Sarah's Zoo (2010)

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2010
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Niagara, Ontario, Canada
Well here goes the blogging. I haven't done this before! I'm a brand new bunny owner. I've had my little guy almost two weeks. He started off shy but he isn't anymore. I'm doing my research and going to be using this forum quite a lot so I can keep learning. I have 6 guinea pigs too. Life is interesting! Since 2010 is almost over I probably won't bother to start a new blog for the new year.

Milo met my friend's disabled daughter today. When she saw Milo she started saying 'Hey bunny bunny bunny!' and introduced herself to The little girl was laying on the couch so mom could take care of her and I put Milo on the couch with her. It was precious to see and was making the child laugh. I did take pictures but mom isn't at all comfortable with her daughter's photos being online so I won't be posting those. He was also violently shaking one of the barriers I have in here, which is a bad thing...I have a very particular land lord, if the people below me complain of the noise she'll make me get rid of him...and she'll be allowed to because it will be considered interfering with their reasonable enjoyment. But I posted about that and will be working on putting a stop to that! We are bonding nicely, a real positive. He walks on me and tries to lick my clothes. For the moment I have to not allow him to do that because he proceeds to chew holes. Something else I have to work at putting a stop to! But I'm using the forum...and the look for ideas on those things. He's quite the handful now! He's getting along with the guinea pigs...he doesn't really care about them for the most part, and they don't much care about him. If he does approach them on the floor, or vice versa, there have been no problems, a big plus! They don't co-habitate but they are allowed to play together on the floor and I sit and supervise.

Due to being disabled, and sick a bunch of the time plus not being home, there have been times where Milo has had to spend more time confined. He looks right at me and stamps real hard, so I know he's angry with me for that. It hasn't yet been two weeks though, so I know he has to get used to the routine and lifestyle he's been put into. I know he will. He's a shelter rescue and they didn't let him run around at all. He got here and he has loads of freedom. I think somebody got a little spoiled by it and is showing me. It's okay though. Together we will work on it! I have to watch him careful when he's running around. He has a habit of getting behind my wheelchair, or under it, so any time I need to move I have to really remember to check around my chair before it do it in case certain little turkey boys are lurking...hehehe. He did manage to get his little bunny bottom into my shower one day. Mommy's fault, I was getting ready for stuff and I forgot to shut the door. I don't want him in the shower, especially that day I had just totally vimmed the shower (anyone that doesn't know what that means, Vim is a cleaner and a strong one at that) I didn't want him ingesting it and besides bunny it's the shower...get out! :p:bunnydance: I took a picture...then booted him...lmao. Here's the pic. BUSTED! (I will crop this pic so it doesn't make the thread scroll side to side, so this is only temporary!)

**Deleted pic at request of poster**
YAY you started a blog :party0002:

Milo is just gorgeous and you're right, you guys will work it all out together. Do you have pics of the piggies?

Sounds like Milo is quite the character, hehe so cute ;)
Milo met my younger brother today. This guy hates my guinea pigs, always has, but for some strange reason fell right in love with Milo. My mother and I were floored. He picked Milo up...Milo doesn't like meeting new people so he was shaking. I was massaging his forehead and my brother, much to my shock and dismay was calmly talking to Milo, reassuring him. After putting him down, Milo was running around his feet and perfectly fine. It was an exchange that both surprised and shocked me at the same time.

I did the unthinkable and went on the scent gland search. Given how bad his nails were upon coming home I knew I'd have to check sometime. I got Milo positioned and all but could not find the darn things for the life of me. I searched around for several minutes. Either I still didn't look in the right place or they just weren't dirty I don't know. Waiting on some replies and doing some more research in the next couple of days to find the answer to that. After a brief struggle, Milo played dead or so it appeared so I used it to my advantage and did the search. I was totally ready to do the gross task only not to find anything!

