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gypsy wrote:
Actually Bunny Barn he has 4different colors to him he has a fawn ,anorange ,a black,and white , mydigi cam doesnt take veryflattering pictures in the sun light . I"mthinking of actually going backto a 35 Mm for some of these rabbits .Some are very hard to capture the colors of ,Sky being one , and BEW Nethi is another . Lt Greysare a twitch to capture alsowith a digi cam , I think ithas something to do withthe Pixals it justnever seems to come out right . I wouldntmind too awfully much but this particularDigi cam cost nearly $ 200.00 I wouldexpect it to take better quality ppictures.
Thats unfortunate...but when he moves to Iowa, I have a verynice high quality (s/b for 1000 bucks :shock:) digi everyonewill be able to see his colors just fine.. :D:p

Ohh I like that evenBetter ! I didnt realize the theOrange would fade ( wash out ) .certainly explains the 4different colors . He is such asweet heart , I am Pleased to announceHe had a wet litter box this morningand extra Poo's in there that Ihadnt added . ( this may go much easierthan hoped for ) . there were a few poopson his tray bottom but notenough to worry about , most were in hislitter box!!!!!
ALL YOU BUNNY NAPPERS OUT THERE :BEWARE!!!!! I am armed and Iknow how to use it ,!!!:gun: LOL . Icertainly can see why evey oneis willing to risk lifeand sanity lol .
He is a sweet Bun , AndYes Missy Carolyn , you wereright , I am liking this litte dude, even if I didnt care for Hollands .

pamnock wrote:
Actually Bunny Barn he has 4different colors to him he has a fawn ,anorange ,a black,and white , mydigi cam doesnt take veryflattering pictures in the sun light . I"mthinking of actually going backto a 35 Mm for some of these rabbits .Some are very hard to capture the colors of ,Sky being one , and BEW Nethi is another . Lt Greysare a twitch to capture alsowith a digi cam , I think ithas something to do withthe Pixals it justnever seems to come out right . I wouldntmind too awfully much but this particularDigi cam cost nearly $ 200.00 I wouldexpect it to take better quality ppictures.

He would be called an orange/black tri (the fawn is just faded orange).

gypsy wrote:
And Yes Missy Carolyn , youwere right , I am liking thislitte dude , even ifI didnt care forHollands .

Little Mon is already going in his litterbox for you? What a Love!

If I didn't think he was meant to be with you, then I'd be pulling every card out of the deck to persuade you to hand him over.

Seems like you, Cassi and he are a Perfect Match.


If hisPupils were not completely white Iwould swear he was Faking meout lol . he seems toget around betterthan I do , little stinker ,its almost time for a piece ofraisin toast for him lol
He is on his 3rd cage in 2 days, I am happy with this one itssize is enormous enoughso he can flop outcompletely and still have room on all sides, next good flop and I will get pictures.
got the flopsoorry about the bars , If Itouched it or spoke hePopps right up lol


Aww...look at that precious baby boy!


I'm in love!

Ieas Please :

Does anyone think I can get away with asmall piece of carpet for him to lay onor should I wait until he isfully litter trained ?

Aww! So cute!

Do you think he'd chew on a hand towel? Since he's inside,you could try it and just keep an eye on him. Mine get towelswhen I'm home, but I take them out when I go to bed. At leastyou can wash them.


gypsy wrote:
Does anyone think I can get away with asmall piece of carpet for him to lay onor should I wait until he isfully litter trained ?

PGG has a point about him thinking it's a place to mark up.If he doesn't chew on your other carpet in the house though, he mayjust love you for it. Also agree with Laura because oncecarpet is soiled, it can get pretty smelly!

Lookatchooo! Trying to make him EVEN MORE COMFORTABLE.

Your tough reputation is going to go down the drain if you keep thisup

********* Your tough reputation isgoing to go down the drain if you keep thisup

-Carolyn (************************

Ha you forget I can go from this:angelandbunny:to this:witch:in an eye blink !

I tried him with a coated place mat , thewaffley kind , 3 seconds of putting it in I had itback out , chewing and pulling, no go on that aspect ., Im thinkingmaybe try the natural fiber placemats, gives me a good excuse to goto either Pier One or HomeGoods !!!!!
Aww, what a cutie! The pics are greatgypsy... he's cute no matter how you look at him.:kiss: Soglad he found you to take him in. You are an:bunnyangel:.
We had a houroutside this after noon , and tired the harnesstraining , After a small wrestling match ,he does NOT liketo be flipped so I couldadjustthe bottom bands. He took to the harness and out doors rather well .

I have so got to check out whats over here !


Ok that wasnt what I expected !


What was the awfull noise ?


Moms not scared , maybe I had better check this out closer !


No problems with the harness he tookto it quite well , hehad so much fun exploring heforgot it was even attached to a shoe string .
Shoot forgot onepicture lol , He has been really amazing, no matter what I do to him he justrolls with it , I wanted to ry a harness no problem, I wanted to litter train him no problem, I wanted a piece of raisin toast BIGproblem , so does he ! lol , he isa cute little stinkerfor sure .

Where is my Kid ?


Lol! Hef is the same way with icecream as yours is with the raisin toast! God forbid I want abowl of ice cream all to myself while he's out! He just hopsup on my lap, sticks his paws on the edge of the bowl and helps himselfbefore you can say "No".
I put my son's old baby blankets in with Bunnyand she hasn't chewed on them yet. She likes to lay onthem. Once she had it draped in a corner over her sofa chairlike she was making her own fort. She has two blankets andone of those straw mats she can chew on.

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