Shredded Alpine

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I use wood stove pellets from Lowe's or the poolstore in the summer. It is a 40 lb bag for only $3.71 and it reallyabsorbs the liquid and odor. It might be like Woodypet which I am notfamaliar with but will check it out.
I used wood stove pellets, too, as they were lessexpensive, but I found that once they absorbed the liquid, they swelledup and remained a bit moist and messy. Woodypet, on the otherhand, swells, dissipates into a wet sawdust like composition,then dries into a heavy powder that is not messy, nor apt to be inhaledby the bun(s) using it.

I find the user friendliness of the Woodypet compensates forits extra cost. You may not find it so, but I do agree itwould be worth a look. I was fortunate that the TractorSupply Company outlet I first saw Woodypet Professional Animal Beddingat, was using it for their live animal critter display at the time, andwas able to "see" it at work, so to speak.

Thanks for the good info Buck. Youalways check things out very well before you try them. Ialways enjoy your posts. I know that you do your research and do whatyou feel is the best for your buns. We doappreciate your sharing info with us. Missy looks so cute upthere in her little corner in each of your posts. I am sohappy to see her looking so healthy after all she wentthrough. I know what time it takes for my 2 so I know you arebusy at your house with the crew that you have.Keep up the with the good advice! :D I have a tractor supplyhere, andI am going to go buy some Woddy Pet totry. Oh yes, Calbert looked so cool with his shadeson! Talk to you later. Beckie
Beckie is our daughter-in-law's name,too. Another southern belle, from Nashville, where my son,Eric, Becky, and the grandsons now live. Southern women havealways impressed me with their good looks and graciousness. I'm sureyou are no exception, given the tone of that most pleasant response.

Yes, Calbert has that California "cool" :cool:abouthim. His mom, Candace, in Hollywood has seen his pics here,courtesy of Carolyn, Bunnymommy, andMyBunnyLuvsMe,et al, so she knows he's doing okay.

If all goes according to plan, Calbert will depart for California theweek after he makes a grand appearance at the Bunny Beach Party 2004.
