Skinny bun buns

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2008
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Northamptonshire, , United Kingdom
Dippy anfd Fluffball have a lot of fluff so they lok quite fat but when you actually feel them you can feel their bones.
We are going to take them for a check up at the vet soon and find out when they need thier vaccinations against myxi and stuff like that.

But here is what i feed them,
a small bowl of dry food (from local shop)
veggies on sunday
hay everyday

is that ok?

Sorry to hear of your concern - Vet appt would be advised and wish I could be of "actual"help, but alas to new and wouldn't know what to suggest..

I can send up a bunny prayer for you and yours though.Please post tomorrow, as I am in the USA and going to bed nowand know how it is to worry so..
I give my Muffin a few tsp of oats every few days to get some meat on her. She was neglected in her previous home and still is a bit underweight. You can also feed alfalfa pellets to add weight, and depending on their age, they might need alfalfa anyway. It's ok to be able to feel some bones, just not every single one, so I agree with juliew in that a vet can give you good advice on what weight they should be and what they get fed.

I feed my 3 and 5 lb adult rabbits each 1/8c timothy pellets + 2c veggies daily, plus a few tablespoons of "treat," ie fresh or dried fruit. unlimited hay (timothy and oat mostly). plus the occasional oats for Muffin.

Not sure exactly what you're supposed to feed youngin's, but I know at a certain age they're supposed to get unlimited pellets, and then you cut back on pellets and increase veggies. Little buns are supposed to get alfalfa pellets too, instead of timothy. They have more protein and calcium for growing bodies!! Maybe someone with young bunny experience can help you on diet for younger buns, since I think (from your blog) that Dippy and Fluffball are pretty young.
They are probably just a little underweight. Nemo was very underweight for a long time until we found pellets he would eat to help boost his weight. Maybe you aren't feeding them enough pellets everyday? You can still feel Nemo's spine and his every vertebrae, which is pretty strange. BUT he is at a very healthy weight for a Holland Lop, it is just distributed in a weird way!

When Penny was still growing, she had unlimited alfalfa based pellets. I gradually switched her to timothy based pellets and a limited amount sometime after she was 6 months old.

It would be helpful if you gave us each bun's age and weight, as well how much quantity of pellets does this small bowl take (you can use a kitchenmeasurement cup), the ingredients of the pellets and percentages of protein, fibre, fat. In regard to hay, it should be available to them at all times in unlimited quantities. In regard to veggies, tell us what kind of veggies and in what quantities. If your buns are over 6 months old, once a week is too sparing, unless they have any sort of GI issues with eating veggies.


BabyBunnies wrote:
Dippy anfd Fluffball have a lot of fluff so they lok quite fat but when you actually feel them you can feel their bones.
We are going to take them for a check up at the vet soon and find out when they need thier vaccinations against myxi and stuff like that.

But here is what i feed them,
a small bowl of dry food (from local shop)
veggies on sunday
hay everyday

is that ok?
How much is the amount in the bowl? How big are the rabbits? My Hollands(4# max) get a 1/2 cup(8oz) of feed per day.You should feed1 oz of feed per 1 pound ofbody weight They may need wormed.
They do have unlimited hay, it is in there cage or somewhere where they can reach it all the time.
Dippy is 14 weeks
Fluffball is 12 weeks

I don't know how much they weigh - how do i tell?
I might need to get the vet to do it becuause i don't have a special bunny weighing scale or whatever you need.

I will find out the rest tomorrow becuase it is dark now.

Wow, your guys are quite young.. Maybe you can start switching them to small amounts of safe vegetables every day? They might still be too young for carrots, apples, etc.

Because of their ages, they need to be on alfalfa pellets, which also put on a bit of weight.
Ok thnx, I will get some "alfalfa pellets" (thts such a funny word alfalfa:laugh:)


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