The bad part was, when I released Milo from his position he was one upset little man. I hugged him...those lop ears were pinned right back and he was breathing hard and fast. Milo isn't a snuggler...two minutes and he's ready to go. And you either let him or have your shirt become swiss cheese! He was all still and visibly scared. Every so often he would push his head under my hand...he loves his head and forehead pet, so I did that. I wrapped him up and held him, rubbing his head as he likes and giving him little massages behind his ears all the while talking soothing to him. It took a full half hour to finally calm him. He finally began to struggle, at which point I let him go and he proceeded to do 'the flop' and was quite happy to go for his hay, telling me he was okay then. I loved the snuggle but I wish it were under happier circumstances! And to think I still have to learn exactly where these glands are...eww. I'll be doing most of that learning online and when I think I've got it I'll give him another check but I'm waiting because that was awful hard on him.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I am lucky I guess, I have never had to deal with scent glands.
I wish I could say that too. We have to clean Kimiko's from time to time , but since operation we're unable to hold her still...

Milo is a cute little guy. :) He's one lucky guy :) More more more of Milo, hehe.
Milo got to try craisins and cilantro yesterday and both were a hit! Milo IS a cute little guy (I'm biased, I'm his mommy but still). Apparently I did search the scent glands properly and there is no goo to speak of at this point in time. With the amount of searching I did, I would have found it. Milo and I are both relieved about that! When I do his next nail trim I will peek again...probably in a few weeks.
Way off bunny topic but I reported a cat to the shelter yesterday. I socialize cats there once a week. I learned of a cat here in my apt building who's front nails are so long they've grown into the pads of his paws. He is in so much pain he can barely walk. He has to sleep in a certain way because he can't lay his head on his paws, due to pain. I reported it. The gentleman who owns the cat is disabled and regularly uses this as an excuse. It's not. I'm in a wheelchair too...and in terms of being disabled, I'm the last one to seek pity from. Before the claws got that bad, I offered to do the trims myself, for free. So did a friend of mine. He could have also paid a groomer. Bottom line, if you aren't going to take care of your pets, don't have them. I don't accept a wheelchair as an excuse there are other ways, as listed above. As I was coming home yesterday, the officer from the shelter was leaving and the gentleman had a paper from them in his hand. He is furious in wanting to know who made this report, saying this person had no right to mess in his life, etc etc. He doesn't know it was me and he doesn't need to. I am very big on 'speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves' (a motto our local shelter uses) and I know 110% I did the right thing. He was given 2 days. It sounds so mean but I hope the cat is removed from the home. At this point, the cat will require surgery to repair the damage, probably need to be de-clawed. I'd never suggest that's cruel to do that I know, but at this point, where this poor kitty is concerned, it would be cruel not to. Unless a vet has a way to repair the damage...even better but I think a front declaw is what will probably happen. This gentleman actually has 2 cats, one with ongoing eye problems although according to him, the vet says this cat isn't in pain. The cat with the eye doesn't concern me as much although I mentioned it when I made the report. They said since they'll be there anyway they may as well check both. I agree. The cat with the claws is the one I am most concerned about. I'm just glad the poor thing is going to finally get some help...even if it means being removed from the home. I hate to see animals leave their homes and be placed in a shelter, but honestly in this case I think it would do that cat a favour. The shelter would get the necessary health concerns looked after and get the poor cat a better home. One way or another, this cat is going to finally get help. He said he has 2 days, I said 'or what?' and he said 'I don't know'. I'm guessing that means that they'll take the cat? Charge him? I have no idea.
I have pictures! I tried to edit the top post as I now have a smaller version of the photo...but it says I can't for some reason. I will try again tomorrow! But I am working on fixing it so this thread doesn't scroll side to side. Someone asked me if I had guinea pig pictures...I have a couple hundred but will post just a few. I have 6 guinea pigs, so here we go!


Hurley (left) and Reese (right):

Genie (My only girl):

Sam (left) and Tigger (right):

OK...since it's been too long since I've posted that top pic, I won't be able to edit. That's ok. Hopefully subsequent pages won't side scroll! If any mods know how to edit that post to remove the large picture I'd love that...and then I can re-post the picture in another reply, in the smaller size.

On a more positive note, here are some more Milo photos!











