She's not acting right..:(

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Northern, California, USA
earlier today my bun Camille was running aroundand such just fine but when I got home to give them food she wouldntcome out... after I finally got her to come out i put the food dish infront of her and she just walked away...this is from a bun who neverhas enough food...:shock:since it is late an no one is open.I seperated her from my other bun and put her in a cage byher self with some food and water..

I checked to see if she would take a treat and she did eatsome dryed at least she is eating soemthing...I'm not surewhat else I can do right now. Any suggestions I'm very worried.:(
If she is eating her fave treat I would notpanic too much - just check on your bun regularly - maybe she had afright? maybe she had finally had enough food that day?

I hope she will be fine and sure she will xx
She may have a touch of gas. Is she's hunching over and looking uncomfortable?

I always have baby gas drops containingSimethicone, it doeswonders if they do have gas and won't hurt them if theydon't. It's the firstthing I reach for, and italmostalwayshas them back up and playing in an houror two. Exercise and tummy rubs will also help gas.

Keep a close eye on her poops to make sure they're normal and notgetting small and dry (or disappearing), and watch that she isn'tstraining to pee, drooling or moving her mouth funny or anything likethat.

Letus know how she is.

I watched her most of the night and gave her lilbits of treats to make sure she was still doing ok. And I got some babygas drops and I am waiting to see if they will work. I let her out ofthe cage I had her in to let her out to maybe play a lil but she justwent back in the area they live in and went in her hiding spot. She dideat a lil piece of bananna. So she will eat treats, so thats good. I amjust waiting and watching right now... love to your girl. Keep us updated, ok?

I'm sure she'll be just fine, but keep an eye on her, and let us knowof any changes, and we'll be here with you every step of theway. :)

Hugs and love to you both!!!

She wwill still eat treats and I have seen herdrink water but no food. And over the past 15 hours I have only seenabout 6 poos, granted for a short time she was in her normal house andiwth my boy in there its hard to keep track of that stuff... Imstarting to get really worried...the gas drops didnt seem to help.:(

Right now she is sitting next to the water bowl kinda zoning out kindof weaving back and forth...:(I called her and tryed to gether attention but she wouldnt look over like she usualy would.

If it was gas, the baby gas meds would haveworked right away. 'Zoning out' doesn't sound like gas orstasis, I'd get her to a rabbit-savvy vet asap.

Hope she's okay...

sas :pray:
I gave her a lil more gas stuff and rubbed hertummy. After about an hour and a half she jumped off and went to hide.So I put her back in the cage. She is drinking and I saw her eat someof the pelletsI soaked in water and added a lil mashed bananato. But she is sitting upright kind of uncomfortable like.

Unfortunately there arnt any vets in my area that deal with rabbits,and the vet I have gone to before is all booked up for like 2 weeks. Ithink the best I could do is bring some print outs to the local vet.
honeybunnie8 wrote:
I gave her a lil more gas stuff and rubbed her tummy. . .

Did you give her enough Simethicone? The dose for a rabbit ismuch higher than a dose for a baby. Depending on her weight,she should have close to a full CC -- a whole dropper full.

You should ease off on the treats but try and get her eating somecanned pumpkin or grated carrot, or something more healthy without somuch sugar.

A littlebananamushed up with her pellets is good,anything that makes her eat pellets.


Hi, I hope Camille feels better realsoon. I can't believe your Vet doesn't see emergencycases. My goodness when I call our vet they will see ourBunnies as soon as we can get there.

I'll say a prayer for Camille so she gets better real soon.

Pipp wrote:
Keep a close eye on her poops to make sure they're normal and notgetting small and dry (or disappearing), and watch that she isn'tstraining to pee, drooling or moving her mouth funny or anything likethat.
I'll quote myself here, and add to it... She may not beeating because she doesn't feel well, and unless the Simethicone popsher out of it, you're going to have to figure out why she's not feelingwell before it gets more complicated.

Is she grinding her teeth? Is there any area of her body thatseems sensitive?Anear?Jaw?Back? Is shedrinking more water than usual? Does she seem hot?Cold?? Are your pellets pretty fresh? Does she looklike she's trying to eat but loses interest after trying to bite orchew?

I'm not sure how a non-rabbit savvy vet would proceed. Afecal exam is pretty standard, I'd expect they'd start there in lieu ofany obvious visual exam problems. Ear infectionsare hard to see visually, ditto with molar problems. Bloodwork is a lot more complicated, it's hard to draw.

Anybody else have any ideas?

My boyfriend has noticed she was grinding her teeth some while she was sitting on him.

I can't tell if she is hotter or cooler then usualy since mythermomerter is out of batteries, and I have never done a temp on a bunanyhow so i dont know how to do it.

