So freaked out

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2011
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central, Pennsylvania, USA
:shock: omg i'm traumatized right now! Just cut my buns nails, what a horrible experience. Cleo hates to be picked up but that part went great. Then came the nail cutting..... The squirming and flying hair ( so much hair) and kicking..... I was afraid I was squishing her, she kicked a so bad my arm looks like I put it in a blender, but worse now i'm thinking she will just hate me :( plus the clippers I had were too small for her thick back nails! I hate to think I have to do this all over again.
Personally i find it easier to do my guys while their on their backs in my lap, but that doesnt work for all bunnys.
You can always try the burrito and bring out 1 paw at a time. Or after each paw offer her a treat. Do 1 paw a day, bring her out for cuddle time and use a nail file gently on some.
I use the small Conair Pro dog clippers, the closer the cutting part is to the tip of the clippers, the easier they are to cut.
You can always try and find a vet in your area that does trims. Then when youre done you can be the one to "save" her.
I thought about a borrito but wasnt sure how I was gonna get each paw out without her getting away.

We started out with her on my lap, that didnt last long.

Good news is she let me pet her and give her a kiss just now, so she must not hate me.
I'm not sure how big your rabbit is. I generally find a pair of the small cat scissor style clippers works well for my rabbit, but he's only about 4.5 lbs. It definitely helps to have the right tool for the job.
You also need to find a position that works for you. With some buns you can just have them standing and then pull one foot at a time for the trim. I usually burrito mine, but again it's what you and the bun are most comfortable with. At first you might be better having someone else hold while you trim.
Then make sure you're confident. When you decide where you're going to clip (watch for the quick), do it in one quick smooth motion. Don't spend time squeezing down on the nail as that'll just stress both of you out.
When I first clipped Sweetie's nails, she has dark nails, I had the vet show me how, then I did it at the vet office. Glad I did too, because I clipped the quick which worried me, but the vet had quick stop there and put some on the toenail that I clipped too short. I just have Sweetie sitting on the couch and I pull one foot out and clip the toenail. Sometimes though I have to have her on her back, so I can see the quick with her in between the light and me.

Just find a position that you both are comfortable with and soon you will be able to clip her toenails without any issues. It is stressful for the bunny but once they get used to it then they will usually trance while you clip their nails.

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