So is this a good sign?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2007
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Milwaukee, WI, ,
So I finally got done with work and headed to Keith's house. I let Zoey out, and she came right out.

For a while Chewie was chasing her, although occasionally they'd sniffeach other. And then I had the idea of putting some VeggieO's out on the ground, and this is the result:

So is this a good bonding sign considering it's Day 1?

Now Chewie's just relaxing and leaving her alone, and she's just exploring.
Yeah, he finally mellowed out and just flops out and lays there, relaxed as can be, while she explores.

SHE, on the other hand, kept going in HIS cage and drinking hiswater. LOL So we put her in her own cage for somedown, quiet time to relax.

Chewie seems very happy, and Zoey has already binkied a couple of times.

We let her out again, and Chewie was all flopped out on the floor. She came over by him and started LICKING HIS FACE!

And he just closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

She groomed him for about two minutes. I almost died.

I couldn't get the camera on fast enough.
I love it!!! It was the perfect match:) It seems like boys are usually more easygoing about a girlcoming into "their space" than the other way around. Is her fur kind oflight gray near the back? Did you see the babies in person or justKeith? I bet they are adorable.
I didn't get a chance to see thebabies. *sigh* But I think four of them are stillthere, at the one on 40th or whatever and Wisconsin Ave.

Keith said they were TINY and really cute. :)

And yeah, her fur is sort of brown to gray to whitish toward the back. It's a really pretty streaky kind of thing!

You should come visit us sometime and see. :)
You Babies are beautiful.:inlove::heartbeat:

Note to self, put these two on my Bunny Napping list. Now ifI only knew where Milwaukee is, it would be alot easier for me.

Susan and the Gang:apollo::bunnydance::bunnyheart:bunny19
Aww, thank you!!

And yes, the bunny bonding project is going remarkably well.I think we seriously lucked out in finding two bunnies that just adoreeach other and hit it off from the beginning.

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