Sigh, Toby is doing weird stuff again

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2011
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
*deep breath*

Okay, so lately (the past couple of days, it could have been going on longer before I noticeed) Toby has been going to town grooming his man-dewlap.

I had to brush it out twice yesterday because he had made it all matted... Scared the heck outta me cause I know a wet chin can mean teeth issues. He also chins his water bottle, could it be that it's annoying him all of a sudden?

So my thoughts are that he's doing this to:
a) annoy me :p
b) because he's bored
c) teeth problems
d) ???

Anyone have any idea what the heck my weirdo of a rabbit is doing this time?


Here he is going to town on his manlap


Here's the matting, it's a lot worse than it looks.
chinning is a sign of marking his territory and over grooming means nervousness i think. Is toby neutered?
He certainly is. He used to overgroom the tips of his ears and occasionally does it even now. They're fine right now, is this his new tick?

Edit: Ear overgrooming shot
melbaby80 wrote:
I love your phrase "man dew-lap" lol

Love that phrase too. lol My Dobby did the same thing with his "man dew-lap" right after his neutering. Still does it, but not to the excess your Toby does it.

He was neutered in November though! What a silly boy i have. all it means is i have to brush his chin out and neither of us like that... gosh darnit Toby!
I guess now that all the hormones are gone and he's settled into the neutered male, he needs something to do. Dobby hates his chin brushed too, but he keeps grooming and like you, Idon't want mats. Amazing how I can brush him, and once he's back in his crate, he starts grooming his man-dewlap again. Vicious cycle.But what can you do? Can't reason with Dobby. So I deal with it. And to be perfectly honest, Dobby is worth it. Grunts and annoyed face and all. lol

MarisaAndToby wrote:
Well he doesn't actually have a dewlap, it's just the area it would be if he had one.

Sometimes called a "moolap".

However.....Most bucks would refer to it as a"dudelap".

A dewlap is the extra fat/fur around/under the neck. Mostly on does is where you find a dewlap of much consequence.

Here's what I was thinking about the wet chin-Ripley's had a wet chin for a longg time. The vet said his teeth look great (that's without xrays though, but he has not had other dental signs) He said it has to do with the scent glands under Ripley's chin and is nothing to worry about.

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