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I am so sorry - I fell in love with Simon the first time you posted his picture. He was so adorable.

If you need a shoulder to cry on - my pm box is open.
deeply sorry for your loss,
Binky free little Simon :angelandbunny:
OH dear, I'm so very sorry for your loss.
Simon was a beautiful bunny - just one of those adorable little buns.
I know how the empty spot in your heart feels...we lost Harry and it took me so long to get over him - time does heal those wounds, but in the meantime know that everyone here understands what you're going through.

Thank you everyone for your support and kind words....I do see and read each one...I just don't really know what to say....
I am sorry to hear about your Simon... binky free adorable one!

All this thinking about new buns...meeting new buns...and it didn't hit me till just a bit ago....I feel how dare I bring another bun into his home...

It still feels unreal that he is gone. I look at his picture and it just feels like he is still if I turned around quick enough he would be there...doing something he shouldn't be....My boy...god I miss him.....

I wish I had more video....

At least I am saving a bunny though and that makes me feel much better about things....
I can relate so much to everything your saying. Especially the video. :(

When I first got Pipp, I loved her so much it scared me. I thought I'd better go get another bunny otherwise I'd through myself off a bridge if/when I lost her. I got Radar. But he remained just a bunny. He died a couple of days ago. Just a sweet little bunny. I watched his necropsy.

With Dill, I couldn't even bring myself to see his body.

When I lost Dill, I was in desperate need of a distraction, I soon rescued another mini-rex, a little guy who, like Dill, really needed my help. It DID work. He wasn't Dill -- who was one-in-a-million, like I think Simon was too -- but he was a character and he made me focus.

When I lost him, too, just weeks later to a misdiagnosed cat bite, it threw me off for a year or more.

I've taken in several bunnies since, but... they've just been bunnies. I was about to adopt out another little mini-rex I had rescued from a bad situation. I had little or no emotional attachment. He wasn't Dill or even Scooter, I didn't pick him out, he just fell on me. But he's growing on me. Or I've just allowed myself the luxury of starting to love another bunny again.

I'd maybe start by fostering. Get to know them. You never know where it may go. But let it take you there.

Simon really was special.

sas :sad:
Orchid wrote:
All this thinking about new buns...meeting new buns...and it didn't hit me till just a bit ago....I feel how dare I bring another bun into his home...

It still feels unreal that he is gone. I look at his picture and it just feels like he is still if I turned around quick enough he would be there...doing something he shouldn't be....My boy...god I miss him.....

I wish I had more video....

At least I am saving a bunny though and that makes me feel much better about things....

I have been meaning to drop you another pm but since my mom's fall and planning my trip home. etc - life has been SO hectic.

I was in your spot when Tiny died. Many may remember that his rainbow bridge thread turned into an "adoption" thread just three or four days after he died...and then - even after we got Zeus a couple of weeks later - I struggled with "how dare I bring Zeus here?"

Its now been 18 months and I've got to say that bringing Zeus here has been the best thing for both of us.

Its taken us both a long time to heal - me from Tiny's loss - Zeus from having had a home once and then being returned back to the shelter - and just sorta waiting for us to return him.

But he trusts us now - he sleeps with us and free-roams our bedroom. We have an awesome relationship and I'm so glad I have him.

However - it took me over 16 months to get to this point....

The thing is - when I saw him - I knew that he was right for us. I think I also knew that I wasn't ready for him - but I felt like we could at least give him a home till I was ready to bond with him (and vice versa).

If your heart pulls you to another specific rabbit - even if you don't feel ready right at the time - I encourage you to consider taking in that rabbit and giving yourself time to be ready.

I've gotten to the point where I now believe that certain rabbits are sorta meant for certain people and it has nothing to do with size, color or breed. Its like...there's something about them that reaches out and calls to you (or vice versa) and its mean to be.

Anyway - just my .02....

I will try to share more later about what has helped me deal with losing Tiny - as many know - I spent 12-16 hours per day with him - usually sitting at my feet in the office and giving me kisses. As I told Art - I saw Tiny more than I saw Art & Robin combined....and I probably even spoke to him more because we just spent so much time together...

I think that if your love for a rabbit that has left you drives you to improve the life of another rabbit in need, that's the best way to remember them. Being moved by your first rabbit (or one that's very important to you) so much that you want to help out others is a true testament to how important that rabbit was to you.:pink iris:
Pipp wrote:
I can relate so much to everything your saying. Especially the video. :(

When I first got Pipp, I loved her so much it scared me. I thought I'd better go get another bunny otherwise I'd through myself off a bridge if/when I lost her. I got Radar. But he remained just a bunny. He died a couple of days ago. Just a sweet little bunny. I watched his necropsy.

With Dill, I couldn't even bring myself to see his body.

When I lost Dill, I was in desperate need of a distraction, I soon rescued another mini-rex, a little guy who, like Dill, really needed my help. It DID work. He wasn't Dill -- who was one-in-a-million, like I think Simon was too -- but he was a character and he made me focus.

When I lost him, too, just weeks later to a misdiagnosed cat bite, it threw me off for a year or more.

I've taken in several bunnies since, but... they've just been bunnies. I was about to adopt out another little mini-rex I had rescued from a bad situation. I had little or no emotional attachment. He wasn't Dill or even Scooter, I didn't pick him out, he just fell on me. But he's growing on me. Or I've just allowed myself the luxury of starting to love another bunny again.

