and Dusty the rabbit looked like he wanted out.

The rabbit-cat dance:
1st, his nose twitches like crazy and he restlessly hops about the cage.
The poor thing's hormonesseem to go wild andtriesand tries to make it with our cat, Lianid's tail and finally lays downpanting exhaustedly.

When I woke up this morning (after a night of keeping Lianid in myroom) I checked Dusty's body language. It was the same rappidnose-twitching and panting. So I let him out, knowing he wouldn't findthe cat. I fed him somefresh parsley in my hand and when hefinished, he hopped out and stamped his foot again! I walked slowelyafter himand he stomped again..and again...and he ran aroundsome more and again stomped. I scooped him andreturned him tohis cage.

What do you make of this? Is this fear of me? Fear of his cage/goingback to his cage? Or is it a mating call for Lianid?
It's hard to know sometimes why theythump. A friend of mine had a bunny start thumping oneevening...... he didn't stop! They tried and tried to figure out whatit was and soon found that there was a cord overheating in an outletand slowly starting a fire.

Once they had the cord taken care of and the house ok, the bunny stopped his thumping.

Be sure to check your smoke alarms and whatnot ......

Did you make any changes recently? A Christmas tree perhaps?
Thanks for replying!--And that's amazing!
I guess my little guy is okay. I was justworried the thumpingmight mean he was hurting, but he seems okay today. I bought hay toreplace his alfalfa, gave him a salad with carrots and one of thoselittle treat sticks and he's snuggled in his litter box now.I believe this morning's thumpathon was a fit he was throwing over thebox being changed. This is my second week of owning a rabbit --Thethumps are really very alarming to one who never heard one before!Today he actually seems more adjusted and even "let" me listen to rockmusic. :)
Well, it is probably just his alarm at new thingsand the cat and not getting what he wants when he wants it....... orgetting a clean box when he didn't want it cleaned LOL!

Oh and don't use pine-sol around his cage. It's bad for theirrespiratory health. Try white vinegar. It's betterthan anything and it will clean up their litterpan too.... if he getssome sediments from his urine, let it soak a bit and then wipe itclean.... rinse really well a few times, and wipe it dry....

Congrats on the new bunny! I have had mine for about 3 1/2mos now and it's really been a learning experience. I had noidea they could and would communicate or attempt to in the ways theydo. Bo hasn't thumped but one time and we aren't sure but wethink it was over a mouse that had gotten in the house and he saw it.

Wait til your little guy snorts at you or oinks at you!That's adorable.... but a snort can mean they are mad so you have to becareful! they might bite! Bo snorts in displeasure a lot, but hedoesn't get nasty about it..... just huffy. LOL!

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Well, it is probably just his alarm at new things and thecat and not getting what he wants when he wants it....... or getting aclean box when he didn't want it cleaned LOL!

Wait til your little guy snorts at you or oinks at you!That's adorable.... but a snort can mean they are mad so you have to becareful! they might bite! Bo snorts in displeasure a lot, but hedoesn't get nasty about it..... just huffy. LOL!

Youre probably right about the bun wanting attention. Chloe does it allthe time. At first I thought something was wrong but after some timeand observation...I realized that she thumps when I'm showing anotherbun feeding time if I'm not getting to her food bowlfast enough....and especially when it's treat timeandshe has to wait her turn.

Is it certain breeds that make those noises or what?I havetwo mini rexs and I swear they can make some hilarious noises. Rexigrunts a lot. She's so hard to please. LOL But Charlie grunts andsnorts all the time too.

Sweet pea...although not a mini rex...makes some amazing sounds aswell. she doesnt grunt but kinda slurps certain things...likebananas....she smacks when she's chewing raisins....and boy does shewhimper when she's happy. I love that sound.

My nethies make very little noise.


Oh lanna that is SO funny because my daughter andI were just telling my mother-inlaw how fun it is to feed Bo a bananaslice..... because we like to hear him eating it!

"smack, slurp, smack smack, slurpppp" It's absolutely HILARIOUS! I just love his sounds.

Yes, mini-rex tend to be vocal I think. He had allergies tohis hay when we first got him. The "barn" hay I used was toodusty and he sneezed...... then he got over all of that and I kepthearing him "sneeze" now and then.... especially if I was in the nextroom where he could see me. His "sneezes" were 'oinks" of "ILOVE YOU MOMMY PLEASE COME LOVE ME!" Once I figured it out, Ilaughed so hard, I was so worried about my sneezing littleboy. I would run to him to check for drainage and whatnot....he knew it....... What a turd :)

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