Shya-she does what she wants

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I won't say a word :) Think of poor Chris. She gets these shows weeks or months ahead of us and has to hold her tongue the whole time.

Kaley, I'm so glad you made it out of there and can't wait til you're home safe and sound.
You said it Jenny, sometimes I have to really think before I write just in case I give something away. Hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think :)
Finally made it back home after 30 hours and four freaking stops. Really missed omar haven't let go of him yet. So much to do...
Yay! I am so glad I made it on here to find you made it home. Welcome back!

Hurry up and wait huh? That is really hard to deal with for people that like to be busy and on the move.

Ya'll have me really curious about the show. Although we do have satellite I can't watch any of those shows. It sucks. We have internet of course but with limited data since it is satellite as well. The one big problem with living in the country. I am starting to think we need to cancel the satellite for tv and then up our plan for internet. I have barely been on the 'puter for a while because with all the kindles we were at our data limit and they slowed everything down on us.
FInally have internet in the house. Well kind of. It comes and goes and I'm about to holler at an AT&T person for it. Doing reintegration and it's pretty much a waste of my time. The civilians who are supposed to give us our classes dont show up most of the time. I am not impressed with Ft. Sill at all. The commanding general is having a "town hall" meeting thing to discuss how to better improve living standards on Ft. Sill. Ohhhhhh buddy he doesn't even know whats about to hit him.

Everyone keeps coming over wanting to meet the rabbits. I didnt think I talked about them that incessantly while deployed. We leave on the 30th for 20 days of leave. We'll bring them all back up with us to include our kitty from Dubai. He's been in qurantine with my parents and apprently being a nuisance. He's broken several things, bitten both my mom and dad, and beat up her little rat dog who trust me deserves it. She's ready to pass him off! His soldier is looking forward to him though and will have the time, patience, and stable home that he needs.

My pups have been ridicoulous since I got home. I can't even take the trash out without my dog freaking out and crying hysterically without her.
She's kind of accepted the fact that I go to work as long as Omar is still in the house. I can't sit in the tub, use the bathroom, or sit on the couch without her. Even Sam my husbands dog seems to have missed me. He follows me around in the morning while I'm getting ready for work. He crawls all 80 pounds of himself into my lap while sitting on the couch now too. They'll settle sooner or later. Hopefully.

Cant wait to start posting rabbit things on my blog again. I really miss the rabbits. I'm gonna hold Shya just to see her mad face. Cuddles with Franklin and watching Kai's silly brattyness!

Denise and Morgan you have one more box coming your way. Stopped in Ireland on the way home and found a couple of things that might interest you.

Other than that! Signing off!
Oh now you really, really have me excited! I love everything Ireland Scotland and Celtic. I have always said I must have been Celtic in a past life.

Sorry you don't like Ft.Sill much.

Hopefully the kitty will calm down given some time to adjust to everything. Awww your poor pup missed you. I remember when we came home from Germany for a month to visit. We brought my sheppard with us but my MIL would not allow her in the house, not even in the basement. She does not like any animals. So I had to tie her up in the yard. I did walk and play with her every day but after that month whenever I would not be home she'd tear up the trash. My now ex could be at home and she would still do it, just not if I was at home.
You do know I am part Irish, my surname is totally Irish.

Just to let you know that Doctor Who and Matt Smith won best drama series and best dramatic actor on the NTA¨s (National Television Awards) in the UK last night. I was so pleased as I voted for both. Sherlock also won best detective series. What a night, it was so good.

Kaley, look forward to seeing loads of pics and news and love you full name. I saw it on facebook the other day, sounds a bit greek goddess. There´s a series on the BBC that finished a while ago called Atlantis and you could have been one of the characters....lurrrv it.
HE DIDNT ASK IF HE WAS A GINGER?!!!! COME ON!! It wasn't a bad episode. Atleast it kind of tied some things up. Hurry up and watch it Morgan so we can discuss! Omar is catching up on Sherlock as we speak so hopefully we can start series 3 tomorrow. Our cable has BBC America so I'm excited about that! I really hope Moriarty is dead because his voice just irritates the hell out of me. I must say Ms. Hudson is my favorite character!

You're so silly Chris! My mom had seen a movie before I was born about a little girl named Kaley. It always stuck with her and that's how I came by the name. It's kind of sad because in the end of the movie she gets hit by a train and dies. My father loves trains and collects/builds them as a hobby. Coincidence? My name is Kaley like the Cali in California. She wanted the K and the Y so she could doodle my name. I was supposed to grow up and be a fairy princess and doodle my name as well. Turns out with three older brothers and all of us inheriting my fathers illegible chicken scratch kind of shot those dreams to hell. Kind of funny because I think something like hand writing is genetic. My Uncle and my Grandfather all have the same handwriting as well.

