Smores - GI issues starting?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2009
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Amsterdam, , Netherlands
Ashlynn passed away on Saturday. She had clumpy cecals on her bum (nothing liquid) and they say she died from gas.

I've kept Smores inside since. He's been in the playpen all day. He's starting to get a little quiet... Loafed. No teeth grinding, nothing significant. I did find a small bunch of mushy cecals. Like 2-3 together. He's been eating alfalfa, timothy and some Selective Rabbit feed. (Long green pellets) Other than that he has Origano based drops in his water that are supposed to help maintain the balance...

Jeff rushed out to try and find simethicone if he can, just in case. I'm concerned, but also think I might be reading too much into it. He looks okay otherwise, I mean he's alert and all. Just not sure...
Nela, of course I have no advice, but I will be thinking of your little boy!! I hope he'll be okay! You must be so worried.
Thanks Shiloh. We appreciate it.

I'm feeling so stupid. I feel like everything I've ever learnt has gone out the window. I can't seem to remember anything. The things I do remember, I second guess. I seem to be going around in circles. I had my 'first aid kit'. I brought it from Montreal, I remember. Can't find it. :pssd:This is all going so wrong, this was supposed to be great :cry1:I can handle a bunny dying if there is nothing to be done, but right now I feel like I am doing everything wrong. I don't get it. i really hope Jeff finds the simethicone. He doesn't know what it is... I don't have a car and there is no chemist here that I know of. *Sighs* I hope I am just getting worried over nothing.
What you want to get is simethicone in the form of liquid infant gas drops. it may not say simethicone on the front of the bottle but it it will have simethicone listed as the only active ingredient on the back of the package. In the US some of the trade names are Mylicon infant gas drops or liquid gas X for infants

Don't get anythng that has anything but simethicone as the active ingredient
How old is Smores. ?

if she appears to be in distress remove the pellets and alfalfa for now and let hereat just the timothy.
if you can get a probiotic like benebac and give her a dose that would also be helpful . You can purchase probiotics like benebac at a petstore .

You can also buy probiotics at farm stores labeled for horses ( Probios here )

Idon't know what origano drops are at all or whether they could cause a problem Are they a probiotic of some kind ?

Iam also not familar with the brand of rabbit food you are feeding . usually a young rabbit willget alfalfa pellets.
Any age of rabbit can eat alfalfa pellets, or timothy. There is no proven research that one age needs to eat a certain type.

Drops in the water aren't necessary. I doubt they are causing the problems though.

What brand of pellets are you feeding? Are they a pet shop or feed store brand? Is this rabbit getting any treats, and greens and vegetables? Is it showing any signs of bloat? Is the stomach gurgling? what do the poops look like? Are they normal, or mushy looking? It helps to be thorough so we can help you.

Please do not remove the pellets from the rabbits diet until you know exactly what is going on with it. Doing so can be dangerous. And you may have a hard time getting it to start eating them again.

Cutting off everything else and feeding nothing but good quality pellets and hay should solve the problem. If it doesn't then may have to have a fecal exam done on the rabbit.

Dixonsrabbitry ,

This bun has mushy cecals

We usually recommend a hay and water diet temporarily until the gas or GI issue has settled down and the gut bacteria reestablishs itself ; we often encourage , simethicone for gas, syringe feeding childrens electrolyte drink for hydration and a probiotic,

This member is in the Netherlands ;
European pelletsoften are made of forages that are much different than here in the US .

We do not know the age of the rabbit or what is in the pellet. We also do not know what origano drops are?

He needs to ask for "baby gas drops"...maybe that will make it easier for him to find the simethicone.
Thanks guys. He didn'T understand so I will go. Stupid vet gave him pellets to try, same feed we have *facepalms*

It's definitely gas, classic symptoms. Mushy cecals, 'loafing' putting his belly closer to the ground,some gurgling.... It's not major, just minor for now. No tooth grinding, no hiding or anything, just slight changes in his behaviour.

He's 2 months old. The feed he is on is aniseed flavoured or based? Not sure, I will have to look. He's not eating anything else, not since Friday when he had half a dandelion green. I've stopped all extras. He's on his feed, half a bowl a day, timothy at will, and alfalfa cubes about 5 a day? He doesn't eat them all at once though so sometimes there is leftover the next day.