I'd maybe start by fostering. Get to know them. You never know where it may go. But let it take you there.

Simon really was special.

sas :sad:

I am so sorry you have lost so many too soon...I hate they have to leave us at all....I think that it maybe my problem....A bit guilty, a bit afraid, and still mourning my little man....:cry4:

The fostering idea is nice but would kill my daughter. I did some rescue/foster work with dogs and cats in the past (with I am highly allergic to, dumb I know):headsmack ...and every time I got them well...and got them into a new killed her...That is why we went and found be our forever pet we would never have to let go of...Ironic in a demented way that I still couldn't keep that promise...:grumpy:
TinysMom wrote:
Orchid wrote:
All this thinking about new buns...meeting new buns...and it didn't hit me till just a bit ago....I feel how dare I bring another bun into his home...

It still feels unreal that he is gone. I look at his picture and it just feels like he is still if I turned around quick enough he would be there...doing something he shouldn't be....My boy...god I miss him.....

I wish I had more video....

At least I am saving a bunny though and that makes me feel much better about things....

I have been meaning to drop you another pm but since my mom's fall and planning my trip home. etc - life has been SO hectic.

I was in your spot when Tiny died. Many may remember that his rainbow bridge thread turned into an "adoption" thread just three or four days after he died...and then - even after we got Zeus a couple of weeks later - I struggled with "how dare I bring Zeus here?"

Its now been 18 months and I've got to say that bringing Zeus here has been the best thing for both of us.

Its taken us both a long time to heal - me from Tiny's loss - Zeus from having had a home once and then being returned back to the shelter - and just sorta waiting for us to return him.

But he trusts us now - he sleeps with us and free-roams our bedroom. We have an awesome relationship and I'm so glad I have him.

However - it took me over 16 months to get to this point....

The thing is - when I saw him - I knew that he was right for us. I think I also knew that I wasn't ready for him - but I felt like we could at least give him a home till I was ready to bond with him (and vice versa).

If your heart pulls you to another specific rabbit - even if you don't feel ready right at the time - I encourage you to consider taking in that rabbit and giving yourself time to be ready.

I've gotten to the point where I now believe that certain rabbits are sorta meant for certain people and it has nothing to do with size, color or breed. Its like...there's something about them that reaches out and calls to you (or vice versa) and its mean to be.

Anyway - just my .02....

I will try to share more later about what has helped me deal with losing Tiny - as many know - I spent 12-16 hours per day with him - usually sitting at my feet in the office and giving me kisses. As I told Art - I saw Tiny more than I saw Art & Robin combined....and I probably even spoke to him more because we just spent so much time together...

Oh please don't be is important. I hope your mom comes through things.

I think I had just joined or was still rather new when you lost Tiny...I do recall the thread...I watched but don't think I said much if anything. I couldn't of understood what anyone went through until I lost my Simon...

I don't know that things will ever feel right with him gone. I have the feeling that I will always feel like something will be missing...part of my heart crossed with him..but ever since I realized that I do like this bun and I do want to bring her home, and I do want her to stay with us and never have to switch hands again...some of my guilt eased. Simon was too much a snot for me to think he would be happy having someone in his home lol...but maybe he can think "welll, if I can't be there, some bun should" :p

Poor bun has passed through countless hands because of a photographer...then some spoiled child who HAD to have her, when they got sick of her she ended up under an out door table covered with a tarp before being sent to her foster my goodness...I wouldn't blame her for being all sorts of ...:pssd:....but no...she is still sweet...not a pick up bun...def a floor bun,...but still. I think in time she will come snuggle with us...she just has to figure out we won't send her away or let anyone ever hurt or scare her again...:agree

I have been out of work for so long that Simon and I spent all day together...when my daughter went to NY for 2 weeks, he spent like the whole time laying in my chest getting cheek, ear and head rubs....SPOILED!

I went through his things today...I glued his hats and glasses to a wooden plack and hung it above his picture...The hat has been retired. I couldn't throw it all away...but I am making room for a new bun who needs us...needs a home.


tonyshuman wrote:
I think that if your love for a rabbit that has left you drives you to improve the life of another rabbit in need, that's the best way to remember them. Being moved by your first rabbit (or one that's very important to you) so much that you want to help out others is a true testament to how important that rabbit was to you.:pink iris:

I could never express just how important, how much he meant to me.

A writer who has no words for a bunny that touched me in ways I never let humans in....


thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you PIP! For fixing my membership and putting Simons picture in!! I have ear to ear smile seeing that winking picture...Makes me feel better knowing he will always be seen, never forgotten...that people will know there was a bunny named Simon,..that he was my bun...that his life was short...but meant so much....

Thank you!!
Being back here at RO has helped in ways I can not explain.

Perhaps because the people here understand what it is to love that bun just so much and what it feels like to lose them...while the rest of the world don't see them as much as anything...

It is a good feeling being back, talking to everyone...and I try to post where I can...but I am not always sure what to say to someone..though I read many many posts...

I missed being here...and I am glad RO was here to come back to...I don't know if I would be doing as ok as I am without you all....
I am so sorry about Simon. He was one of my favorites, I loved his hats that you would put on him :)

I hope that your new bunny helps heal your heart. I'll be thinking of you and your daughter :hug:

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