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Jun 21, 2012
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York, South Carolina, USA
There is fur everywhere in my house! Fur of different colors, different legnths, different textures, different species. I have a Dingo dog that sheds year round, 3 inside/outside cats that shed in the summer, and a mini lop that sheds all the time! I brush the dog and cats outside with a furminator and a slicker brush, but the bun doesn't like to be brushed at all! Every time I touch the rabbit, a puff of white fur flies out of her. There is so much fur everywhere, I feel like I could knit it into another animal. It gets stuck is weird places. There are fur bunnies everywhere!

I sweep and vacuum everyday, and no matter how many times I do it, it doesn't matter. There is still fur everywhere.

How do you guys with a lot of indoor animals keep the fur at bay? Is there a way?

We have hardwood floors throughout our house, so I feel like if we had carpet it wouldn't be as noticeble but with the wood floors it just floats around everywhere! When my son rolls around on the floor, he looks like a sugared doughnut; only its not sugar, its fur! hahahaha. Its insane!

HELP ME COMBAT THE FUR IN MY HOUSE! Thanks y'all for listening to my fur rant.
Well I was going to suggest removing any carpeting but you don't have any carpeting :p

Sounds like you are doing a good job with sweeping or mopping every day. It's probably not as bad as you think ;)

If you have pets there will be hair in the house.

P.S. Don't wear black clothing, it attracts hair!
Oh black clothing is a total no no. I had to get dressed for a funeral last winter and almost had to get dressed outside! Wool skirt+black sweater and tights=what appears to be an angora outfit! Even though i don't have an angora anything. Lol. we keep an industrial sized lint roller in the car for just those occasions!
I only have one rabbit and i know how you feel. Its funny the other day i was thinking if only i could crochet with his fur I'd have a scarf or two lol.
Whenever I wear black I don't put it on until I get ready to walk out the door ;)

And I hear you on the lint rollers. I have one in the house, my car and my desk at work :biggrin:
Oh I know what you mean...My mom says we have tumbleweed in our house. My mom has 2 indoor cats, and I have 1. They all shed a lot. My 2 holland lops shed a lot too. But the worst of them all is my Siberian Husky Rex. They say huskies shed twice a year, well let me tell you he sheds year round. I recently purchased the furminator and notice a HUGE difference.

I use the furminator, we sweep daily and have a robot vaccum we use a few times a weeks. I guess thats all you can do, well that and caution guests to be careful when they are eating that they don't choke on a dog hair:p
Haha, we have fur galore too. Two long haired fluffy black dogs. One is little and doesn't shed too much, but the other big one leaves poofy tufts of hair wherever she goes. (She looks basically like a black golden retriever.) Then we have our bun, who sheds white/light tan hair everywhere.

Then there's me, I shed like crazy too!
oooooh fur fur every where haha. Harvey's shedding at the moment so I pet him and it's like a snow drift. Then I had horse hair all over me after riding. Then it's my mom's little white dog. I can't escape the hair haha.
I have 6 rabbits (including one angora) and 2 cats (one is angora)- every color possible. I use a furminator and lots of vaccuuming.

However, my secret weapon is a sign on the front door of a cute poem:
To pacify you, my dear pets,
I have posted the following message on our front door:

To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like to Complain About Our Pets.

1. They live here. You don't.
2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture.
(That's why they call it "fur"niture.)
3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.
4. To you, it's an animal. To me, he/she is an adopted
son/daughter who is short hairy, walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly.

At work I have a sign that says: No outfit is complete without a bit of pet hair.

Problem Solved!
MiniLopHop wrote:
I have 6 rabbits (including one angora) and 2 cats (one is angora)- every color possible. I use a furminator and lots of vaccuuming.

However, my secret weapon is a sign on the front door of a cute poem:
To pacify you, my dear pets,
I have posted the following message on our front door:

To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like to Complain About Our Pets.

1. They live here. You don't.
2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture.
(That's why they call it "fur"niture.)
3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.
4. To you, it's an animal. To me, he/she is an adopted
son/daughter who is short hairy, walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly.

At work I have a sign that says: No outfit is complete without a bit of pet hair.

Problem Solved!

That is so funny! I feel like that too, I like my animals more than I like most people. Most of the people that come over have animals so they're used to the fur that floats around my house.
Except my best friends Fiance is allergic to dogs, cats and rabbits. The three animals that I have in the house! So when they come over, I meet him at the door with a few benedryl and a glass of water. Usually if he doesn't touch any of the animals he's fine. But my dog LOVES him, so hes always petting the dog. He also loves my bun, so he sits in the floor with her and pets her as his eyes slowly swell up and close from the animals!
I have a friend that can't come to our house because of her allergies. We go there or out somewhere. It's not her fault and I'm not changing my life because her imunesystem is defunct.
Hhahaha. Thats why I keep benedryl on hand! If my friends fiance happens to fall asleep half way through the visit, its not my fault its the drugs.
Besides they say if you keep your kids around animals for the first year of their lives it cuts down on the chance they'll have allergies in the future. So I'm pretty sure my son won't be allergic to anything! Cats, dogs, bunnies, chickens; no allergies here!
My buck is overhaul molting, we've FILLED a plastic grocery bag with his fur on more than one occasion. I happen to wear a lot of tees, and jeans or stuff that I can roll the fur off of. I also wear a lot of black, which would normally be bad with a silver tabby, a broken black tort, a broken opal, and a broken chocolate (lots of white or silver fur!) But thankfully it's not an issue. The carpet keeps ours under control.
we used to have a cat that was orange and white... and have white (well, it used to be white) berber carpeting with a multi-colored dark oriental rug over the carpet. the cat would actually sit there and pluck out orange tufts of fur and leave them on the white carpet and pluck out white tufts and leave them on the dark rug where the orange would've blended in. he was a real brat sometimes.

my mother was very intelligent and normally very rational, but for some reason she thought that white berber carpeting in half the house and white tile floors in the other half was a perfectly good idea despite having two dogs, a cat and a teenage daughter. unfortunately for me, I inherited the house - godawful flooring choices and all - and am too cheap/lazy to replace stuff.
Sometimes I wish I had carpet to collect the fur. Instead, we have fur tumble weeds blowing around our house. hahaha. I didn't sweep my kitchen yesterday but swept it today and you would think I shaved my rabbit in the middle of the room! There was THAT much fur. Its insane. She's in the middle of a molt right now I think. Well, she's always molting.

I also have to rake out my chicken coop tomorrow because my rooster is molting too, so it looks like it snowed white feathers in their coop. If anyone would like beautiful white rooster feathers let me know, I'll send you some!
Some of my rabbits don't like to be brushed either. A good way to get loose hair off them is to dampen your hands and pet them. The hair will collect on your hands, then you just rub your hands together and it balls up and you can rub it off and start again. You can do this outside if you want less of a clean up.

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