Scary Day

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Just Jack

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
Reaction score
El Paso, Texas, USA
I'm almost shaking a little bit. We were driving on I-10 with lots of traffic when I changed lanes. There was a large semi carrying a large piece of construction equipment a ways back and as he gets up closer behind me he honks. Then he starts tailgaiting me so I slow down a bit as he was creating a very dangerous situation. We get back up to speed and about a mile or two later he starts tailgaiting me really close again. I slow down again (there really isn't anywhere to go with all that traffic and I can't speed up) trying to give him the message that I don't want him tailgaiting me. I speed back up and thankfully a pick-up truck gets between the two of us.

A bit farther down the road traffic becomes a little more sparse and I speed up getting as much distance between this guy as I can. Next thing I know he's also doing the same thing getting into the lane next to me and making angry motions like he wants me to pull over. Again I try to get away from him, take the next off ramp and he is still following me. Quickly I make a right turn figuring I can get away from this lunatic in the big Walmart & Home Depot parking lot. To my suprise he even follows me in there. So then I work to get out of the parking lot and back on the main road knowing it will take him awhile to get through all the tight areas and turns. Unfortunately there was a mini van in front of me to turn and he was taking his sweet time moving. By the time he moved the semi was right behind me blocking off the entire road behind me so I couldn't go backwards to escape. I hit the gas and go for the next U-turn again having to wait behind some slow guy and again the semi gets really close to where we are. Next I speed off to the nearby Police Department figuring we'd be safe there. At this point I manage to leave the guy far behind and he doesn't even come close to us again before we reach the police.

There are some real fricken psychos out there. I'm feeling so paranoid that I don't even want to go back on the highway again. :nerves1:
Woah. Either that guy needs some serious mental help or needs some classes in road rage! I wonder if you had gotten his liscense plate and maybe let the cops know about it if they'd do anything?

It's a scary thought that idiots like that are on the road in larger trucks that could easily do serious damage!
Blah, I lived in Stafford,VA for 12 1/2 years..and people used to do the SAME Thing on I-95. It's annoying, and unnerving. I also had a few people pull that up here. It's ridiculous..people should just learn to drive the speed.
Wow!! Dang!! crazy ppl out there. maybe he was Drunk and if he was then he should really be reported to police!! i was thinking he could of been in a rush but if he was following u maybe he anit. The nerve of people.
Once my parents were turning left on some street and some guy behind them was mad about how slow they were turning or something. So he beeped, they turned and went home without paying attention to him. As they pull in their driveway, they see this car stopping behind them, the guy comes out and starts screaming at them. Since english is not their first language, they did not get much of what he was trying to say. Then the guy gets in his car and drives away. Kinda stupid but if it was my sister or me in the car we would get pretty scared.
Take my word for this. Any one in semis, police cars, lunatics, and bus drivers think they own the road. Especially cops. Ugh they would turn the lights on to by pass the red light and turn them off and drive normal.

I hate people like that.
Wow...I'm glad you are okay! What a weirdo!!

My mother had a guy try to run her off the road before. She never did find out what his beef was, either!

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