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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Last night and this morning, I heard spike sneeze a few times in succession. Each time, it was after having a marathon hay eating session. He is eating and going to the bathroom normally and has lots of energy. I don't see anything in his eyes or nose (no mucus or runniness as far as I can see). He is also shedding a lot, so his fur is flying about, despite my efforts to get it.

Should I be worried? Could he maybe have just gotten hay or fur up his nose? He has sneezed after hay in the past. I just never heard it two days in a row. Bunny sneezes sound kind of scary!
Sounds like fur and hay sneezes. Bunnies sneezes are odd. Mine do sneeze from time to time with hay that is a bit dry and definitely when they molting.

Just do your best with grooming. That will also alleviate ingestion of the fur. Plenty of hay will help keep furballs at bay.

Also papaya helps their digestion of any fur they ingest. Helps them to pass it.

If he's eating and drinking, pooping and peeing normally, he's fine. He just got something up his nose which cause the sneezing.

One thing to look for though in his poop is fur. If you find fur give him more water and hay which will help it pass. Plus double up on the grooming.

Hope this helps.
