should i worry?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2012
Reaction score
Johnson County, Missouri, USA
Dandy is my first bunny, I am learning every day. I read about cecotropes but I can't find the answer to my question regarding them..

I noticed when I went to clean the bunny room after work today she had a cecotrop mess everywhere. it was not dirrehya. It was just soft poop balls and some bunched together like grapes, I read about them sounds normal, but can she have to many cecotrope droppings? From what i read is they poop those out every so often, this was more than every so often which is why im worried. I mean there was alot on the floor, mostly around the water dish where she drinks. her little box was full of hard normal poop, she even managed to get some poop balls stuck on the wall outside her cage.

she eats rabbit pellets I get at the small pet shop I work at, I think its sunseed vita Rabbit. at least i think thats what the brand is called, last i saw was a yallow bulk bag with country something on the top, (not helpfull)

Dandy is a female Holland lop bunny.

I give her one hand full in the morning and a hand full when I get off work.

she also has oxbrobtimothy hay available to her at all times, some is around her litter pan and most is in the hay rack hanging from her cage.

I don't give her treats because she is young, around 8 or 9 weeks old. I had a box of shredded paper in the room she would dig in and sometimes nibble on, but I took that out in fear it might make her sick, she stays in a room with carpet but I don't see her eating the carpet..
Congrats on your new bunny. Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to your question other than too much/little food? Are you measuring it by her weight? I'm getting a Holland buck in the next couple weeks that's around the same age. What a coincidence!
My bunny Layla did this when she was young and when I slowly switched to timothy based pellets (by 6 months) it stopped. She's yet to do it since. I'd try feeding her a better quality pellet. Young rabbits should get an alfalfa based pellet, and free-fed hay (timothy is fine).
Ya they can be overproducing but as long as they look normal your fine. But we went threw this with baby Fraggles and our vet explained that some babies are just to busy with other stuff to worry about cecotropes :)
Also, the vet told us that when they're not eating them, it can be due to not enough fiber and too much rich food like pellets.
This happened with me too when I first got Napoleon and then again with Horatio. As he got older (from 2 months to 3), I don't see any anymore so I gather he eats more now before I can even spot them!
Thank you all so much, I do want to look into a new food with her but didn't want to change things just yet, Guess I won't worry unless she starts acting strange, I think I'll start measuring her food as well, just to make sure she is getting the right amount. Maybe she has to money toys and gets distracted from the poothings.. hehe guess I will try a few things and just keep an eye on her.

Thank you all