TY to the mod who removed the top is the replacement, in a smaller size. Milo, hanging out in the shower, where he should NOT As I said above, I took pictures...THEN booted him out hehe. Here's the pic, in a smaller size:


I have to get more news shortly but apparently the poor cat I mentioned above has had the necessary surgery and the cat with the eye problem is due in to the vet tomorrow to be looked at. Thank goodness for animal officers! Finally some relief for those poor cats, especially the one with the paws. I am going to personally thank the shelter on Monday when I go in for my cat shift. They've helped a suffering kitty! That means the cat won't be removed from the I just hope and pray this will teach that gentleman a lesson about taking care of his pets and he will hopefully now be more cautious and less neglectful having had to pay a large sum of money for letting things go too long. I hope! I really really hope it has taught him something and those cats won't be neglected anymore.
That's a very good news for kitty :) I'll pray for that cat , wishing her quickly recover. Yep, I hope he has learned his lesson too. Having pets is not just having them, it has to be with caring and loving them !
I'll wait to see more Milo's pics !
I have more Milo pics in my camera, I need to put them into my computer. This mommy is a shutter bug! I learned more details about the two cats today. The male cat has indeed had his paw surgery, and the damage was quite extensive. The cat is still in hospital recovering. My friend, who speaks to him more than I do, said the guy who owns the cats told her he was in tears over it. Well, how long did the cat cry for? The cat would yowl in pain in the night and he would tell him to shut up, or throw a pillow at him. Next time he's not well I'm going to throw a pillow at HIM and see how HE likes it. He doesn't deserve those cats and I don't feel the least bit sorry for him. His father apparently paid the vet bill but is making him pay a certain amount a month to return the money until it's paid. GOOD! Makes perfect sense to me, it's forcing him to take full responsibility for the neglect of the cat. Apparently the cat will be home later on today. Let this be a lesson in pet care to him. The other cat, the one with the eye, went into hospital and is being kept overnight for observation on her eye. It is possible she too will need surgery but that remains to be seen. If she does, that will be MORE money. And since the shelter officers have ordered EVERYTHING taken care of, he will be forced to have it done. GOOD again. All I can say is, if I had not have said something the kitty with the paws could have died from infection or who knows. Opening my mouth saved that cat a lot of pain and suffering and possibly saved his life too. I'm glad I spoke up for him.

On the bunny note, there's not much to report. Milo is playing games with me...I'm up at a weird hour because I slept at a weird hour. I was doing some stuff in the washroom so the door was open...and Milo was in and out of there (not really supposed to be, but I was right there). When I was ready to shut the door again he was in the door way and I went to direct him out so I could close him out and the little turkey ran into the washroom, did a full lap, THEN ran out lol. It was like, I'm gonna do one last defying move before you lock me out. Then he sat in the door way again...I was nudging his behind to move him and tell him get out, but all the while I was cracking up...little stinker lol. He wanted to be chased! At four something in the He's so cute. I flushed the toilet at one point (tmi yes but the next part is funny) He RAN so FAST outta there I almost fell over laughing. You'd think that would teach him to stay was back, and we had our little chase game. Crazy boy! I bought this little pet Santa hat and I put it in Milo and I was taking pictures but I don't know yet how any of them turned out. When I get one I'm happy with, I'll put it up. I might have to try taking more, not sure yet. I have other cute pics though. We were playing peek-a-boo in my blankets last night...he's not allowed to run around in my room but he likes my bed so sometimes I put him onto the bed and then play with him there awhile. I do it with the guinea pigs too. That's where most of my new pics are from. There's a few others too. This will be one very picture-filled thread as time goes!
Been a couple of days...I've been both sick and busy!

My allergies are kicking up a storm and as time goes on it's looking more and more like Milo just might be the culprit. But, I don't know. I'm bad when I'm away from the apartment too, so it's very difficult to say what's going on. I did come down with a nasty cold and I just can't seem to shake things. The cold virus is gone...I can tell, I don't feel like I got hit by a truck anymore. But, the timing is bad too...started just when I got Milo. I don't react to the guinea pigs so I'm not sure. I'm allergic to the timothy hay I know that. I touch the stuff and get bumps. So far, I have not found an affordable alternative but I am continuing to watch out.

