Spot on ear

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Earlier today I noticed a spot on Leons ear and I can't tell what it is and it doesn't help that he won't stay still. I had my bf hold him so I could take a picture. it might be nothing but I don't want to mess with it incase it is something. Please help

He's 10 weeks old and acting normal

I feel so stupid but its better to over react then under imo (in this case anyway). So i changed his box and while he was eating i got to examine the spot. I got some water on my finger and rubbed the spot and it disappeared and im so received. I don't know how he got that on him but I'm glad everything is ok.
Yes, it looked that way to me, but I wasn't sure & knew if you touched it you could rule that in or out. A much better situation that a cyst or abscess, both of which would have required seeing a vet to either drain or operate on.
Well I'm just glad everything is ok and if he would sit still for a minute i could have figured it out sooner. I'm just wondering how he got what ever that was on him and a big huge duhh on my end.

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