I listened to her tummy and all i heard was breathing and heart beatsounds, no girgling or anything. She is shedding so I am thinking shemay have a blockage.? She is still drinking, so i suppose thats good.

the best I could get without going an hour or more drive out of town is an apointment at 9am tomarrow.:(

I was going to go to the store to get her some pumpkin and some parsely and she if she will eat either of those.
honeybunnie8 wrote:
My boyfriend has noticed she was grinding her teeth somewhile she was sitting on him.... I was going to go to the store to gether some pumpkin and some parsely and she if she will eat either ofthose.
If it was ablockage, you'd have poops that wouldhavegotten very small and/or stoppedaltogether.

Right now her poops will be diminishing along with her intake and shemay end up in a stasis situation, but that's a symptom, not acause. It still should be treated, though.Exercise, tummy rubs, pumpkin, lots of liquids, Critical Care orNutriCal, a gut motility drug, etc. will get/keep her system moving.

Was she grinding her teeth as in a normal 'tooth purr'? Asoft grind? Or a loud grind? If it was a very loudgrind, then she's having some serious pain somewhere and the 9 AMappointment is definitely needed. Maybea fecal examand anxrays will reveal something.

If she'seating and drinking, at least a little,andit's a soft tooth purr, she's not critical, but you stillreally need to get to the bottom of it before she ends up instasis.If she eats some of the pumpkin ortheparsley, itwon't besourgent. But the longer she's like this,the less likely it is that it's a simple gas attack or another dietissue.

Let us know about the pumpkin!

sas :pray:
IT was a soft grinding i had to put my face next to hers to hear it...

at first she wouldnt eat the pumpkin. so I scooped some in my fingersand put it right up to her mouth and she took some, maybe atablespoon. We also got a dropper with some water and got herto drink a few droppers of water by putting it to her mouth.Once we put her back into the cage she took a couple of bites of carroton her own and then stopped. Back to her uncomfy sittingposition again.

That's good news.

It's sounding more like a tooth issue (although it can still besomething like a budding jaw abscess or a myriad of other things, butthe soft purr and the desire to eat is really good news). Itcould have hurt her to eat the carrot and that's why she stopped andwent into her 'I don't feel good' stance.Trygrating up the carrot, and maybe some of her other food, too.(Oddly enough, Pipp won't eat pumpkin unless it's on my finger or Imake sure it's fairly dry and at room temperature. So I justwrapped it in a paper towel and held it for awhile. Fussybunny!)

I'd really suggest getting a good feeding syringe and coming up with asoft, wet mix she really likes -- ie: Critical Care with a littlebanana and/or pumpkin, or agrated carrot and pellet mix, orher pellets wellsoaked in carrot juice...mixed with just alittle oatmeal... whatever turns her crankwith aslittle sugar and carbs as possible, but that still does thetrick. I keptPippfed like that for weekswith no ill effects.

And NutriCalmay do wonders.

Thevet probably won't be able to check her teethvisually, it maytake a head xray.

Keep in touch!

well I went to go force her to eat some morepumpkin and when I picke dher up she peed all over my bed ( not usuallya good thing but in this case) and she had some poo also... smaller andwetter then normal but I figure some is better then nothing?? It meanssomething is going through, right?

I made her eat a lil bit more and gave her some water. Still seemsuncomfy but she seems stable. Not getting worse, or so it seems.
You're sure it was poop and notcecals? And the pee was normal? Was it unusual forher to pee on the bed like that? Is she drinking more waterthan usual? The vet may wantto test her urine forsigns of infection or stones. (Urinary tract infectionsarepretty common in bunnies).Just in caseit's something likethat (or even a kidney issue), best tomake sure she is drinking a lot, even if you have to give her dilutedcarrotorcranberry juice, pedialyte orsomething.

Food-wise, rabbits, as I'm sure you know, do eat a lot so the challengewill be keeping enough food in her to keep her GI tract working rightand her strength up until you can figure out the problem. Andreally try and get her a mixture that she really wants toeat. Once she gets used to it, she'll be better able to keepher own strength up.

Try and make notes as to when she seems to feel the most uncomfortable,ie: after eating? after Exercising? Before or after peeing?That sort of thing.

And do get some Nutrical. The vitamins in itwill probably help stimulate her appetite.
PS: You never did say how much Simethicone she got, there's not harm in trying another good dose of that.


That might be a good sign! It's nottoo unusual for the first poops after a problem like this to be morewet than usual, or even covered with a bit of mucous, because nothing'sbeen moving through. As long she starts making more normalpoops soon.

Keep up with the Simethicone and try to get her to eat and exercisesome more. I agree with Pipp- if she does seem to be in morepain, try to find out what might have caused it.

And a just a note- many vets schedule a little extra time in the day sothey can deal with patients that can't wait. Some vets arealso willing to stay after their regular hours to make sure that theycan fit in an emergency patient.