Starting dreadlocks.

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This girl on my old team started her dreads when I left.. at the time they looked nice, neat, clean.. and her natural brown.

Now shes been using this really bright red dye on it, and she never washes her hair, it looks like she killed a Muppet and is using the Carcass as a hat.

She started them by sectioning off evenly sized squares all over her head, about an inch squared, maybe less, then putting a small rubber band at the scalp, then she backcombed and twisted each one. She did it alternately on each and every one. She put another rubber band at the end. She wore it under a bandanna for over a month and a half while it took that shape...then once it was kinda.. "stuck", she cut all the rubberbands off..

It looked cool..until she started putting that weird dye in it..yanno how your hair turns color at the root because it's new hair growth? Well she had this halo of red orange dye all around her scalp.. then dirty red dreads. "Muppet Carcass Hat"

What made it worse is..she had really bad skin.. so she caked on the foundation and the goth white kabuki powder. She drew on her eyebrows with a red pencil.. her makeup was always really exaggerated, and she had..very weird.. large teeth...

I always felt compelled to offer her a carrot and throw a blanket over her back..

She also like zombies..obsessed with them..and would hiss at people..and act like she was biting them..


I forgot.. what was this about?
son who is considering dreads for his summer style says backcombing and a small amount of dreadwax. i started them myself nearly 30 years ago - an operation on my head meant i couldnt wash my hair for 8 weeks. sadly once i returned to work they had to go:cry2
My nephew had dreadlocks for a while. Then he moved back in with his mom for a little while, and all she could say was that he really had bad body odor. He was in the process of looking for a job, when he finally came to his senses and shaved his hair/dreads off. That was the source of his odor!! His hair smelled so bad, that my sister was gaging over the smell!!

Please wash your hair. My only advice... :twitch:

The stench of unwashed dreads is always the first thing that comes to mind when I see someone with them. To create them it seems as though you basically have to damage your hair purposefully.
I couldn't do it, it damages your hair soooo much. They always look icky and dirty too eww lol!
Wow, so many ignorant comments about dreadlocks. :biggrin2: Washed hair dreads so much faster than unwashed hair. And wax is really bad for dreadlocks. It traps water in your hair which can lead to dreadrot. :yuck

Anyway, I was hoping for more constructive comments than "Ew." :rollseyes

Be careful about throwing out insults like that, as some people view dreadlocks as a very spiritual and sacred thing. That and it's really rude to just assume that dreadlocks are dirty.
I apologize if I hurt your feelings. I agree that I don't know a lot about them. I can only comment based on the experiences I have had with people wearing dreads. If there is a way to keep them fresh and clean-scented, then the people I've been around with them did not have that knowledge. Perhaps you can share tips on how to keep them clean here so that I can make suggestions to those I know who choose to have them.
I dont' know much about dreadlocks but a few of my friends have had them. My only advice is to go and get them started by a professional. 2 of my friends did them themselves and 2 went to a hairdresser to get them done and the professionally done ones looked much nicer. The tricky thing is finding a hair stylist that has experience in doing dreads.

I've also never notice a smell with dreads. Having dreads doesn't cause a smell. The smell probably comes from not taking care of them properly.

The sucky part comes when you decided to take them out, lol.
GoinBackToCali wrote: looks like she killed a Muppet and is using the Carcass as a hat.

:roflmao: Zin, you always crack me up! :biggrin:
I know someone who had them and before she gave birth to her daughter she decided to take them out. She had to cut her hair into a "boy" haircut just so that she could cut off the damaged part. She had them professionally started and they were VERY thin (which I think helped them look more feminine). They did look nice on her, and they did not smell just be prepared to have very short hair when you are ready to get rid of them because no matter how well you take care of them you will damage your hair.

Alternatively, you can buy dreadlock extensions and have them applied in a similar way that women get hair extensions braided in. They last several months until you have to have them moved up (as your hair grows out) but you only need to purchase them once and your hair only faces minimal damage.
I'm not too worried about the damage on my hair. It's just hair. Washing dreadlocks is pretty much the same as washing normal hair, although you really want to wait in between washings to make sure that the hair is fully dry. Also, you can't use just any shampoo, you need to use one that is marked "no residue". Personally, I don't use shampoo now and my hair is amazing. I just scrub with baking soda, rinse with apple cider vinegar. There's a lot of misinformation out there which leads to some crazy myth's about dreadlocks.
The only experiences I've had with dreads have been bad. I guess these people just didn't know how to take care of them and they smelled. Don't get insulted. It's just the truth of my experience. Can't expect everyone's opinion or experience to be like your own.

Well both that girl and her husband had dreads.. and I always hugged them when I saw them and when I left and I never noticed a small. Jakes always looked clean and neat, and I often thought his were nicely done. Mariah's.. she openly admitted she never washed once every 2 weeks or so..and just febreezed them..

Yes I said Febreeze.

So then.. slap a derby helmet on top of all that, and the massive sweat we exude during the course of a practice...


I see pics of her now.. and she has her helmet perched on TOP of her dreads, not where it should be on her cranium.. and I often think to myself "that can't be safe"

People are going to have their comments...and individual thoughts. If your going to choose to do something like dreads, you should probably get accustomed to reactions like that..because it is not the norm.

I have ink all up and down my arms..and on my chest, behind my ears on my back legs and feet. If I can pierce it, it's done..the reaction I get the most is, as a matter of fact I got it just last night at the ZZ Top concert, "Your just precious, but why do you wanna do that to yourself?"

I have gotten use to it..and accept those comments.. you've got to realize.. people are shocked by things that are different, and to look different and NOT expect a broad range of reactions, many times they are not positive reactions at all..would be foolish on our parts.

It's just the nature of things..
That's great you want dreadlocks! I mean that genuinely too. ;) I love the look of them. Ignorance and bad information is common regarding them. For those who don't know, you should wash your dreadlocks just like your regular hair. The only difference is you wash them more like you would a sponge. Yes, it's essentially matted hair, but humans do far worse to themselves in the name of beauty and looks. Straightening, blow drying, etc. All damage the hair too.

Make sure to get pictures when you are done!
There was a girl in my high school who had short, like 2 inch long, dreads for a while which I thought looked adorable on her, but living in Ithaca, land of the hippies, I've also seen a lot of dreads that I don't think look good at all.

I think if done well and maintained well they can look good, but I agree that there are also plenty of ways for them to go so so wrong.

Of course, all this is coming from a girl who has basically always had the same haircut because I'm afraid that if I try something else, I won't like it. I also have requirements like it has to be long enough to put in a ponytail for when I'm doing chores and stuff, and it has to be long enough to french braid because I love the feeling of braiding my hair.

Of course I've also been blessed with a lot of thick, semi wavy semi frizzy hair that does what it wants so usually I just have in it a ponytail anyway.
I would suggest going to a professional, and maybe putting some beads in a couple, or threading metal wire so you can put some really cool items in them.

Some smell, some don't. It does depend on care, and products.

And actually Jess, what is funny is that a lof of Africans and Hindu's find "regular" people wearing dreads as offensive because basically dreads were only given to the rights of an Preist.
Then in the Rasafarian, it was because of religion, and I have Jamacian friends who think that when white people or people of non-rastafarian religion wear them, it is an insult.

It would be like wearing a Kippah or Yarmulke for style, even if your not Jewish.

Just some food for thought!

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