Milo continues to bypass my bunnyproofing and so I am again thinking on alternatives. I have storage cubes I am going to put together to make a cube around the wires by the couch he should not be near...he keeps passing by stuff and trying to chew them, so that's the next try. The gate I have blocking him from a certain part of the room is becoming a problem too. He's figured out how to use his head to force it open and gets over there anyway. Long story but he must not go over there. I am now brainstorming ideas to either secure it somehow that can't move it, or use a different idea. I did put a box in his way, but he just banged it angrily. I can't have him doing that...I have someone living in the apartment below me. He is also now into hiding underneath the couch. I understand the whole security thing so I know why he goes under there. But then I can't get him out. It's a futon, so I can get onto the floor and fit part way under to grab him. I have to clear away what I have under there so he can't chew, that's a big one. I have some floor rugs I'm thinking of spreading out under there so I can maybe pull the floor rug to pull him out when it's time. You should have seen me tonight when I finally got him out to put him to bed...I looked totally frazzled. My hair was everywhere and I was out of I don't care if he hides or sleeps under there but it's got to be done safely. And I need to be able to get him out for when I need to leave the house or go to bed...or whatever. I guess I have my work cut out for me in that department!

I gave him parsley today, he hasn't had that from me before. I was sticking pieces through the bars of his cage and he was happily taking them from me...and then started to binky in the cage...over parsley! :biggrin: I'm going to try it again tomorrow but I'll try to catch something on video if I can. If he does it again. It was funny!
I have not been in here in a very long time. Personal and health issues have just got in the way. There are lots, and lots of updates though and I will also add a bunch of new pictures.

The gang is still all here. My girl guinea pig, Genie, isn't doing so well these days. She has cancer and cataracts and lately has less energy. She was sick when I got her. I took her in because the people who had her were going to surrender her to the shelter. With her medical problems, she would likely have been euthanized. I am looking after her here instead and have had her since June. I knew then and know now I am pretty well just keeping her comfortable until something happens. I am doing everything necessary to keep her happy and comfortable, including force feeding when necessary. She and Milo are actually very good friends. They even have their cages next to each other. When Milo is out and about he frequently lays near her cage. They kiss on the floor and generally enjoy each other. At night I make sure their cages are pushed up against each other so they can interact. They seem to enjoy that.

Milo is his usual trouble maker self. I swear he thinks he's a dog. He even tries to pull stuff out of my fridge...and I have pics to prove it. I took a cute christmas picture too. I know christmas is over now but I will still share the picture. He's quite the smart little turkey. He kept jumping up on a chair where his food bag was, trying to tear it open, so I covered it with a blanket (he would NOT stay off the chair). He pulled the blanket off, pulled the clip off, and scratched out the front of the bag. Looks like Fred Kreuger got I am on the search for a tupperware container I have here in the apt. in order to seal his food better. He tears it open and then it's all over the floor. Never mind that he already ate! One day he even shoved his head in his food bag while I was trying to feed him. I took pics of that, too. Jumps on top of Genie's cage a lot...a big NO because the top is plastic and his weight can break it, injuring both him and Genie.

He has become a lot more of a snuggler. He follows me around the apartment. When I'm in my crutches he does that cute little dance around my legs over and over. Jumps onto the couch when I'm watching tv. Recently, he even (for the first time) stuck out his tongue and kissed my hand. Three times! I just about melted into a puddle on the floor. When I mix his oats and craisins, or just go for craisins for him in general, he puts his paws up on the cupboards much like a dog would. He gets on the leg plate of my power chair and sits there while I go around the apartment. We call it cruising. He really is a precious sweetheart!


Milo's Christmas hat:

Milo & Charlie having lettuce together:


Me & Milo

Hmm what kind of trouble can I find here?


Aren't I adorable?

Forget my dish, I want the whole bag!


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