I have two bonded un-neutered bucks that we adopted 2 weeks ago from the Humane Society. I posted about them before (Sparty- 1.5 yr old 4 lb Holland Lop and Bronco- 3 yr old 6lb Mini-Lop) They were doing fine, there was a little bit of mounting by the larger of the two (and obvious dominant one). Then, last weekend the larger one got rectal prolapse and it hurt so he was very docile. We took him to the vet and it is all sorted out. However, when he was down and out the little guy Sparty started to mount him. Now that Bronco is feeling better he is constantly mounting Spartry. I am thinking it is to reestablish dominance. Sparty seems to 'take it' when they are in their enclosure - he will try to get away but eventually gives in. However, when it is play time outside of the enclosure- Bronco will chase and we have seen some circling (like both are trying to mount at the same time).
Well just in case, we want to keep all peaceful and happy in bunny land so we made an appointment to get them both neutered next week.
So my question is; should I separate them until after the neuter? Should I keep them together? Should I just keep the separate at play time to avoid the circling? There is no hair pulling, they sleep together, they eat together and they are overall happy with each other it seems except when they get excited and hormones take over.
I was thinking I could set up a temporary housing for Sparty next to the big enclosure which has Bronco in it to give him some relief from the mounting; but would this risk breaking their bond?
Thanks for any advice-
I have two bonded un-neutered bucks that we adopted 2 weeks ago from the Humane Society. I posted about them before (Sparty- 1.5 yr old 4 lb Holland Lop and Bronco- 3 yr old 6lb Mini-Lop) They were doing fine, there was a little bit of mounting by the larger of the two (and obvious dominant one). Then, last weekend the larger one got rectal prolapse and it hurt so he was very docile. We took him to the vet and it is all sorted out. However, when he was down and out the little guy Sparty started to mount him. Now that Bronco is feeling better he is constantly mounting Spartry. I am thinking it is to reestablish dominance. Sparty seems to 'take it' when they are in their enclosure - he will try to get away but eventually gives in. However, when it is play time outside of the enclosure- Bronco will chase and we have seen some circling (like both are trying to mount at the same time).
Well just in case, we want to keep all peaceful and happy in bunny land so we made an appointment to get them both neutered next week.
So my question is; should I separate them until after the neuter? Should I keep them together? Should I just keep the separate at play time to avoid the circling? There is no hair pulling, they sleep together, they eat together and they are overall happy with each other it seems except when they get excited and hormones take over.
I was thinking I could set up a temporary housing for Sparty next to the big enclosure which has Bronco in it to give him some relief from the mounting; but would this risk breaking their bond?
Thanks for any advice-