Anyway, going to go try and find the simethicone.
Info I found on the Rabbit feed.
A high fibre (19%) fully extruded complete food, with the added benefits of prebiotics and natural herbs to keep your rabbit fit and healthy. Science - Selective Rabbit is a mono-component, complete diet for rabbits, designed to combat the specific problem of selective feeding. -Science - Selective Rabbit incorporates a blend of premium quality raw materials extruded into a highly nutritional and palatable biscuit. -Science - Selective Rabbit contains a high level of fibre (19%) to promote gut motility, ealthy digestion and even dental wear. -Science - Selective Rabbit contains Bio-Moss, a prebiotic which boosts immune function, aids digestion and improves caecal consistency. The prebiotic acts on harmful gut bacteria, allowing the beneficial bacteria to flourish.

I wonder if it's Oregano Drops that you are giving him. If so this is what I found on it.
Antibacterial Agent

Oregano is also an excellent antibacterial agent. Its volatile oils are highly active against the majority of pathogenic bacteria, including staph, strep, and E.coli.

Oil of Oregano Effectively Treats:

.• acne .• allergies .• arthritis .• asthma .• athlete's foot .• constipation .• croup .• dandruff .• diarrhea .• digestive disturbances .• insect bites .• bronchitis .• canker . sores .• colds .• flu .• earaches .• fatigue .• gum disease .• parasites .• headaches .• menstrual irregularities .• psoriasis .• toenail problems .• seborrhea .• ringworm .• rosacea .• sinusitis .• muscle pain .• varicose veins .• warts

The food sounds like a good brand , however,I would at least cut it down to very minimim amount for the present.
Essential oils of herbs are toxic to rabbits although many of the herbs themselves are not.

Iwould stop the oregano or whatver it is
Whats the protein on that feed? 19% is pretty good for fiber.

I agree that the oregano might be whats causing it. However, keep it around, it may be handy to use if run into problems again.
Here are the details on the pellets:

- HIgh Fibre

- Promotes Dental wear

- Mono-component, fully extruded diet

- Prevents selective feeding

- Promotes growth of beneficial bacteria within the digestive system

- Contains Linseed, a great source of Omega 3&6 promoting healthy skin & coat

- Highly palatable

- No added sugar

- No artifical colourants.


- Alfalfa, wheat & wheat feed, soya hulls, flaked peas, linseed (2%), soya & soya oil, sugar beet pulp, salt, lysine, methionine, choline (I thought that said Chlorine!), vitamins and nimerals, aniseed & fenugreek flavour.

Protein: 14%

Oil: 4%

Fibre: 19%

Ash: 8%

Calcium: 0.6%

Phosphorous: 0.4%

Vitamin A: 10,000 IU/kg

Vitamin D3: 1 000 IU/Kg

Vitamin E: 50mg/kg (alpha-tocopherol acetate)

Copper: 10mg/kg (cupric sulphate)

* Produced in a meat free environment. 100% vegetarian*


Does it sound okay? It sure sounded better than what I had in Montreal
Seeing how I myself had doubts about the oregano, I think at this time it is best to stop it - unless someone with experience can confirm that it is advantageous. (The water sure smelled strong!) I will leave him on straight hay and water over the next 24hrs? Is that ok? I did find the simethicone so I am quite relieved. He's looking okay. Just a tad more quiet than usual. No obvious signs of discomfort at the moment. :)

It's been hot today as well, he's inside with me but it was hot in the house although we did have the fan on and he wasn't directly in the sun. I will be freezing bottles for him though so I will have that on hand as well as it's supposed to get really hot this weekend.

Thank you for helping us, it's really appreciated!
Sorry it took long to reply, I wanted to be sure I didn't jinx it ;)

He's looking good today, better. He's more active, drinking and munching lots... He's back to binkying and running around so I am relieved. He's out in his playpenin front of me right now. So much for not being an indoor bunny huh? :pWell, still react but so far it's not too bad. For now, he can stay inside for a few more days I guess. I don't want him getting too used to being inside... Fingers crossed that he'll stay a happy and healthybunny :)

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