Sore Hock?

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What she has is long as it is not open or inflammed, it's normal for some bunnies.

Bunnies like people carry their weight differnt, sit different etc....some people get callosus's (sp?)on their feet,pressure sores, bunions et.....some don't.

Rexes almost all have it (or the ones we get in)....ther fur is thinner on their feet but people often think there is something wrong. There isn't....i's the bodies way of laying down extra skin tissue in order to protect a mechanical surface.

Poppy's foot looks's covered by her fur but it's probably just a bio mecahnical type thing that is normal for her.

Oh ok, thanks! Should I continue to put the polysporin and udderly smooth ointment on?

I just don't want her to be in any sort of discomfort. I was really worried when I saw the sore, but if it's normal I guess I'll just have to keep my eye on it?
Why fix what isn't briken

Unless the skin is broken and looks like a wound. If that is the case than you want to monitor it but chances are it's nothing,especially if you have to even dig thru the hair to find it.It doesn't sound like it's an open sore or anything. Checkout different bunnies you meet and most will have some sort of callous under their fur regardless of the surface they live on.
In those last pics it doesn't look like it's too bad.
Looks like it's healing, but still a bit irritated in spots.
Helping it along to heal without complications wouldn't hurt.....I'd use the sporin for a few days.
The balm will help condition the hock and, if itis a bio-mechanical issue, will help form healthy skin and most probably a callous as result.

Thanks. I'll check it this afternoon and put a bit of the balm and polysporin on. It won't hurt, and if it helps to heal it that would be good.

Thanks everyone!
I checked Poppy's foot at lunch time. It seems a bit less red, so I put the balm and polysporin on. She doesn't mind because she knows she'll get a piece of papaya after. :D
Which foot?

I would suspect a fungal iinfection if it is a front foot. I had a red

buck that had a spot on his front foot. Bob Shaftoe, a judge from Canada

pointed it out to me and told me to use white iodine painted on it once

a day and it cleared right up.

The white iodine has also been used for sore hocks but I swear by

the Preparation H. It reduces the swelling right away. If they are not

open then they are probably not infected just inflamed.

pamnock wrote:
I use udderly smooth - good stuff. Vitamin E rubbed on the feet can also help.

Lost my WHOLE post when I spell checked it....Oh wella!

I only just heard about Udderly Smooth the other day when one of our friends had some.

It's probably a lot easier to find than Bag Balm, too.

Sorry, haven't given an update. I need to load the pics too.

The one I've been treating daily since Saturday seems a bit less inflamed, but the one I've only started treating a few days ago is very cracked and inflamed. Looks very irritated. The Polysporin and udderly smooth seems to be helping, but it's hard to tell any significant changes. It's not getting any worse though, so that's good. That was my main concern with it.

This one is from 2 days ago.


From yesterday.





I'll get some pictures of the worser of the two feet, the one I just found hopefully tomorrow. Sorry they are a bit bright :?. Must be the reflection off her fur.

Haven't checked it this afternoon yet, but I'll be sure to get some pictures. I couldn't really see any change from yesterday. Today is the one week mark of treating it and I don't see as much progress as I'd like to :(.
You might try some Desitin for a few days.

There's also white iodine.

The other thing to consider is the surfaces she has access to.
I added several blankets to Chippy's cages and also put a NIC add on on her cage so she could be on a differnt surface when she wanted

It took Chippy almost two weeks to show some good improvment.
However, I wouldn't wait too long before considering a vet visit.

Anything that happens to the hock area has a better chance of migrating in to their main system because of the minimal amount of tissue between the skin and the rest.


:sighIt looks a bit worse today than yesterday. It's so hard because in one picture it looks better, then in the other picture it looks the same or worse.

I have a thick fleece sheet covering 90% of her cage now, then I did add on another so she could have some tile to sit on if she liked, and I'm just trying to find some cardboard to put in there too. I really don't know what could be bothering her foot so much :?. She doesn't seem bothered by it at all. If she was eating less, or seemed irritated by it I'd be more worried, but she seems normal.

I might see if I can get her to a vet today.

Here are some pictures from this afternoon:

The foot I've been treating for a week:



Foot I've been treating since Tuesday I think.




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