The Maben line is very scottish and my grandmother was straight off the boat as well. There are a few scottish words I use from her and I'm very grunty like the Scots. Omars always yelling at me: "Dont you grunt at me!" My two soldiers who work directly beneath me have been able to discern my grunting and what it means. Others just look at me crazy until I grunt a little more ominously and they leave me alone. It has caused some problems in the Army but eh, Whatever! I haven't had the heart to change my last name as I'm very proud of it. Omar doesnt want to change his name just yet but our children will carry the Maben name. My wonderful husband thankfully understands the pride and the fact that I know my history and want to keep it. When we went to Scotland I never wanted to leave

Getting started on our family finally. My period is late but I dont know if it's from all the traveling or if Omar is just really, really, lucky. Gonna wait another week and see what happens then take a test. We have names picked out and once I clear out the boxes and moving stuff we'll set up the babies room. Just need to have the thing so I can move on with life.

whoodey doodey. Anywho....
I watched MOST of the Sherlock, AJ woke up with like 15 minutes to go and I haven't been able to sit and finish it.
I don't know where I'm at in Doctor Who, but you guys can talk about that! LOL I haven't gotten to Matt Smith yet, I'm like half way through the last season of David Tennant. I've been spending most of my tv watching time watching The Catherine Tate Show and laughing my ass off. LOL
My DH loves her now!
I don't want Downton so you guys are good to talk about that too. But if you watch season 9 of Supernatural, I don't want to know because I haven't seen it yet! LOL

I want a shirt that says, "I don't shave for Sherlock Holmes." Hahaha.

Hey! I'm Irish! My great-great grandparents on my moms side came from Ireland. At least my my great-great grandma. I think my great-great grandfather was from Belgium. They were peach farmers not too far from where I am now. He lost the orchard and town, to a drunken poker bet. The bastard.

I got the package today Kaley! I ate a piece of fudge and it was like chewing some coffee. LOL I really like the cross too, I need to hang it some where.
Meh, off to the woodshed I go.
Glad you liked it Morgan! That got there quick!

I loved the one where she translates like five different languages in a business deal. Omar and I almost died laughing. Couldnt get into supernatural I think I watched the 1st season when it first came out but that was it. We really only watch Dr Who, Duck Dynasty, and Sherlock with any kind of fever. I watched all of Game of Thrones down range too. I liked that one. Much better than the books.

Morgan that's hilarious about your ancestor. How many pivotal moments in not only general history but personal history happened because of drunken bets? Our own revolution started in a tavern.
I got my package. I am so exited! Hubby called on his way home while I was in the middle of opening it and asked me to move his heater into the other side of the garage and to turn it on. I am more than happy to do whatever to help him out but sheesh why when I am in the middle of opening a package of Irish things?!

I tried the fudge and it is sooo good although it doesn't taste like fudge from here. It was a little hard but I figure that was because the mail man left your package and a few for hubby outside our garage in the freezing cold.

I love,love,love the cross. Now I need to decide where to hang it because it is going up and will never come down.

I researched my family history and traced it back to the 16th century. I was very disappointed not to find any Scots or Irish. It was mostly German. Way back when there was a French man but I don't count that since they are extremely rude and full of themselves and it was so long ago.

Wow! That was quick work if you are pregnant. Let us know when you find out for sure.
Well fecking hell. I have orders to Alaska early 2015. This seriously screws with my life plans. Have to make a couple of phone calls and get some more information. Then I can decide which way I need to jump. Not pregnant either. Now I have to put that on hold as well. Great. No birth control and I've been away from my husband for nine months. Should totally be easy... Curse you Army!!!!
It made me laugh you saying fecking hell, you should watch Mrs Brown´s Boys I think you´d find that hilarious and you´ll see what I mean.

Can´t believe they´ve done that. Read your dedication to your mum and dad on facebook, really choked I was, they sound like people I´d love to know.
I dont normally post links and stuff but I seen this on facebook. I cried hysterically from laughter. My mom and I were sitting here like a couple of loons being loud. I checked on Amazon too and these are real reviews. Enjoy the laugh...
So I made it home last wednesday night. I love being here. The 30th I take Franklin out for our groom sessions and I notice urine scald and some swelling. Off to the vet he goes. Sulfa drugs and butt cream later he is just fine. No fly strike. I took Shi shi and Kai to the ophthalmologist on Monday. Shya's good eye had a a sheen to it I didnt remember and I finally got that specialty opinion on Kai's cataracts. Shya had a little bit of inflammation in her eye due to the cataract that formed when she gouged her eye. She's on drops for that and all should be well. The doc said that Kai's cataracts were probably genetic and that he could actually see just fine out of both eyes. No loss of vision and she didnt think they would get bigger or pose a problem but to get an annual or every other year check up for him. I can do this.

Today Franklin had a crazy mooshy poop, wouldnt eat breakfast, and hadn't pooped or peed since his big mush poop about 11am. Off to the vet. He is severely anemic and a couple of other things. Vet was thinking cancer and possible tumor or liver torsion. She found blood in his abdomen and is leaning towards liver torsion. The options were taking him to the expensive vet that could give him a blood transfusion and possible emergency surgery if he needed it. Or take him home and treat him symptomatically. I dont have several thousand dollars lying around so we brought him home. First thing the pecker head did was eat and drink water. The vet recommend we keep him moving and if we can get him to pee and poop he should make it the next 12 to 24 hours at least. If we can get his anemia down or IF it goes down he can maybe have surgery with a transfusion to check for liver torsion and correct it. The expensive vet she conferred with said she just read a recent article where rabbits with liver torsion have a 50/50 shot of surviving with just at home care.

First step is to get him through the night. Second step is to try and scrape together some money for possible surgery. I just dropped 1200 bucks on the rabbits in about a weeks time. I think this vet will work with me though as she's pretty curious about his case. One step at a time.